Sunday, October 24, 2010

Weird Sore Under Nose


By Claudio Cortes Rocha Maintenance Leader
Unv. Arturo Prat. Magister
adm. Companies.
Organizational Behavior.
Professor: Horst Bussesnius Cortada


where borders have been open to globalization, organizations and businesses are constantly struggling to become ever more competitive, the result of this is due to people is made up of maximizing their capabilities and making them more efficient. In the organization is essential to speak of leadership, leaders and how they achieve their followers achieve their goals.

One of the essential tools for leaders is the motivation, fundamental for the followers of the leader to achieve their objectives more efficiently and with better results. Leaders like every person has strengths and weaknesses to be the same to know before meeting each other and with their fans and success. This analysis is very important for the performance and benefit the organization or staff. Here

arem distinction between management and leadership, synonyms that we must distinguish and talk as motivation has a positive influence in people to achieve greater performance. Organizations have realized that without this continued investment in its people will become less competitive and will be destined to die rapidly in time. LEADERSHIP

According to the dictionary of the English language (1996), is the "direction or leadership of a political party, social group or community." The Dictionary of Science and Behavior (1956), defines it as "personality traits and skills that offer guidance and control of other individuals."

leader in organizations, is chosen voluntarily by a group or team that has a positive impact on people with the art of communication to achieve their desires and goals.

The difference between a manager and leader is simply that the administrator is elected by the organization appropriate to a profile necessary to pre-evaluated and usually do not get a following and that has to be doomed to run tasks.

A leader also manages the tasks, but this is still one of the team with his gift of communication does have followers and this is fundamentally different from a manager within an organization.

Chiavenatto Idalberto (1993) "Leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation, directed through the process of human communication to achieve one or several goals. "


• Proof: Leaders must be prepared for surprises on the part of a team or working group, but the leaders for any reason you can give it to them, should always maintain a standard .

• Consistency: The leaders practice what we preach. Must always be the example.

• Reliability: Leaders are always in their booths when they need their teammates to always critical.

• Integrity: Leaders always fulfill their commitments and promises.


• Charismatic Leader: It is the one character who emerges from the political, religious and in the case of the organization for the needs of a working group because it has a positive vision of how to achieve objectives.

Weber defined charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual, and the standards or regulatory order revealed or ordained by him."

• Autocratic leader, that leader is that you assume full responsibility and decision-making, has a solid position of strength and control. The answer to his subordinates is obedience and adherence to its decisions.

• Participatory Leader: This leader does not delegate all the responsibilities, before decisions are consulted and devised views subordinates, always listening and analyzing, making them part of the process.

• Liberal Leader: Delegates virtually all responsibility and decision-making. Are passive and expect subordinates own responsibilities and take decisions on their own motivation.


Through all time both religious philosophy, political, etc. Have been led by leaders. These have been so awesome to create a vision for his followers that becomes a belief that they can not escape.

An example of this is Adolf Hitler, who from 1930 to 1944 was a great leader. According to studies by German sociology of Max Weber, it pigeonholed as a charismatic leader and he conquered and manipulated the masses to achieve their accession, clinging to nationalist sentiments to create a link that would lead to national unification in order to lead. For this in his speeches and theatrical events body was always talking about racial purity, feelings of community belonging and national pride.

"The German people called him the new Messiah or El Salvador, born of social and political demands of a crisis resolution, removing layers below making Germany Europe's domination of the second world war."

Pope John Paul II, whose given name is Karol Wojtyla from Poland, died in Rome on April 2, 2005 at the Vatican at age 84 after 26 years as pontiff of the Catholic church.

is also considered a great charismatic leader, was based on forgiveness and justice, being a Catholic leader very different from the others. Attacked capitalism, said the evangelical leader, always up for people and was a tireless worker.
His charisma allowed him to have a good relationship with various political and religious leaders. Becoming a person of dialogue of tolerance.

His physical presence caused a spiritual motivation inexplicable closeness with God that shine in the limelight.

Nicaraguan journalist Walter Perez, in a communication from Rome, said that John Paul II was a pope who lived his ordeal and is ready to see God, which is its rightful place in heaven. I do not believe in any religion, but the Pope is my role model from now on, "said Perez, who was part of the international press in the Vatican.

The comparison I can determine they were great charismatic leaders, perhaps in the history of mankind. Of their outstanding abilities to lead masses of the gift we had to motivate people to own weapons as theatrical oratory Faith and the only difference in terms of leadership I could find were his goals for his followers. MOTIVATION

is said to be the quintessential leader because the leader must be an entity motivating the team to get excited results.

Motivation is defined as: The act of encouraging the team to perform better to meet their objectives.

A motivated worker does have a better result in the achievement of the objectives, tie ne greater creativity, offer their own initiative and motivation conveys the customer, with greater satisfaction.
American psychologist Abraham Maslow
1908-1970, design a motivational hierarchy of six levels explaining human behavior.
This is the theory of motivation, satisfying different needs with some hierarchical order.

• physiological needs.
• Need for health.
• need to belong.
• Need for esteem.
• Self-realization.

Abraham Maslow. "The self-realized man." Pp. 236-266. Ed Kairos, 2007. Barcelona.

The inference I can say about Maslow and his theory is that the needs are actually this hierarchy, the distances between these steps depend on the possibilities of life and I can also say all options having the capacity for satisfaction also depends on individual, some more and others less.

McGregor, born in 1906 in Ditrit, USA. Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard, postulated the theory X, Y. Which classifies two types of individuals within an organization.

Theory X: These individuals prefer to avoid work if possible preferring to be addressed and to avoid responsibilities, leaving their work in the background.

Theory Y: These individuals are more optimistic and believes that people want to work for themselves, derive their satisfaction from their work, have the ability to receive responsibilities, applied imagination, creativity and problems facing the organization.

Today we also speak of the Theory Z, this postulates that individuals can not separate their personal life of his work, his condition is not unrelated of man and the humanization of work. It

proposed by McGregor and the relationship that I do in my work. I am leading a small team, consisting of no more than four people, where I can clearly identify what was said by the psychologist. I try not to make a distinction in the team who is the leader, but not neglect my responsibility, which I hit every day is the motivation of my colleagues by introducing them to the new challenge of the day and as we embrace a positive, giving to meet each, where X or Y the importance of their contribution to achieving the goal. I am a people neighbors to change according to your environment, but I am also a more confident, if convinced that the environment of an individual can change from the and the benefits and rewards that you receive in return, used primarily as a motivational focus its own "loved ones."


Atkinson and David McClelland, proposed in his theory that motivated people have three drives: the need for achievement, power and affiliation. The balance of this depends on the people.

David Nadler and E. Lawler: given four on organizational behavior, expectations,
• Individual and environmental factors.
• decisions about their behavior in the organization.
• Needs of desires and goals.
• Behaviors that may lead to the desired results.

Vroom, was another exponent recognizes the importance of various individual needs and motivations. It is more realistic than Maslow and Herzberg, consistent with the management system goals. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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WEBSITES • E: \\ Master \\ lideres.htm types
• / ... / douglas-mcgregor.html
• E: \\ magister \\ Theories the Motivación.htm
• E: \\ Master \\ The most intimate secret of the Fuehrer • ELPAÍS_com.htm
• https: / biography / e / Eisenhower.htm


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