By Constance R. Ruiz
By Constance R. Ruiz
1 .- Introduction
A society where everything changes so quickly, the only sustainable competitive advantage over time is to adapt faster than our competition. Companies that are moving faster, are those who experience change as something normal, which is generated from all levels, because in them there is a culture of leadership.
should also stress that organizations do not change if they do not first people that shape them.
In this competitive market, you can not afford the inefficiencies that is why we present a new management model, "High Performance Teams", which has among its characteristics to generate a more lightweight, horizontal, allowing decisions to be effective and timely manner. Thus, the question arises of many executives, how can we make our computers become High Performance Teams?
To understand the dynamics of this concept, it is necessary to begin by identifying the difference between the groups, computers and high performance teams and to revise the organizational conditions and skills of those who make this type of equipment.
2 .- Working Groups
The working groups are comprised of people with different skills random, who interact primarily to share information and make decisions for each member the group develops in your area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. These working groups will make their contributions through added inputs, independent and separate, not more than the sum of its parts and in general lack a shared purpose or objective
Task 3 .- They consist
a small number of people with complementary skills and abilities, committed to each other and with a significant purpose, goals and collective goals, with a clear work proposal and a sense of mutual responsibility, develop essential basic features such as unity, harmony, cooperation , drive, confidence, enforceability, meaning membership and have positive synergy.
4 .- High Performance Teams
A criterion distinguishing between a computer and a high performance team is that the latter are more committed, more powerful and less frequent than normal equipment.
4.1 What does a High Performance Team?
optimize resources at its disposal, material and human resources to produce goods or services above the average produced by similar equipment, these machines get more performance than its competition. Then, high-performance teams put into practice the values \u200b\u200bthat motivate them, give back to the organization, helping it to remain competitive, teaching and influencing others to develop effective team behaviors.
4.2 How to work the high-performance teams?
perform their tasks in a special way: they feel, relate and behave differently than they do common groups and teams, have a general mood, an attitude shared da volcanoes and deeply committed to his task, care to facilitate and manage interpersonal conflicts constructively promoting the achievement of goals. These high-performance teams have a leadership in which the leading role is shared by each member to strengthen the interdependence and decision making. 4.3 Conditions
Organizational support development and survival of a High Performance Team.
For High Performance Teams to develop as such it needs to undertake major structural changes, set aside for example, the traditional model of "command and control." Also, you must establish values \u200b\u200bthat promote the formation and unit teams within the organization, policies have to be aligned to reward the achievement of team performance, promote a leading facilitator of processes. The facilitator must continuously transmit and reinforce the vision and values, communicate and listen, build self-esteem and self-confidence, build enthusiasm, provide guidance and guidelines for action, encourage personal development and collective learning, promote and maintain healthy relationships within the team, help solving no problems, but to teach and encourage thinking about solutions to confront them and solve them, encourage initiative , ability to delegate. The leading facilitator, one who plays the role of building the union-organizing team since the one hand, is going to worry because the teams are aligned to the objectives and values \u200b\u200bof the organization, and secondly, it will encourage teams to effectively achieve high performance.
Thus, organizational conditions create an environment of awareness, responsibility and communication effective that helps teams to maximize their impact on our business. 4.4 Factors
essential and critical for the High Performance
At this point you need to answer questions such as what moves the team members of high performance?, What competencies are key to participation in a high performance team? , or what happens to an individual to participate in these teams?
To explain the above questions, it is necessary to review three essential and critical factors for achieving high performance in teams:
4.4.1 The Passion
life force, is a flame that enlightens as well as deeply energizing actions they are made. Generated in our staff responsibility, commitment, not a responsibility that weighs, but it is a pleasure to possess. In this sense, being passionate can not leave work badly done, it leaves a person with a sense of lack of commitment.
When team members act passionately move from a deep certainty and security and are consistent with themselves. 4.4.2 Flow
Streaming appears that willingness to act from the authenticity, to connect with others towards a common task. However, for this dynamic could occur requires the presence of a particular kind of authenticity: authenticity, self-knowledge. Where each member of the team looks within himself and is best known to himself, integrating strengths and weaknesses, emotions and thoughts.
is through experimentation with this state of flow that can access a happy self-realization, improving interactions within the team, based on reciprocity and respect. 4.4.3 Expansion
This competition is light and energy that radiates to the rest of the people around us.
In High Performance Teams radiates energy due to the closeness with others and to stay connected in an atmosphere of harmony.
The expansion gives uniqueness, connectivity and closeness among members, while respecting each other's boundaries, so do not transgress the identity of individuals.
5 .- Model of High Performance Teams *
To generate a proper understanding, we will present a graphical representation contained in Figure 1, which shows the model's components and their relationships, incorporating the key skills .
Figure 1. Graphical representation of a model of High Performance Teams, Organizational
5.1 Conditions
is important to have the organizational conditions that facilitate the emergence and permanence of the equipment. These conditions are related to cultures that are conducive to high performance.
5.2 The presence of a Lead Process Facilitator, plays a key role, is responsible for fostering the conditions necessary for teams to demonstrate the high performance, while maintaining the same, aligned to the purposes of the organization.
5.3 The Individual Human Factors, responds to the need for people with different skills and competencies, which should effectively complement achieve superior performance, key competition at this level is the passion prompts people to perform its tasks in a self-motivated.
5.4 The coordination of actions, is to establish a link between different members organizing the equipment and skills to put them in this way to serve the common goal. To facilitate the interaction between them, increasing the commitment to the common goal.
5.5 The human process, this process is the deployment of the expansion of the team, can achieve high performance in an efficient and effective, and to respect the individuality of the other, given the opportunity to self leaders and autoconducirse to finally raise both performance and enjoyment.
5.6 The result of the high performance team has two dimensions: first achieve the targets set, and may even overcome (the what do they do it?, On the other hand, the result is supported by the particular dynamics that took place during the process (how they do it?). Then, the achievement of the goals for high performance equipment includes expansive emotional space, which present the three core competencies together.
6. Barriers and Main Causes of Failure in Developing High Performance Teams
In my experience, I could see that the main barriers and / or failures in the market for contractors in the Major Mining Equipment Development High Performance Work are: a.
Lack of direction and common purpose. Our companies do not adequately define the objectives you want to achieve with their respective indicators and targets. B.
Competencies and skills are difficult to standardize on the makeup of the group, influenced by the high turnover of human resources, especially on labor with extremes of temperature and atmospheric pressure, such as Collahuasi and El Abra. C.
Unwillingness to work with emerging conflicts. Our leaders have the skills to deal with these situations and make changes. This, of not having a study skills gaps in the levels of supervision, to feed the annual training plans that can meet these skills shortages. D.
Resistance the change of our managers, managers or supervisors, who are still using the old ways of doing things. Managers who can not delegate and want to maintain control even if they expect others to do so. The main excuse is that workers can not make decisions because his wealth of experience is not enough. This denotes that our organizational cultures have a significant space for improvement. E.
Competition among members, often generated by the leaders themselves, ignoring their role as facilitators of positive organizational climates. F.
Lack of trust between management and labor. G.
Lack of faith in the capacity of workers to meet results.
7 .- Conclusions In this study, we aimed to summarize the main definitions and distinctions that exist around the High Performance Teams and those aspects that favor its development in our organizations, as well as identifying practices that discourage their progress in our business culture.
Keys to success at the time of build and enhance these High Performance Teams are identifying three competencies considered essential: the passion, the flow and expansion. They are also vital organizational conditions to facilitate the emergence and permanence of these teams, since a culture that does not support the dynamics of these, as indicated in paragraph 6 .-, you can subtract, restrict or impede the scope you could ever have. In this, the Process Facilitator Leader who has the mission to worry that they are given these conditions, because both teams shall be aligned to the purposes and goals of the organization constituted as a channel of communication between the parties. Furthermore, this leader is in charge of providing the right people and put at the service of common objectives, their technical, relational and themselves, which were called Human Factors Individual. Factors being implemented and provision of equipment can result in, superior results. Thus, we arrive at the results reported by one hand, the achievement of established goals and overcome it (most times) and their production within a expansive emotional space, another space that brings unexpected benefits both individual and team.
For all the above, you can reach to suggest that the presence of high performing teams in organizations, provide the means to develop human capital that they have, increasing levels of employability of our workers. This proposal is attractive for our companies, but also require our managers generate policies to retain these people and prevent them from being lured by companies that are part of the competition. In this scenario, the organizational conditions play an even more prominent role than they currently own and practiced in our industry. Bibliography
- Angel, A. (2000). Work in high performance teams. Accessed July 19, 2010, in
- Covey, S. (2005). The 8th Habit. Buenos Aires: Polity Press Company.
- EcheverrÃa, R. (2006, October). High Performance Teams: A model of intervention. Paper presented at the seminar "How lead his team to the High Performance? ", School of Psychology, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Santiago, Chile.
- Herrera, R. (2006). The high-performance teams. Expanding borders, integrating worlds. Accessed July 21, 2010 in
- Robbins, S. (2004). Organizational Behavior. Mexico: Pearson Education.
A society where everything changes so quickly, the only sustainable competitive advantage over time is to adapt faster than our competition. Companies that are moving faster, are those who experience change as something normal, which is generated from all levels, because in them there is a culture of leadership.
should also stress that organizations do not change if they do not first people that shape them.
In this competitive market, you can not afford the inefficiencies that is why we present a new management model, "High Performance Teams", which has among its characteristics to generate a more lightweight, horizontal, allowing decisions to be effective and timely manner. Thus, the question arises of many executives, how can we make our computers become High Performance Teams?
To understand the dynamics of this concept, it is necessary to begin by identifying the difference between the groups, computers and high performance teams and to revise the organizational conditions and skills of those who make this type of equipment.
2 .- Working Groups
The working groups are comprised of people with different skills random, who interact primarily to share information and make decisions for each member the group develops in your area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. These working groups will make their contributions through added inputs, independent and separate, not more than the sum of its parts and in general lack a shared purpose or objective
Task 3 .- They consist
a small number of people with complementary skills and abilities, committed to each other and with a significant purpose, goals and collective goals, with a clear work proposal and a sense of mutual responsibility, develop essential basic features such as unity, harmony, cooperation , drive, confidence, enforceability, meaning membership and have positive synergy.
4 .- High Performance Teams
A criterion distinguishing between a computer and a high performance team is that the latter are more committed, more powerful and less frequent than normal equipment.
4.1 What does a High Performance Team?
optimize resources at its disposal, material and human resources to produce goods or services above the average produced by similar equipment, these machines get more performance than its competition. Then, high-performance teams put into practice the values \u200b\u200bthat motivate them, give back to the organization, helping it to remain competitive, teaching and influencing others to develop effective team behaviors.
4.2 How to work the high-performance teams?
perform their tasks in a special way: they feel, relate and behave differently than they do common groups and teams, have a general mood, an attitude shared da volcanoes and deeply committed to his task, care to facilitate and manage interpersonal conflicts constructively promoting the achievement of goals. These high-performance teams have a leadership in which the leading role is shared by each member to strengthen the interdependence and decision making. 4.3 Conditions
Organizational support development and survival of a High Performance Team.
For High Performance Teams to develop as such it needs to undertake major structural changes, set aside for example, the traditional model of "command and control." Also, you must establish values \u200b\u200bthat promote the formation and unit teams within the organization, policies have to be aligned to reward the achievement of team performance, promote a leading facilitator of processes. The facilitator must continuously transmit and reinforce the vision and values, communicate and listen, build self-esteem and self-confidence, build enthusiasm, provide guidance and guidelines for action, encourage personal development and collective learning, promote and maintain healthy relationships within the team, help solving no problems, but to teach and encourage thinking about solutions to confront them and solve them, encourage initiative , ability to delegate. The leading facilitator, one who plays the role of building the union-organizing team since the one hand, is going to worry because the teams are aligned to the objectives and values \u200b\u200bof the organization, and secondly, it will encourage teams to effectively achieve high performance.
Thus, organizational conditions create an environment of awareness, responsibility and communication effective that helps teams to maximize their impact on our business. 4.4 Factors
essential and critical for the High Performance
At this point you need to answer questions such as what moves the team members of high performance?, What competencies are key to participation in a high performance team? , or what happens to an individual to participate in these teams?
To explain the above questions, it is necessary to review three essential and critical factors for achieving high performance in teams:
4.4.1 The Passion
life force, is a flame that enlightens as well as deeply energizing actions they are made. Generated in our staff responsibility, commitment, not a responsibility that weighs, but it is a pleasure to possess. In this sense, being passionate can not leave work badly done, it leaves a person with a sense of lack of commitment.
When team members act passionately move from a deep certainty and security and are consistent with themselves. 4.4.2 Flow
Streaming appears that willingness to act from the authenticity, to connect with others towards a common task. However, for this dynamic could occur requires the presence of a particular kind of authenticity: authenticity, self-knowledge. Where each member of the team looks within himself and is best known to himself, integrating strengths and weaknesses, emotions and thoughts.
is through experimentation with this state of flow that can access a happy self-realization, improving interactions within the team, based on reciprocity and respect. 4.4.3 Expansion
This competition is light and energy that radiates to the rest of the people around us.
In High Performance Teams radiates energy due to the closeness with others and to stay connected in an atmosphere of harmony.
The expansion gives uniqueness, connectivity and closeness among members, while respecting each other's boundaries, so do not transgress the identity of individuals.
5 .- Model of High Performance Teams *
To generate a proper understanding, we will present a graphical representation contained in Figure 1, which shows the model's components and their relationships, incorporating the key skills .
Figure 1. Graphical representation of a model of High Performance Teams, Organizational
5.1 Conditions
is important to have the organizational conditions that facilitate the emergence and permanence of the equipment. These conditions are related to cultures that are conducive to high performance.
5.2 The presence of a Lead Process Facilitator, plays a key role, is responsible for fostering the conditions necessary for teams to demonstrate the high performance, while maintaining the same, aligned to the purposes of the organization.
5.3 The Individual Human Factors, responds to the need for people with different skills and competencies, which should effectively complement achieve superior performance, key competition at this level is the passion prompts people to perform its tasks in a self-motivated.
5.4 The coordination of actions, is to establish a link between different members organizing the equipment and skills to put them in this way to serve the common goal. To facilitate the interaction between them, increasing the commitment to the common goal.
5.5 The human process, this process is the deployment of the expansion of the team, can achieve high performance in an efficient and effective, and to respect the individuality of the other, given the opportunity to self leaders and autoconducirse to finally raise both performance and enjoyment.
5.6 The result of the high performance team has two dimensions: first achieve the targets set, and may even overcome (the what do they do it?, On the other hand, the result is supported by the particular dynamics that took place during the process (how they do it?). Then, the achievement of the goals for high performance equipment includes expansive emotional space, which present the three core competencies together.
6. Barriers and Main Causes of Failure in Developing High Performance Teams
In my experience, I could see that the main barriers and / or failures in the market for contractors in the Major Mining Equipment Development High Performance Work are: a.
Lack of direction and common purpose. Our companies do not adequately define the objectives you want to achieve with their respective indicators and targets. B.
Competencies and skills are difficult to standardize on the makeup of the group, influenced by the high turnover of human resources, especially on labor with extremes of temperature and atmospheric pressure, such as Collahuasi and El Abra. C.
Unwillingness to work with emerging conflicts. Our leaders have the skills to deal with these situations and make changes. This, of not having a study skills gaps in the levels of supervision, to feed the annual training plans that can meet these skills shortages. D.
Resistance the change of our managers, managers or supervisors, who are still using the old ways of doing things. Managers who can not delegate and want to maintain control even if they expect others to do so. The main excuse is that workers can not make decisions because his wealth of experience is not enough. This denotes that our organizational cultures have a significant space for improvement. E.
Competition among members, often generated by the leaders themselves, ignoring their role as facilitators of positive organizational climates. F.
Lack of trust between management and labor. G.
Lack of faith in the capacity of workers to meet results.
7 .- Conclusions In this study, we aimed to summarize the main definitions and distinctions that exist around the High Performance Teams and those aspects that favor its development in our organizations, as well as identifying practices that discourage their progress in our business culture.
Keys to success at the time of build and enhance these High Performance Teams are identifying three competencies considered essential: the passion, the flow and expansion. They are also vital organizational conditions to facilitate the emergence and permanence of these teams, since a culture that does not support the dynamics of these, as indicated in paragraph 6 .-, you can subtract, restrict or impede the scope you could ever have. In this, the Process Facilitator Leader who has the mission to worry that they are given these conditions, because both teams shall be aligned to the purposes and goals of the organization constituted as a channel of communication between the parties. Furthermore, this leader is in charge of providing the right people and put at the service of common objectives, their technical, relational and themselves, which were called Human Factors Individual. Factors being implemented and provision of equipment can result in, superior results. Thus, we arrive at the results reported by one hand, the achievement of established goals and overcome it (most times) and their production within a expansive emotional space, another space that brings unexpected benefits both individual and team.
For all the above, you can reach to suggest that the presence of high performing teams in organizations, provide the means to develop human capital that they have, increasing levels of employability of our workers. This proposal is attractive for our companies, but also require our managers generate policies to retain these people and prevent them from being lured by companies that are part of the competition. In this scenario, the organizational conditions play an even more prominent role than they currently own and practiced in our industry. Bibliography
- Angel, A. (2000). Work in high performance teams. Accessed July 19, 2010, in
- Covey, S. (2005). The 8th Habit. Buenos Aires: Polity Press Company.
- EcheverrÃa, R. (2006, October). High Performance Teams: A model of intervention. Paper presented at the seminar "How lead his team to the High Performance? ", School of Psychology, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Santiago, Chile.
- Herrera, R. (2006). The high-performance teams. Expanding borders, integrating worlds. Accessed July 21, 2010 in
- Robbins, S. (2004). Organizational Behavior. Mexico: Pearson Education.
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