Saturday, October 30, 2010
How To Get Air On A Tech Deck
Author: Marta Irene Alata Zubieta
Subject: Organizational Behavior
time ago for me to refer to personality and leadership in terms of determining which of these concepts to the other, was like coming to the conclusion that it first: the chicken or the egg. "
This question is not for an analysis or comparison of ideas of psychologists or a particular author, this is a personal question that I lived and that led me to create change in my personality in terms of employment as predisposition to learning, interaction, proactive and purposeful, ... .. when I had imagined public speaking, debating and publicizing my views?, I tell them what happened to me:
In the city of Copiapo, new hires, we were forming a group of professionals from different areas to carry out a large project which considered the entire region of Atacama (its 9 districts). As a new project in which basically only existed to achieve goals but it was not clear methodology to use, it required a project manager to lead a team of professionals and to determine the shape and structure of work, work innovative to date. The Lord of the Foundation and initiator of the idea of project we had hired but clearly he had not even clear how to deal with the project let alone a group of professionals working on daily tasks and functions designed to develop biased objectives, because there was no defined working structure. 9
So we were professionals willing to receive guidance on how to tackle the big project, against the owner of the foundation had no idea how. In the first 3 months we worked hard but in a disorderly manner and thus not moved anything. In practical terms the project was failing, destined to collapse if not appointed a Project Manager. One day, one of the many meetings, a sociologist very quiet and extremely friendly, until then, dared to propose how to guide the work to a project stage. This idea was well received by all of us. Then the same sociologist began to change their attitude toward work, proposing ideas, offered for the same run these ideas and proposed a restructuring of the project approach. As a result, three weeks later he was appointed Project Manager, a position he held was successful and led to the fulfillment of all goals. That is, this sociologist realized the need for a leader to lead the group and structured how to tackle the project. Can be found, dared and willfully changed his passive attitude towards work to become the leader of the group successfully performed.
this example is precisely what I have been thinking about the relationship between leadership and personality. According to my thinking, it can generate two types of relationships between these concepts: a person is born and develops a personality naturally acquired either by genes or the environment so that then throughout his life in the form and consequent natural it will become a leader, that is, as a logical consequence of his personality. On the other hand, can occur a person whose personal goal to be a leader at work or in the surrounding environment is intentionally pigeonhole Personality preconceived format significantly changing their behavior in the workplace to fulfill its ultimate goal is to be leader. Which way is appropriate considering that one of them flow naturally and the other is accomplished in a deliberate and conscious, what is right? Can both forms coexist in a company whereas only important achievement of objectives?
Now, over time, I was reminded of my experience at Copiapo and try to give some explanation will begin analyzing the concept by concept:
Leadership can be defined as "interpersonal influence exercised in a situation, leading to the attainment of one or several specific objectives through the process of human communication." A particular element of this definition is related to interpersonal influence that leads people to meet voluntary goals to feel highly motivated by the Leader. Undoubtedly the sociologist's example was a good leader, motivated by example, worked very hard and devote enough time to talk with us and not lead to friction of egos in the team of 9 professionals who lived together in the same office.
On the other hand, the personality is only the pattern thoughts, feelings and behavior that presents a person and that persists throughout life, through different situations, ie, the personality is the way we think, feel, behave and interpret reality.
Now if we consider that the personality is part of us and does not change over time, ie, there is a tendency to behave over time in a certain way, this does not mean that a person behave in this way in all cases. For example, if we say that a person is introverted, it means that it is most of the time, but not on all occasions. Moods also influence behavior, so that a person may vary depending on his mood swings.
most likely that each of us are born with our own personality that is not constant in time, be exposed to extreme situations in our lives who manage to develop some features that are called traits of our personality that we make some changes but does not necessarily mean that our personality changes. This is how is it that our personality is one where you can see different shades but in general terms is maintained over time.
Now if we consider that the personality is made up of an interlocking set of features, combined and interacting with them is what ultimately determines the Personality of an individual, then we say that the leadership is defined as the ability of interpersonal influence would become a feature of many that make up the personality of an individual. Therefore the concept of leadership is not a concept that is parallel to the personality, but part of it, because leadership is a trait or characteristic component of personality.
Clearly this feature called Leadership when mixed with other traits such as empathy, objectivity, assertiveness, respect for others, self and ability to learn from mistakes, produce a type of lead healthy, constructive and aimed at achieving.
In the same way that be associated with other traits that go in the opposite direction to those described above will increase the risk of approaching a type of authoritarian leadership, inclusive, tax, aggressive and arbitrary. Interestingly
personality is seen when we are exposed to extreme situations and then when shown or enhance certain features until then unknown to us, which necessarily implies that our personality does not change but given particular situations allows be displayed other aspects of our personality. This is best illustrated by considering the approach of the Johari Window, which shows 4 windows or types of personalities present in an individual: Free Area, Area Blind, Hidden Area and Area Unknown. In particular, in the Unknown area where given or responding to external stimuli the person has personality traits hitherto unknown is how a person can transform from a passive to an individual character or an explosive a tremendously outgoing person quiet.
According to my experience in Copiapo and based on the Model of the Big Five, the sociologist had a personality that corresponds to the group of Agreeableness. But his personality in real terms had not been shown in its true dimension. Thus probably had in his leadership personality trait but was not developed or perhaps was hidden. This feature was shown at the extreme situation that we were facing as a professional, a situation which led him to react and show leadership traits together with other features that allowed them to present as a motivating leader who took the reins of the team and effectively led to the fulfillment of the objectives
My perception about leadership and personality has changed completely to understand the true dimension of concepts, it is ascertained that leadership is part of the personality traits, the latter being determined by genes and for the environment and life experiences. Therefore, although we can change our way of being, we do so based personality characteristics to those with whom we come into the world. But there are different areas (Johari window) where you can categorize the personality and this is how it is within the area that shows aspects Unknown or uncommon or unknown traits of personality that can stay afloat only in situations unusual extreme. It is precisely there where they can flourish positive features or negative traits.
-Material Master of Business Administration-Organizational Behavior
Horst Bussenius
-Leadership - Urwick, Gulick and Mooney
"Personality differences between individuals, Dr. Corominas
-Personality, leadership and power - www.lacasa
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People "
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