A bomb
how I feel. Like a bomb hidden in everyday objects. And no one has noticed.
can be anything. A fork, a page of a magazine or a small radio. Nobody notices or give the alarm and the objects are still used normally, as is natural. But one day the fork breaks out between the lips, to turn the page of the magazine reach a glimpse only a notice of cruises before seeing a blinding flash or radio is broken into pieces in the middle of a song by Guns' n Roses , sweeping away the small world he belonged. Or perhaps for time signals: pi, pi, pi ... and you never hear the PIII.
Nobody expected it because it is absurd. Simply crazy. Why would it happen? But I'm afraid every day.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick ...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Melting Pot Spinach Artichoke Fondue Recipe
Individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the work of a psychologist in a team of psychologists
Individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the work of a PSYCHOLOGIST IN A TEAM OF PSYCHOLOGISTS
By José Vergara Osorio
In western culture it is common to develop and improve tools that enable always in the pursuit of our own identity, something that we "distinguish and differentiate" the other people who interact daily con nosotros y también de aquellas que recién conocemos; lo que conlleva al individualismo y competencia por algo, independiente de la motivación que direccione nuestro accionar.
Sin embargo, en este proceso de búsqueda de identidad, perdemos el sentido de vida del ser humano; quien es un ser gregario y que necesita del otro para crecer, aprender y evolucionar, lamentablemente nos desorientamos y nos encerramos en sí mismo como una forma de evitar contaminarnos y perdernos en el grupo.
En esta línea, el profesional Psicólogo, se encuentra en el límite de seguir avanzando en su desarrollo o corre el riesgo de asumir una actitud y visión de que el disponer de ciertos conocimientos teórico-práctico, le to acquire a superior position to other people and feel the need to express it, especially with patients, clients and especially with their peers.
must not lose sight of the importance of sharing and working with others, through a process of continuous exchange of experiences and learning, avoiding disqualification and questioning of 'knowing' experiential colleague and own insecurity which results in a look biased, subjective and poorly sighted.
This work is based on the stories of professional psychologists and psychiatrists, who have a common universe, but differ significantly in perception, role and status. THEORETICAL
key is conceptually defining the terms individualism, suspicion and insecurity, in order to understand and manage the same language base, yielding an objective view of these concepts, because they are highly colored by subjectivity and worldview of each individual and group of people, depending on cultural, social, demographic, economic, political and anthropological, etc.
According to the Dictionary of the English Language Twenty-second edition of the Royal English Academy (RAE), these concepts are defined as:
a) Individualism:
- Tendency to think and act independently of others, or not subject to general rules.
- Trend philosophical defends the autonomy and supremacy of individual rights against those of society and state.
b) Suspicion:
- Quality of suspicious.
- Species or idea suggested by suspicion and mistrust.
-Suspicious: Prone to conceive or have suspicions distrust.
c) Insecurity:
- Lack of security.
also as defined these concepts, it is necessary to define Psychologist and Psychology.
d) Psychologist (a):
- Specialist in psychology.
- A person has special insight to the character and knowledge of personal privacy.
e) Psychology:
- Study of human behavior and mental processes.
- Part of the philosophy is the soul, its faculties and operations.
- Anything that relates to the spirit.
- The science of mental processes in humans and animals.
- way of feeling of a person or a people.
- Summary of the spiritual and moral character of a people or a nation.
- Anything that relates to the behavior of animals.
This combination of elements and factors involved in human interaction, there are a number of aspects to consider, among these, the perception of self and other, which certainly is subjective and depends heavily on beliefs and previous experiences of the subject, the time of life, the ability of self-exploration, self-fulfillment and the ability to realize the emotions that are experienced, with the fundamental principle of respect for the other through a process of empathic listening, growth, participatory and collaborative.
can not work alone, it is essential to share and be accompanied by others, without forgetting their identity, but building and promoting a common vision. In the field of health, there is the concept of "health team", however, is in a construction phase, with several developments throughout the country and in each locality because still believe that working in the same space and with different participants is teamwork, however, as acceptance and respect for diversity and a shared vision articulated in the line will be correct.
An example of this is to think that because they attend a clinical meeting, attended by many professionals is a team effort: it simply means the power to communicate to another specific, but not shared, or views, specifically when a psychiatrist a diagnosis and the remainder will be assumed. Implicitly there is an allocation with respect to knowledge and status of this professional, this law also is a medical procedure outlined in the Health Code.
Another important aspect to consider in the work of a psychologist with peers, is the ability to discard the belief of continuous assessment, although it is very common and challenging, it is essential for effective communication with other open-minded and insecurities, it is necessary to pace themselves with a legitimate one in the multiverse mean human behavior, as a string of coordinated action between multiple points, nodes, or systems (networks), a term that comes from the concept of rapport, which describes the synchronously process approach to model the world of another person.
therefore A series of interviews with professionals Psychologists and extended to Doctors Psychiatrist, were asked their views on individualism, suspicion and insecurity in professional practice with peers. Was considered to other professionals in order to identify similarities and differences in practice, perception and field of action, based on that act on a population.
then transcribed verbatim the comments of interviewed professionals, it is important to note that all are servants of the public health system, most with more than ten years of clinical work experience. Psychologist
No. 1
"It's a significant risk of the profession, the individuality of psychotherapy becomes the individualism of psychologist, begins to distrust of others because there is a tendency to be assessed, which is locked most in itself, inseguriza and clearly does not help in the work of team work. "
" This transformation is from basic training and later in the process of training, who are not trained, not subject to clinical supervision and exchange with other psychologists would more likely to feel threatened and insecure about their job. "
" individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the psychologist would be prevented through continuous training, external supervision and psychotherapy, the process of opening and discuss the work one does. "
Psychologist No. 2
" The personality profile of the psychologist is special and particular, implies as a condition sine qua non certain personal rolls prior to the study of the race, which could be addressed through training. It is experienced through the pain of others and creating defenses as intellectualization. This is manifested in a negative way in working with other psychologists, because of the tendency to question, to feel inferior to another and, of course, feel superior in academics, knowledge and experience, making explicit these differences, the purpose of this action is the affirmation and excessive individualism chaqueteo and shit. "
" It's a mix of topics and influences rather the existence of different theoretical lines, is seen greater individualism in teams with psychologists from different streams, it creates a distance and an atmosphere of jokes about the validity and reliability of the theory and on the other hand, the power of omnipotence. Therefore, it would be easier to work in a team with colleagues from the same theoretical tendency. "
Psychologist No. 3
" expected, at first caution (suspicion) against an unknown context, another with perhaps a different view of reality, with more experience, a desire to cling to our individualism, our particular way of perceiving reality, the intersubjectivity certainly legitimate therefore provides security and go beyond a first step can be experienced as a threat .... up ... in the mutual interaction ... this event could be experienced as nurturing .... such as a space on the table or between the two .... and not necessarily free of discrepancies, disagreements or tensions, in addition, could involve expanding mutually fields contemplation of reality or one of them or, conversely, assert in their particularities. "
Psychologist No. 4
" That has to do with feeling that one is enough to accept topísimo teaching a peer or colleague. Little self-criticism and excessive omnipotence, lack of humility, based on experience, with difficulty in learning and listening to the other that teaches.
That there are still opportunities to learn and grow, when you're not humble, you lose this opportunity because they are so sure of himself. There is always a learning
other; unfortunate attitude is a mistake to look where my colleague and try to take, but it is important to change position, listening instead of talking.
This talks about features of immaturity, lack of humility, evolving, weak capacity to look, is easier to look the other with a biased view. To prevent important to lower the defenses would listen and say "I do not know."
No. 5 "is due to a lack of confidence in the equipment itself and oneself, has to do with the knowledge of team members.
also affects self-esteem of the subject and for each, see mine and the other, be responsible for some elements that go to the other, this may be due to certain personality characteristics of others, therefore, the team have to take responsibility and address the problem. "Psychiatrist
No. 1" High share of individualism and suspicion, from the academic, should include courses that foster teamwork, which is a reflection of how society works in other areas.
When working with others there is no uncertainty, but on the contrary, there pride, feeling too secure, ensuring the status of doctors. "
Psychiatrist No. 2
" The relationship between doctors is given from roles, curiously different, but each professional care their status and category, it is very difficult for a doctor to accept the opinion of another or recognize some deficiencies in their knowledge, there a lot of overvaluation, we are "Sabiondo."
But in general, recognize that a doctor can not handle a case, it is very difficult, much professional pride. The worst enemy of a physician is another physician, under any view other compete with a medical professional. There is a significant percentage of patients to medical claims that are induced and implicitly advised by another doctor, are discredited.
They think saviors, arrogant, feel superior to other professionals, we need humility. There is a strong economic competition is categorized into classes so that you (the best house, car, clothes, etc.) Promoted especially by the wives.
On the other hand, the doctor means by public grants and then not want to work in the public sector.
social status influence on medical practice, class, all this affects relationships with patients is very difficult to refer patients to another doctor, do so only with patients' horns. "
CONCLUSIONS - A common factor against the requirement of the interview, both for psychologists to psychiatrists was initially adopted a defensive posture, waiting, which was varied as they explained their views.
- Individualism affects professional practice and determines the position with which assumes the individual and especially the group, especially when pushing the boundaries of seting.
- There is a significant difference in self-assessment between psychologist and psychiatrist, also in the way they relate to peers and with other people. Clearly being a physician, is given a role and status than other professionals and necessarily interferes with teamwork.
- As the psychologist share their experiences, with an attitude of constant learning and humility, facilitate communication and integrated professional development, reducing the negative factors involved in working with peers and other professionals.
- is critical respect to the other, the diversity and inconsistency in constructive attitude towards promoting a collaborative and participatory meeting between peers.
- Finally, this work allowed to explore the thoughts and feelings on how we see and interact in day to day and pretentiously sow unrest to stop and look and propose a new constructive working style. BIBLIOGRAPHY
- English Language Dictionary Second Edition Twenty of the Royal English Academy (RAE).
- "The public hospital as a human community of learning."
Artaza Osvaldo Barrios.
- Leadership and Management Skills. Horst Bussenius C.
Individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the work of a PSYCHOLOGIST IN A TEAM OF PSYCHOLOGISTS
By José Vergara Osorio
In western culture it is common to develop and improve tools that enable always in the pursuit of our own identity, something that we "distinguish and differentiate" the other people who interact daily con nosotros y también de aquellas que recién conocemos; lo que conlleva al individualismo y competencia por algo, independiente de la motivación que direccione nuestro accionar.
Sin embargo, en este proceso de búsqueda de identidad, perdemos el sentido de vida del ser humano; quien es un ser gregario y que necesita del otro para crecer, aprender y evolucionar, lamentablemente nos desorientamos y nos encerramos en sí mismo como una forma de evitar contaminarnos y perdernos en el grupo.
En esta línea, el profesional Psicólogo, se encuentra en el límite de seguir avanzando en su desarrollo o corre el riesgo de asumir una actitud y visión de que el disponer de ciertos conocimientos teórico-práctico, le to acquire a superior position to other people and feel the need to express it, especially with patients, clients and especially with their peers.
must not lose sight of the importance of sharing and working with others, through a process of continuous exchange of experiences and learning, avoiding disqualification and questioning of 'knowing' experiential colleague and own insecurity which results in a look biased, subjective and poorly sighted.
This work is based on the stories of professional psychologists and psychiatrists, who have a common universe, but differ significantly in perception, role and status. THEORETICAL
key is conceptually defining the terms individualism, suspicion and insecurity, in order to understand and manage the same language base, yielding an objective view of these concepts, because they are highly colored by subjectivity and worldview of each individual and group of people, depending on cultural, social, demographic, economic, political and anthropological, etc.
According to the Dictionary of the English Language Twenty-second edition of the Royal English Academy (RAE), these concepts are defined as:
a) Individualism:
- Tendency to think and act independently of others, or not subject to general rules.
- Trend philosophical defends the autonomy and supremacy of individual rights against those of society and state.
b) Suspicion:
- Quality of suspicious.
- Species or idea suggested by suspicion and mistrust.
-Suspicious: Prone to conceive or have suspicions distrust.
c) Insecurity:
- Lack of security.
also as defined these concepts, it is necessary to define Psychologist and Psychology.
d) Psychologist (a):
- Specialist in psychology.
- A person has special insight to the character and knowledge of personal privacy.
e) Psychology:
- Study of human behavior and mental processes.
- Part of the philosophy is the soul, its faculties and operations.
- Anything that relates to the spirit.
- The science of mental processes in humans and animals.
- way of feeling of a person or a people.
- Summary of the spiritual and moral character of a people or a nation.
- Anything that relates to the behavior of animals.
This combination of elements and factors involved in human interaction, there are a number of aspects to consider, among these, the perception of self and other, which certainly is subjective and depends heavily on beliefs and previous experiences of the subject, the time of life, the ability of self-exploration, self-fulfillment and the ability to realize the emotions that are experienced, with the fundamental principle of respect for the other through a process of empathic listening, growth, participatory and collaborative.
can not work alone, it is essential to share and be accompanied by others, without forgetting their identity, but building and promoting a common vision. In the field of health, there is the concept of "health team", however, is in a construction phase, with several developments throughout the country and in each locality because still believe that working in the same space and with different participants is teamwork, however, as acceptance and respect for diversity and a shared vision articulated in the line will be correct.
An example of this is to think that because they attend a clinical meeting, attended by many professionals is a team effort: it simply means the power to communicate to another specific, but not shared, or views, specifically when a psychiatrist a diagnosis and the remainder will be assumed. Implicitly there is an allocation with respect to knowledge and status of this professional, this law also is a medical procedure outlined in the Health Code.
Another important aspect to consider in the work of a psychologist with peers, is the ability to discard the belief of continuous assessment, although it is very common and challenging, it is essential for effective communication with other open-minded and insecurities, it is necessary to pace themselves with a legitimate one in the multiverse mean human behavior, as a string of coordinated action between multiple points, nodes, or systems (networks), a term that comes from the concept of rapport, which describes the synchronously process approach to model the world of another person.
therefore A series of interviews with professionals Psychologists and extended to Doctors Psychiatrist, were asked their views on individualism, suspicion and insecurity in professional practice with peers. Was considered to other professionals in order to identify similarities and differences in practice, perception and field of action, based on that act on a population.
then transcribed verbatim the comments of interviewed professionals, it is important to note that all are servants of the public health system, most with more than ten years of clinical work experience. Psychologist
No. 1
"It's a significant risk of the profession, the individuality of psychotherapy becomes the individualism of psychologist, begins to distrust of others because there is a tendency to be assessed, which is locked most in itself, inseguriza and clearly does not help in the work of team work. "
" This transformation is from basic training and later in the process of training, who are not trained, not subject to clinical supervision and exchange with other psychologists would more likely to feel threatened and insecure about their job. "
" individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the psychologist would be prevented through continuous training, external supervision and psychotherapy, the process of opening and discuss the work one does. "
Psychologist No. 2
" The personality profile of the psychologist is special and particular, implies as a condition sine qua non certain personal rolls prior to the study of the race, which could be addressed through training. It is experienced through the pain of others and creating defenses as intellectualization. This is manifested in a negative way in working with other psychologists, because of the tendency to question, to feel inferior to another and, of course, feel superior in academics, knowledge and experience, making explicit these differences, the purpose of this action is the affirmation and excessive individualism chaqueteo and shit. "
" It's a mix of topics and influences rather the existence of different theoretical lines, is seen greater individualism in teams with psychologists from different streams, it creates a distance and an atmosphere of jokes about the validity and reliability of the theory and on the other hand, the power of omnipotence. Therefore, it would be easier to work in a team with colleagues from the same theoretical tendency. "
Psychologist No. 3
" expected, at first caution (suspicion) against an unknown context, another with perhaps a different view of reality, with more experience, a desire to cling to our individualism, our particular way of perceiving reality, the intersubjectivity certainly legitimate therefore provides security and go beyond a first step can be experienced as a threat .... up ... in the mutual interaction ... this event could be experienced as nurturing .... such as a space on the table or between the two .... and not necessarily free of discrepancies, disagreements or tensions, in addition, could involve expanding mutually fields contemplation of reality or one of them or, conversely, assert in their particularities. "
Psychologist No. 4
" That has to do with feeling that one is enough to accept topísimo teaching a peer or colleague. Little self-criticism and excessive omnipotence, lack of humility, based on experience, with difficulty in learning and listening to the other that teaches.
That there are still opportunities to learn and grow, when you're not humble, you lose this opportunity because they are so sure of himself. There is always a learning
other; unfortunate attitude is a mistake to look where my colleague and try to take, but it is important to change position, listening instead of talking.
This talks about features of immaturity, lack of humility, evolving, weak capacity to look, is easier to look the other with a biased view. To prevent important to lower the defenses would listen and say "I do not know."
No. 5 "is due to a lack of confidence in the equipment itself and oneself, has to do with the knowledge of team members.
also affects self-esteem of the subject and for each, see mine and the other, be responsible for some elements that go to the other, this may be due to certain personality characteristics of others, therefore, the team have to take responsibility and address the problem. "Psychiatrist
No. 1" High share of individualism and suspicion, from the academic, should include courses that foster teamwork, which is a reflection of how society works in other areas.
When working with others there is no uncertainty, but on the contrary, there pride, feeling too secure, ensuring the status of doctors. "
Psychiatrist No. 2
" The relationship between doctors is given from roles, curiously different, but each professional care their status and category, it is very difficult for a doctor to accept the opinion of another or recognize some deficiencies in their knowledge, there a lot of overvaluation, we are "Sabiondo."
But in general, recognize that a doctor can not handle a case, it is very difficult, much professional pride. The worst enemy of a physician is another physician, under any view other compete with a medical professional. There is a significant percentage of patients to medical claims that are induced and implicitly advised by another doctor, are discredited.
They think saviors, arrogant, feel superior to other professionals, we need humility. There is a strong economic competition is categorized into classes so that you (the best house, car, clothes, etc.) Promoted especially by the wives.
On the other hand, the doctor means by public grants and then not want to work in the public sector.
social status influence on medical practice, class, all this affects relationships with patients is very difficult to refer patients to another doctor, do so only with patients' horns. "
CONCLUSIONS - A common factor against the requirement of the interview, both for psychologists to psychiatrists was initially adopted a defensive posture, waiting, which was varied as they explained their views.
- Individualism affects professional practice and determines the position with which assumes the individual and especially the group, especially when pushing the boundaries of seting.
- There is a significant difference in self-assessment between psychologist and psychiatrist, also in the way they relate to peers and with other people. Clearly being a physician, is given a role and status than other professionals and necessarily interferes with teamwork.
- As the psychologist share their experiences, with an attitude of constant learning and humility, facilitate communication and integrated professional development, reducing the negative factors involved in working with peers and other professionals.
- is critical respect to the other, the diversity and inconsistency in constructive attitude towards promoting a collaborative and participatory meeting between peers.
- Finally, this work allowed to explore the thoughts and feelings on how we see and interact in day to day and pretentiously sow unrest to stop and look and propose a new constructive working style. BIBLIOGRAPHY
- English Language Dictionary Second Edition Twenty of the Royal English Academy (RAE).
- "The public hospital as a human community of learning."
Artaza Osvaldo Barrios.
- Leadership and Management Skills. Horst Bussenius C.
What Shoes To Wear With Long Chiffon Dress
Brenda Pastén Salfate
INTRODUCTION In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the patient interaction with health professional about this interaction with the healthcare professional stand variables such as patient satisfaction and characteristics of establishing communication with professionals.
Patient satisfaction is a set of assessment dimensions
health care professional and is an affective response to it, which distinguishes the
specific satisfaction and overall, the first determined by the perception of the characteristics specific
health professional and the second is a more general appreciation of the process of interaction
In the health-disease process, from healthy lifestyles, adopting preventive behaviors
, optimizing the diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation of sick
up aspects of care for terminal patients.
Currently, health professionals, we are interested in all aspects
involved in determining health status in the risk of disease, the disease
condition and recovery, as well as interpersonal circumstances that occur
in providing health services to the population.
Anxiety emotion is perhaps more weight as scientific evidence, to relate
with the onset and development of the recovery. When anxiety
aid preparation to face any major situation, it is positive, but in modern life is frequently
that anxiety is disproportionate and is related to high levels of stress
in the health workforce, the anxiety may become panic, so that
interferes with daily activity of limiting individual performance, social and personal freedom
affecting the quality of patient care.
Patients may manifest anxiety, when the disease has no visible symptoms
and programs implemented for them. Eg HIV, breast cancer or uterine
very early stages. In these programs is important to intervene in
psychological costs of the participation of the population, the stress
awaiting the results and physical and emotional distress before the procedure. Also the risk of false positives with its attendant fears and anxieties for years and mistrust in the health services.
The onset of symptoms stimulates the search for medical help and
have investigated the factors that can trigger: an interpersonal crisis that serves to attract attention, the symptoms are seen as signs of serious diseases earlier are threatening in nature ( eg pain) or threaten these important social activity.
However, the interval of time between the onset of symptoms and the patient's decision to seek
medical care is variable.
In this process, socio-psychological factors affect different forms: individual values \u200b\u200band beliefs
and family socio-economic differences, specific social situation in which symptoms appear
, sex and age difference, but very important are the psychological problems related
with the perception of the disease, as the powers and
In short, all diseases have a set of attributes formed from
of social interactions that contain judgments about the relevance of the symptoms,
frequency, visibility, threatening character, and reversibility.
Algunos de ellos llamados estigmas, que fomentan determinadas actitudes hacia los
pacientes que las padecen e imprimen particularidades a las relaciones interpersonales y roles
sociales de éstos. Como ejemplo se puede citar las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el SIDA, el
cáncer, entre otras.
El tiempo de decisión con su carácter individual y el proceso de evaluación clínica de los
síntomas, determinan que la enfermedad pueda permanecer sintomática y sin un diagnóstico
preciso durante un tiempo; sin embargo, el desarrollo normal de su evolución lleva al diagnóstico y el paso a otra etapa.
En esta pequeña investigación, me encuentro con muchos factors that influence the
relationship between health professionals and patients, of which I can include: empathy,
vocation of public service, sense of belonging, professionalism, kindness, sentiment toward
the patient and their needs, engage with the situation affecting the patient, shared emotions
without barriers, teachings of a Supreme Being, be it God, Buddha, Mohammed or another,
as personal beliefs, spontaneity, openness, spontaneity, in short
love and respect for others.
And I meet a new term for me, resilience, a concept which teaches that we
- subject a series of both macro and micro social conditions - there is a possibility of transforming
painful situations in life opportunities. Authors such as
Rutter (2000) argue that pain, adversity, crises, frustrations, constitute instances through which learning is accomplished. Are instances that deliver
socioemotional and cognitive tools so that situations of adversity can be compensated
, neutralized or overcome.
Throughout history, psychology focused on the pathology of individuals
that generally impacted on areas that impeded that the subject be fully healthy (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). This has changed with the rise of positive psychology and the approach that Rogers (1997) shows on the person's vision, which highlights their resources, strengths and gives unconditional positive regard.
Some recent research (Kern & Moreno, 2007; Martorelli & Mustac,
2004; Suárez Ojeda & Melillo, 2001; Szarazgat & Glaz, 2006; VeranPoseck, Carbelo & Vecina, 2006) were interested in knowing how successfully individuals face adversity and different
ongoing crisis in its development, how and what they learn from such experiences.
is based on personal experience and direct observation of the health team, through
entire care cycle, starting at the primary health care, with the promotion and prevention
, continuing care specialties in the initial assessment, therapy and rehabilitation
, which sometimes require tertiary care or hospitalization.
from healthy people with risk factors, outpatients, hospitalized in rooms with beds
basic to seriously ill patients with life-threatening, unconscious and patients with terminal diseases
. All with greater or lesser degree of anxiety,
stress and expectations of meeting their health needs.
At all times, communication problems arise in the context of the relationship
health professional and patient. We have investigated aspects to take into account the characteristics and
biography of the patient, their needs (how much and what you want to know about your disease
), if you have no social support or if you prefer to be alone or accompanied and
recommendations have been made practical, ethical and legal issues that you print a
eminently human character of this act, especially when you have to manage the communication of a diagnosis with prognosis
In this communication, it appears that health professional's obligation to inform the
patient is conscious and oriented, health problem or illness, its signs and symptoms
, changes that can occur, the procedures to receive,
any complications, and most important of his consent for them to be made.
participation procedure is not always done, making a serious lack of respect that should prove
, mainly because it is a person who has the right to
the process that is living, and often do not practice, and is because we are tired, in a bad mood or just do not value. With this attitude provoke a backlash in the patient, rejection and increased anxiety to know the health problem that affects it.
Once reported diagnosed disease, there is a
subjective difference between it and the way it is perceived that the suffering and the meaning assigned to it.
personal meaning of illness influences the emotional responses and coping behaviors
it. Thus, this phenomenon may be perceived as highly stressful, as a challenge, a threat
a loss, a punishment or a benefit or relief from liability, personal
coping behavior, concerns a response or set of responses to the stressful situation
, implemented to manage and / or neutralize, ie the process involving the individual attempts to adapt to the new situation.
generally are not prepared, either as professionals or as individuals, to
face death, but health professionals should never stop delivering assistance to the terminally ill, nor is it the family.
should investigate and make recommendations based measures will achieve
appropriate coping strategies to death in 3 directions:
_ The way the health team facing death for terminal patients.
_ The confrontations of the family.
_ The way the patient facing his own death.
The health team must develop attitudes characterized by interpersonal
certain proximity, but keeping a respectful distance, focus on the patient and respect the privacy
it. Should help to refocus its existential context and enrich
as far as possible.
On this basis the patient adopts the role of the patient. Accepting the fact of being
sick, the consequences of the role and duties of it are very
psychological aspects relevant to adaptation and adjustment to illness, as well as adherence to treatment
Has been sustained interest in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth sciences investigate the motives that lead patients
compliance or no requirements directed by physicians. There
behaviors that describe problems in adherence to treatment:
difficulties in initiation, suspension premature, incomplete or poor compliance of the instructions, which express
errors of omission, dose, time, purpose (mistake
using one or another medication), absence to consultation and consultations, the absence of
change habits and lifestyles required for the improvement of the disease and a marked
connotation highlights the practice of self-medication.
The difficulties in meeting the medical indications were described from
early times in the history of medicine. Hippocrates warned about the unreliability of
the patient reports on the implementation of prescribed therapeutic regimens, in order to avoid recriminations
At this stage, it is very important to win the confidence of the patient,
learning to listen, look at it as we speak, the person who heads
notice if we are paying attention, if we are attentive to what we own, or if we care their approaches, and based on our
attitude, we develop the empathy, to know how you feel and how it affects your
disease, according to the printing is really interested in the information which was delivered
could be used interchangeably 2 terms to refer to compliance with the indications
, whether medical, nursing and general care:
compliance and adherence.
compliance is defined as the process through which the patient carries out the instructions properly
. It is considered as where the conduct of a
person, in terms of taking medications, monitoring diet, or in carrying out
lifestyle changes coincide with medical or health advice.
The term adherence is defined as an active and voluntary patient in a developing
accepted behavior by mutual agreement in order to produce a desired therapeutic result
latter emphasizes the psychological components, especially
aware of the patient, which induces a pattern of performance structure, making it
increasingly frequent use in the field of research on the subject.
Another aspect to consider is the communication that allows the patient
can understand the information being given on the prescription or recommendation and
is a first step for acceptance, the recall and compliance.
There is a group of determinants which consists of psychosocial aspects of patient
. First recognized in the patient's beliefs associated with
perceived threat to the health consequences caused by disease, the risk estimate
sick, on the other side to the belief of the person to be able to run the
response required and ultimately to the belief that the answer will be effective.
Another aspect to consider is the patient's motivation for health,
features of their cognitive processes, especially memory and support networks Social
that account for increased enforcement of the requirements.
Social support can contribute to enhancing the enforcement of the requirements
treatment by encouraging the patient to maintain the medical regimen
and implement actions necessary to return to normal life. This may come from family, friends or support groups.
The Psychoneuroimmunology has shown over the course of its evolution,
possibility that the immune system is mediated by psychological factors.
offers study and explain the common belief that personality and emotions
exercise some influence on health, it also has the potential to develop
psychological interventions can improve immunity and thereby modify the predisposition to
onset and progression of diseases both infectious and chronic degenerative type.
Investigations to date support the conclusion that psychological variables are
able to influence the strengthening or weakening the immune system and affecting through this pathway to health. There is abundant evidence showing how stressful situations affect the nervous system and can lead to a suppression of immune function.
A key example is the powerful impact of hormones released by stress. While these hormones
increase throughout the body, the immune cell function is hampered
and stress overrides the immune resistance, at least in a temporary
, but if stress is constant and intense that annulment may become permanent.
work in the hospital institution is characterized by interdisciplinary intervention
medical professionals and nonmedical health in the health-disease process.
Throughout my career, I noticed that the feelings and emotions
positive benefits are optimistic and hopeful perception of patients, binds the value of personal relationships as a source for share these feelings, keeping close contacts
affective and patients to find emotional support
those times when there is an imbalance in your health. And I mean
imbalance because it has been an organic imbalance in health maintenance.
remember the case of a fairly young, about 45 years, which despite being
serious and under sedation, intubation and mechanical ventilation,
remained connected to their environment, atingentes and fighting for his life. With this patient happened to us all,
complications that had never been presented, he presented them, and all at one time, those moments
were a combination of efforts, knowledge, science, experience,
desire to live and succeed is contagious with the professional team that struggled to deal with each sign, each symptom of the disease, but attention combined with a feeling of winning together the patient and the professionals who treated him. That patient survived, and was on the team a sense of responding to their expectations and needs. I corresponded moving to Santiago, I realized that at no time to falter, and that feeling is pierced, so much so that we were sure he would survive, a team of healthcare professionals united by faith and hope, motivated and articulate both technical and emotionally. That was an example of delivery of positive forces, one day, perhaps months, the patient returned with a heart transplant, grateful and excited, I remembered every moment spent in the hospital, and told us from their perspective, by what is felt support of an entire group of professionals who felt and wanted to continue in this world.
From these results it can be inferred, the medical benefits
feelings and positive emotions, the advantages of optimistic and hopeful perception of existence, to which binds the value of personal relationships as sources for sharing feelings
close, stay in close contact afectivos y encontrar apoyo emocional y técnico.
Relación profesional de la salud-paciente, todos fuimos, somos o seremos pacientes, en
algún momento de nuestras vidas, y todos esperamos que la asistencia sea ética, respetuosa y que permita la comunicación.
La relación humanizada exige un diálogo en el cual exista comunicación, información y
fluidez, y no solamente en una trato directo con el paciente, en mi quehacer diario recibo
familiares de los enfermos que no pueden acercarse al Hospital, en estas ocasiones acude un
pariente que ya viene con un estrés, con una serie de condiciones que contribuyen a que
presenten sentimientos adversos.
¿Qué happens when the health professional can not express their questions, concerns and doubts
The patient, in this case who represents you feel hostile and unfavorable, that
not to express the circumstances affecting them, much less resolve, therefore
becomes aggressive and unpleasant, sometimes even threatening.
however, has happened to me that if the communication is bidirectional and the patient is appropriate and stars
the situation, the dialogue easier to understand, and while
listen carefully, I have come to feel part of the history of disease and begin to
know the feeling, the goodness that some people give to their peers, both well, that emotion and sometimes infects me cry and I thank God to have the capacity and capability to deliver a minimum of time and listen, perhaps not always solve the problem or health status, but to establish that contact, the that person deserves consideration.
In search of bibliographic support for this presentation, I found a concept that
I can not fail to mention: Resilience.
I observed in different revisions, those considered resilient,
have certain characteristics that allow them to not only meet but also adversity
emerge strengthened from these calling them as pillars of resilience:
• Humor: finding the comic in his own tragedy.
• A high degree of creativity, namely the ability to create order, beauty and order out of chaos to
• Introspection: a look inside and self-described as honestly as possible
• Ability to relate: the ability to establish relationships and intimacy with other people,
to balance one's need for affection with the attitude afforded to others.
• Initiative: taste required and tested in
progressively more demanding tasks.
• Independence: know how to set boundaries between self and environment problems;
ability to maintain distance physical and emotional without being in isolation.
• Morality: Implications for the personal desire to extend welfare to all mankind
and ability to engage in securities, this element is as important
since childhood, but especially after 10 years. • Self-esteem
consistent: it is the basis of other features and affective
result consistent care of the child, adolescent or adult by the significant adult
According to Edith Grotberg (1997) argues that people make on resiliency factors
four sources: "I have" (support), "I am" and "I am" (
development of intra-psychic strength, and "I I can "(the acquisition of interpersonal skills and conflict resolution
Communication is crucial in any process of emotional adjustment to demand
be carrying a disease:
" Even before the need arises operation, knowledge of different types of psychological reactions
of patients provides useful elements in the history of each patient
for a better interpretation of data obtained "
Through communication, the health team can understand:
_ A patient who violates indications usually deny the reality of their disease because
this it is very difficult to deal
_ A patient with manic features may be an underestimate of pain and symptoms
mask important to be treated in time
_ A patient seems very quiet denier may delay accepting the fear
Around case, the professional must invest time and kindness in touch
inquire fears and concerns, which usually are not easy story, only fail
know when offered an appropriate space for it. Just as the consent of
patient for the procedure to be performed. It is essential to approach with a smile and show
real interest in the history of disease the patient, listening and calm their concerns, which is not always achieved, either for lack of time, not customization and because it establishes a bond of trust.
The value given to information and consent by the patient tends to
emphasize their autonomy and their ability to meet and decide on their future and the
treatments you receive. Prevents medical paternalism is sometimes authoritarian and omnipotent
With regard to information, frequently as the patient is depressed by bad news
and a threatening reality, psychological defense mechanisms will prevent
hear or understand the information.
When a patient comes to medical treatment which further requests that you resolve your situation
physical discomfort, is that they provide human care, to prevent
imbalance and to sustain their dignity.
With "humane care" the patient wants the professional to show interest to him as a person
total, integrated not only by a broken body physically, but also
as someone who feels and thinks. Sometimes together with their physical symptoms and complaints
confusing is saying "show me interested," "worry about me, what I feel, and
I think. "
Through communication, support, showing patience, accompanying him, including the immediate family
, professional prevents relapse can be worse than the disease itself
Sometimes the patient wants the doctor or their carers are put in place, "to
who feel the same sensations confusing and depressing."
emotional factors, the structure of personality and family dynamics
disease itself, have an important role in the relationship of health with his
patient. Then, to understand how the patient is disturbed by
symptoms of disease can be prevented onset of other symptoms that interfere with
recovery process.
On the other hand, and the staff side, it is also exposed to the consequences of their performance
. His preparation allows him to "cure", and sometimes not
not willing to do, is committed part of her professional and personal.
he also produce feelings that are interesting face. Among them, the frustration,
example, when there is the death of his patient. It usually decides the professional
objectify the situation, including his patients and their surroundings. Are also ways
protect themselves from the anxiety of the situation can not be remedied. And there you have the position almost of omnipotence
showing that sometimes becomes distant with the patient.
It has gone from a traditional medicine, focusing on the body and disease, a
person-centered medicine. From here contributes to understanding the complex interactions between human
and the dynamic environment and that this interaction has on the health-illness continuum
. Ie the model proposes a unified approach.
Health Psychology, "studies, among others, interpersonal circumstances
get reflected in the provision of services health, including actions for adapting useful
health services to the needs of those who receive them, "Morales Calatayud (1999). Today
health professionals found that chronic diseases are considered terminal
generating sources of stress
involve a process of continuous deterioration. However, most people with terminal illness not only face
the situation but sometimes exceeding it out
enriched by the experience.
A health care professional promotes the positive aspects that show people in
situation of adversity and danger, strengthens and prepares to face the challenges of disease and stimulates
to submit resilient behavior.
The trend is to integrate the approach of resilience in social action, educational and health
covering individual subjects of all ages, from infancy to old age
, but also families, and even the community.
Health personnel should also promote a philosophy of positive living,
analyzing the goodness of life and the importance of life projects. Enhance
internal forces such as: the belief in himself, self-determination,
positive comparison with others, self, personal power to succeed in life and overcome fears, to keep faith in life and find purpose and meaning to it. This results in equanimity, perseverance and self confidence.
reaffirm the spiritual dimension, understood as a "means of reducing stress
through connection with a power greater than himself."
In the case of family members, is composed of features related to cohesion,
tenderness, feeling a strong emotional attachment from parents, concern for the welfare, the presence of unconditional support, encouragement of religious beliefs, security and stability
provided emotional by a proper parental model.
At the community level features are considered as the presence of peer support networks appropriate
(friends and work), participation in a religious group
connection with organizations seeking society, and environmental quality and services
social and health.
of a risk model based on the needs and the disease has been passed to a
prevention and promotion model based on the strengths and resources that man has in himself and around (Cyrulnik, 2002).
The man takes elements to maintain their balance in life and when one of
these elements do not have the quantity and quality appropriate, receive a state of need or imbalance which seeks to recover the initial equilibrium. If this action to recover
not performed or not enough, this imbalance may remain.
Thus, the disease is loss of balance between body, mind and environment, caused by the dissatisfaction of some need.
The disease has a characteristic that is unique, ie the patient's attitude to the disease is a characterological factor of the patient himself. The objective
healthy little to do with the feeling of wellbeing. Optimism, a sense of personal control and the ability to find meaning to life experiences
associated with better mental health.
matters more subjective perception of health status to get ahead and address this situation better
(Mustac & Martorelli, 2004), in such a way that the psychology of health
has as one of its objectives the promotion and maintenance health, prevention and treatment of disease.
is why the health care team should make them aware of their resources, those who
allow them to feel like a human being with the best opportunities to continue their lives and gain
the new lifestyle that will be implemented (Kern & Moreno, 2007).
Aley (2002) mentions the role of health professionals is to help the sick person
have optimal development within the limitations provided by their condition,
ie not only address the physical, but seeing the whole person, not only their
strengths should be strengthened as: high level of spirituality, hope and a positive attitude
front of his diagnosis, which makes them look differently
situation or forecast, they realize the situation more objective and well
act responsibly in the treatment and care given by health care team to achieve the greatest possible independence as
to him., namely to be autovalentes.
The care given to patients by hospital service (ratio
health team and patient) is a major factor influencing the patient's mood and their expectations for the disease.
Patients say it is essential that the health team will provide a friendly
, respect and trust by providing accurate information regarding their
The current focus on health try to change the way human beings perceive:
of a risk model based on the needs and disease, is now considering a model
prevention and promotion based on potential and resources that human beings have
itself and around it.
As health care team should promote the strengths and positive aspects of individual
to reduce risk factors and sources of stress, without ignoring the ups and downs
of the disease that are present as a limiting factor for both the patient and
the same health care professional.
staff should work in the field of health, scientific and technical level,
must also demonstrate the love of his work, a high degree of vocation.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Journal of Nursing Resilience in promoting women's health. Doris E.
Ospina Diva Estela Jaramillo Muñozb Vélezc Vélezd Tulia María Uribe.
2. Demonstration of resilience as protective factors in chronically ill hospitalized
terminals, Irma Cristina Acosta Idalia López de Llergo1 Yamna
Araiza Sánchez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
3. International Journal Nursing 1999, 15 (1) :17-21 Provincial Improvement Center.
, Jorge Luis Maceira Brito, 1 Eloína Mr. Martin and Mr. Ibis
Valladares1 TerryHerrera1 Basilia.
PASTOR LÓPEZ-ROIG and Sofia, Department of Health Psychology, Faculty of Medicine
University of Alicante.
5. Emotional aspects in the patient Quirúrgico.Psc. Teresa Baquerizo.
6. INFORMED CONSENT IN DENTISTRY. ANALYSIS A theoretical and practical, Leonor
Palomer R.1
7. ANXIETY, Dr. Ana García Díez. Specialist in Internal Medicine, Central Hospital of Asturias
. Oviedo. Spain.
8. Journal of Public Health, Cuban Society of Health Administration, ISSN: 0864-3466 CUBA
2003, Alfonso Martín Freedom
Journal of Public Health, July-September, the year / vol. 29, number 003,
Cuban Society of Health Administration, La Habana, Cuba, pp.
275 275-281 10. International Journal Public Health 2003, 29 (3) :275-81, National School of Public Health,
Authorized for publication on the blog.
Patient satisfaction is a set of assessment dimensions
health care professional and is an affective response to it, which distinguishes the
specific satisfaction and overall, the first determined by the perception of the characteristics specific
health professional and the second is a more general appreciation of the process of interaction
In the health-disease process, from healthy lifestyles, adopting preventive behaviors
, optimizing the diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation of sick
up aspects of care for terminal patients.
Currently, health professionals, we are interested in all aspects
involved in determining health status in the risk of disease, the disease
condition and recovery, as well as interpersonal circumstances that occur
in providing health services to the population.
Anxiety emotion is perhaps more weight as scientific evidence, to relate
with the onset and development of the recovery. When anxiety
aid preparation to face any major situation, it is positive, but in modern life is frequently
that anxiety is disproportionate and is related to high levels of stress
in the health workforce, the anxiety may become panic, so that
interferes with daily activity of limiting individual performance, social and personal freedom
affecting the quality of patient care.
Patients may manifest anxiety, when the disease has no visible symptoms
and programs implemented for them. Eg HIV, breast cancer or uterine
very early stages. In these programs is important to intervene in
psychological costs of the participation of the population, the stress
awaiting the results and physical and emotional distress before the procedure. Also the risk of false positives with its attendant fears and anxieties for years and mistrust in the health services.
The onset of symptoms stimulates the search for medical help and
have investigated the factors that can trigger: an interpersonal crisis that serves to attract attention, the symptoms are seen as signs of serious diseases earlier are threatening in nature ( eg pain) or threaten these important social activity.
However, the interval of time between the onset of symptoms and the patient's decision to seek
medical care is variable.
In this process, socio-psychological factors affect different forms: individual values \u200b\u200band beliefs
and family socio-economic differences, specific social situation in which symptoms appear
, sex and age difference, but very important are the psychological problems related
with the perception of the disease, as the powers and
In short, all diseases have a set of attributes formed from
of social interactions that contain judgments about the relevance of the symptoms,
frequency, visibility, threatening character, and reversibility.
Algunos de ellos llamados estigmas, que fomentan determinadas actitudes hacia los
pacientes que las padecen e imprimen particularidades a las relaciones interpersonales y roles
sociales de éstos. Como ejemplo se puede citar las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el SIDA, el
cáncer, entre otras.
El tiempo de decisión con su carácter individual y el proceso de evaluación clínica de los
síntomas, determinan que la enfermedad pueda permanecer sintomática y sin un diagnóstico
preciso durante un tiempo; sin embargo, el desarrollo normal de su evolución lleva al diagnóstico y el paso a otra etapa.
En esta pequeña investigación, me encuentro con muchos factors that influence the
relationship between health professionals and patients, of which I can include: empathy,
vocation of public service, sense of belonging, professionalism, kindness, sentiment toward
the patient and their needs, engage with the situation affecting the patient, shared emotions
without barriers, teachings of a Supreme Being, be it God, Buddha, Mohammed or another,
as personal beliefs, spontaneity, openness, spontaneity, in short
love and respect for others.
And I meet a new term for me, resilience, a concept which teaches that we
- subject a series of both macro and micro social conditions - there is a possibility of transforming
painful situations in life opportunities. Authors such as
Rutter (2000) argue that pain, adversity, crises, frustrations, constitute instances through which learning is accomplished. Are instances that deliver
socioemotional and cognitive tools so that situations of adversity can be compensated
, neutralized or overcome.
Throughout history, psychology focused on the pathology of individuals
that generally impacted on areas that impeded that the subject be fully healthy (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). This has changed with the rise of positive psychology and the approach that Rogers (1997) shows on the person's vision, which highlights their resources, strengths and gives unconditional positive regard.
Some recent research (Kern & Moreno, 2007; Martorelli & Mustac,
2004; Suárez Ojeda & Melillo, 2001; Szarazgat & Glaz, 2006; VeranPoseck, Carbelo & Vecina, 2006) were interested in knowing how successfully individuals face adversity and different
ongoing crisis in its development, how and what they learn from such experiences.
is based on personal experience and direct observation of the health team, through
entire care cycle, starting at the primary health care, with the promotion and prevention
, continuing care specialties in the initial assessment, therapy and rehabilitation
, which sometimes require tertiary care or hospitalization.
from healthy people with risk factors, outpatients, hospitalized in rooms with beds
basic to seriously ill patients with life-threatening, unconscious and patients with terminal diseases
. All with greater or lesser degree of anxiety,
stress and expectations of meeting their health needs.
At all times, communication problems arise in the context of the relationship
health professional and patient. We have investigated aspects to take into account the characteristics and
biography of the patient, their needs (how much and what you want to know about your disease
), if you have no social support or if you prefer to be alone or accompanied and
recommendations have been made practical, ethical and legal issues that you print a
eminently human character of this act, especially when you have to manage the communication of a diagnosis with prognosis
In this communication, it appears that health professional's obligation to inform the
patient is conscious and oriented, health problem or illness, its signs and symptoms
, changes that can occur, the procedures to receive,
any complications, and most important of his consent for them to be made.
participation procedure is not always done, making a serious lack of respect that should prove
, mainly because it is a person who has the right to
the process that is living, and often do not practice, and is because we are tired, in a bad mood or just do not value. With this attitude provoke a backlash in the patient, rejection and increased anxiety to know the health problem that affects it.
Once reported diagnosed disease, there is a
subjective difference between it and the way it is perceived that the suffering and the meaning assigned to it.
personal meaning of illness influences the emotional responses and coping behaviors
it. Thus, this phenomenon may be perceived as highly stressful, as a challenge, a threat
a loss, a punishment or a benefit or relief from liability, personal
coping behavior, concerns a response or set of responses to the stressful situation
, implemented to manage and / or neutralize, ie the process involving the individual attempts to adapt to the new situation.
generally are not prepared, either as professionals or as individuals, to
face death, but health professionals should never stop delivering assistance to the terminally ill, nor is it the family.
should investigate and make recommendations based measures will achieve
appropriate coping strategies to death in 3 directions:
_ The way the health team facing death for terminal patients.
_ The confrontations of the family.
_ The way the patient facing his own death.
The health team must develop attitudes characterized by interpersonal
certain proximity, but keeping a respectful distance, focus on the patient and respect the privacy
it. Should help to refocus its existential context and enrich
as far as possible.
On this basis the patient adopts the role of the patient. Accepting the fact of being
sick, the consequences of the role and duties of it are very
psychological aspects relevant to adaptation and adjustment to illness, as well as adherence to treatment
Has been sustained interest in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth sciences investigate the motives that lead patients
compliance or no requirements directed by physicians. There
behaviors that describe problems in adherence to treatment:
difficulties in initiation, suspension premature, incomplete or poor compliance of the instructions, which express
errors of omission, dose, time, purpose (mistake
using one or another medication), absence to consultation and consultations, the absence of
change habits and lifestyles required for the improvement of the disease and a marked
connotation highlights the practice of self-medication.
The difficulties in meeting the medical indications were described from
early times in the history of medicine. Hippocrates warned about the unreliability of
the patient reports on the implementation of prescribed therapeutic regimens, in order to avoid recriminations
At this stage, it is very important to win the confidence of the patient,
learning to listen, look at it as we speak, the person who heads
notice if we are paying attention, if we are attentive to what we own, or if we care their approaches, and based on our
attitude, we develop the empathy, to know how you feel and how it affects your
disease, according to the printing is really interested in the information which was delivered
could be used interchangeably 2 terms to refer to compliance with the indications
, whether medical, nursing and general care:
compliance and adherence.
compliance is defined as the process through which the patient carries out the instructions properly
. It is considered as where the conduct of a
person, in terms of taking medications, monitoring diet, or in carrying out
lifestyle changes coincide with medical or health advice.
The term adherence is defined as an active and voluntary patient in a developing
accepted behavior by mutual agreement in order to produce a desired therapeutic result
latter emphasizes the psychological components, especially
aware of the patient, which induces a pattern of performance structure, making it
increasingly frequent use in the field of research on the subject.
Another aspect to consider is the communication that allows the patient
can understand the information being given on the prescription or recommendation and
is a first step for acceptance, the recall and compliance.
There is a group of determinants which consists of psychosocial aspects of patient
. First recognized in the patient's beliefs associated with
perceived threat to the health consequences caused by disease, the risk estimate
sick, on the other side to the belief of the person to be able to run the
response required and ultimately to the belief that the answer will be effective.
Another aspect to consider is the patient's motivation for health,
features of their cognitive processes, especially memory and support networks Social
that account for increased enforcement of the requirements.
Social support can contribute to enhancing the enforcement of the requirements
treatment by encouraging the patient to maintain the medical regimen
and implement actions necessary to return to normal life. This may come from family, friends or support groups.
The Psychoneuroimmunology has shown over the course of its evolution,
possibility that the immune system is mediated by psychological factors.
offers study and explain the common belief that personality and emotions
exercise some influence on health, it also has the potential to develop
psychological interventions can improve immunity and thereby modify the predisposition to
onset and progression of diseases both infectious and chronic degenerative type.
Investigations to date support the conclusion that psychological variables are
able to influence the strengthening or weakening the immune system and affecting through this pathway to health. There is abundant evidence showing how stressful situations affect the nervous system and can lead to a suppression of immune function.
A key example is the powerful impact of hormones released by stress. While these hormones
increase throughout the body, the immune cell function is hampered
and stress overrides the immune resistance, at least in a temporary
, but if stress is constant and intense that annulment may become permanent.
work in the hospital institution is characterized by interdisciplinary intervention
medical professionals and nonmedical health in the health-disease process.
Throughout my career, I noticed that the feelings and emotions
positive benefits are optimistic and hopeful perception of patients, binds the value of personal relationships as a source for share these feelings, keeping close contacts
affective and patients to find emotional support
those times when there is an imbalance in your health. And I mean
imbalance because it has been an organic imbalance in health maintenance.
remember the case of a fairly young, about 45 years, which despite being
serious and under sedation, intubation and mechanical ventilation,
remained connected to their environment, atingentes and fighting for his life. With this patient happened to us all,
complications that had never been presented, he presented them, and all at one time, those moments
were a combination of efforts, knowledge, science, experience,
desire to live and succeed is contagious with the professional team that struggled to deal with each sign, each symptom of the disease, but attention combined with a feeling of winning together the patient and the professionals who treated him. That patient survived, and was on the team a sense of responding to their expectations and needs. I corresponded moving to Santiago, I realized that at no time to falter, and that feeling is pierced, so much so that we were sure he would survive, a team of healthcare professionals united by faith and hope, motivated and articulate both technical and emotionally. That was an example of delivery of positive forces, one day, perhaps months, the patient returned with a heart transplant, grateful and excited, I remembered every moment spent in the hospital, and told us from their perspective, by what is felt support of an entire group of professionals who felt and wanted to continue in this world.
From these results it can be inferred, the medical benefits
feelings and positive emotions, the advantages of optimistic and hopeful perception of existence, to which binds the value of personal relationships as sources for sharing feelings
close, stay in close contact afectivos y encontrar apoyo emocional y técnico.
Relación profesional de la salud-paciente, todos fuimos, somos o seremos pacientes, en
algún momento de nuestras vidas, y todos esperamos que la asistencia sea ética, respetuosa y que permita la comunicación.
La relación humanizada exige un diálogo en el cual exista comunicación, información y
fluidez, y no solamente en una trato directo con el paciente, en mi quehacer diario recibo
familiares de los enfermos que no pueden acercarse al Hospital, en estas ocasiones acude un
pariente que ya viene con un estrés, con una serie de condiciones que contribuyen a que
presenten sentimientos adversos.
¿Qué happens when the health professional can not express their questions, concerns and doubts
The patient, in this case who represents you feel hostile and unfavorable, that
not to express the circumstances affecting them, much less resolve, therefore
becomes aggressive and unpleasant, sometimes even threatening.
however, has happened to me that if the communication is bidirectional and the patient is appropriate and stars
the situation, the dialogue easier to understand, and while
listen carefully, I have come to feel part of the history of disease and begin to
know the feeling, the goodness that some people give to their peers, both well, that emotion and sometimes infects me cry and I thank God to have the capacity and capability to deliver a minimum of time and listen, perhaps not always solve the problem or health status, but to establish that contact, the that person deserves consideration.
In search of bibliographic support for this presentation, I found a concept that
I can not fail to mention: Resilience.
I observed in different revisions, those considered resilient,
have certain characteristics that allow them to not only meet but also adversity
emerge strengthened from these calling them as pillars of resilience:
• Humor: finding the comic in his own tragedy.
• A high degree of creativity, namely the ability to create order, beauty and order out of chaos to
• Introspection: a look inside and self-described as honestly as possible
• Ability to relate: the ability to establish relationships and intimacy with other people,
to balance one's need for affection with the attitude afforded to others.
• Initiative: taste required and tested in
progressively more demanding tasks.
• Independence: know how to set boundaries between self and environment problems;
ability to maintain distance physical and emotional without being in isolation.
• Morality: Implications for the personal desire to extend welfare to all mankind
and ability to engage in securities, this element is as important
since childhood, but especially after 10 years. • Self-esteem
consistent: it is the basis of other features and affective
result consistent care of the child, adolescent or adult by the significant adult
According to Edith Grotberg (1997) argues that people make on resiliency factors
four sources: "I have" (support), "I am" and "I am" (
development of intra-psychic strength, and "I I can "(the acquisition of interpersonal skills and conflict resolution
Communication is crucial in any process of emotional adjustment to demand
be carrying a disease:
" Even before the need arises operation, knowledge of different types of psychological reactions
of patients provides useful elements in the history of each patient
for a better interpretation of data obtained "
Through communication, the health team can understand:
_ A patient who violates indications usually deny the reality of their disease because
this it is very difficult to deal
_ A patient with manic features may be an underestimate of pain and symptoms
mask important to be treated in time
_ A patient seems very quiet denier may delay accepting the fear
Around case, the professional must invest time and kindness in touch
inquire fears and concerns, which usually are not easy story, only fail
know when offered an appropriate space for it. Just as the consent of
patient for the procedure to be performed. It is essential to approach with a smile and show
real interest in the history of disease the patient, listening and calm their concerns, which is not always achieved, either for lack of time, not customization and because it establishes a bond of trust.
The value given to information and consent by the patient tends to
emphasize their autonomy and their ability to meet and decide on their future and the
treatments you receive. Prevents medical paternalism is sometimes authoritarian and omnipotent
With regard to information, frequently as the patient is depressed by bad news
and a threatening reality, psychological defense mechanisms will prevent
hear or understand the information.
When a patient comes to medical treatment which further requests that you resolve your situation
physical discomfort, is that they provide human care, to prevent
imbalance and to sustain their dignity.
With "humane care" the patient wants the professional to show interest to him as a person
total, integrated not only by a broken body physically, but also
as someone who feels and thinks. Sometimes together with their physical symptoms and complaints
confusing is saying "show me interested," "worry about me, what I feel, and
I think. "
Through communication, support, showing patience, accompanying him, including the immediate family
, professional prevents relapse can be worse than the disease itself
Sometimes the patient wants the doctor or their carers are put in place, "to
who feel the same sensations confusing and depressing."
emotional factors, the structure of personality and family dynamics
disease itself, have an important role in the relationship of health with his
patient. Then, to understand how the patient is disturbed by
symptoms of disease can be prevented onset of other symptoms that interfere with
recovery process.
On the other hand, and the staff side, it is also exposed to the consequences of their performance
. His preparation allows him to "cure", and sometimes not
not willing to do, is committed part of her professional and personal.
he also produce feelings that are interesting face. Among them, the frustration,
example, when there is the death of his patient. It usually decides the professional
objectify the situation, including his patients and their surroundings. Are also ways
protect themselves from the anxiety of the situation can not be remedied. And there you have the position almost of omnipotence
showing that sometimes becomes distant with the patient.
It has gone from a traditional medicine, focusing on the body and disease, a
person-centered medicine. From here contributes to understanding the complex interactions between human
and the dynamic environment and that this interaction has on the health-illness continuum
. Ie the model proposes a unified approach.
Health Psychology, "studies, among others, interpersonal circumstances
get reflected in the provision of services health, including actions for adapting useful
health services to the needs of those who receive them, "Morales Calatayud (1999). Today
health professionals found that chronic diseases are considered terminal
generating sources of stress
involve a process of continuous deterioration. However, most people with terminal illness not only face
the situation but sometimes exceeding it out
enriched by the experience.
A health care professional promotes the positive aspects that show people in
situation of adversity and danger, strengthens and prepares to face the challenges of disease and stimulates
to submit resilient behavior.
The trend is to integrate the approach of resilience in social action, educational and health
covering individual subjects of all ages, from infancy to old age
, but also families, and even the community.
Health personnel should also promote a philosophy of positive living,
analyzing the goodness of life and the importance of life projects. Enhance
internal forces such as: the belief in himself, self-determination,
positive comparison with others, self, personal power to succeed in life and overcome fears, to keep faith in life and find purpose and meaning to it. This results in equanimity, perseverance and self confidence.
reaffirm the spiritual dimension, understood as a "means of reducing stress
through connection with a power greater than himself."
In the case of family members, is composed of features related to cohesion,
tenderness, feeling a strong emotional attachment from parents, concern for the welfare, the presence of unconditional support, encouragement of religious beliefs, security and stability
provided emotional by a proper parental model.
At the community level features are considered as the presence of peer support networks appropriate
(friends and work), participation in a religious group
connection with organizations seeking society, and environmental quality and services
social and health.
of a risk model based on the needs and the disease has been passed to a
prevention and promotion model based on the strengths and resources that man has in himself and around (Cyrulnik, 2002).
The man takes elements to maintain their balance in life and when one of
these elements do not have the quantity and quality appropriate, receive a state of need or imbalance which seeks to recover the initial equilibrium. If this action to recover
not performed or not enough, this imbalance may remain.
Thus, the disease is loss of balance between body, mind and environment, caused by the dissatisfaction of some need.
The disease has a characteristic that is unique, ie the patient's attitude to the disease is a characterological factor of the patient himself. The objective
healthy little to do with the feeling of wellbeing. Optimism, a sense of personal control and the ability to find meaning to life experiences
associated with better mental health.
matters more subjective perception of health status to get ahead and address this situation better
(Mustac & Martorelli, 2004), in such a way that the psychology of health
has as one of its objectives the promotion and maintenance health, prevention and treatment of disease.
is why the health care team should make them aware of their resources, those who
allow them to feel like a human being with the best opportunities to continue their lives and gain
the new lifestyle that will be implemented (Kern & Moreno, 2007).
Aley (2002) mentions the role of health professionals is to help the sick person
have optimal development within the limitations provided by their condition,
ie not only address the physical, but seeing the whole person, not only their
strengths should be strengthened as: high level of spirituality, hope and a positive attitude
front of his diagnosis, which makes them look differently
situation or forecast, they realize the situation more objective and well
act responsibly in the treatment and care given by health care team to achieve the greatest possible independence as
to him., namely to be autovalentes.
The care given to patients by hospital service (ratio
health team and patient) is a major factor influencing the patient's mood and their expectations for the disease.
Patients say it is essential that the health team will provide a friendly
, respect and trust by providing accurate information regarding their
The current focus on health try to change the way human beings perceive:
of a risk model based on the needs and disease, is now considering a model
prevention and promotion based on potential and resources that human beings have
itself and around it.
As health care team should promote the strengths and positive aspects of individual
to reduce risk factors and sources of stress, without ignoring the ups and downs
of the disease that are present as a limiting factor for both the patient and
the same health care professional.
staff should work in the field of health, scientific and technical level,
must also demonstrate the love of his work, a high degree of vocation.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Journal of Nursing Resilience in promoting women's health. Doris E.
Ospina Diva Estela Jaramillo Muñozb Vélezc Vélezd Tulia María Uribe.
2. Demonstration of resilience as protective factors in chronically ill hospitalized
terminals, Irma Cristina Acosta Idalia López de Llergo1 Yamna
Araiza Sánchez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
3. International Journal Nursing 1999, 15 (1) :17-21 Provincial Improvement Center.
, Jorge Luis Maceira Brito, 1 Eloína Mr. Martin and Mr. Ibis
Valladares1 TerryHerrera1 Basilia.
PASTOR LÓPEZ-ROIG and Sofia, Department of Health Psychology, Faculty of Medicine
University of Alicante.
5. Emotional aspects in the patient Quirúrgico.Psc. Teresa Baquerizo.
6. INFORMED CONSENT IN DENTISTRY. ANALYSIS A theoretical and practical, Leonor
Palomer R.1
7. ANXIETY, Dr. Ana García Díez. Specialist in Internal Medicine, Central Hospital of Asturias
. Oviedo. Spain.
8. Journal of Public Health, Cuban Society of Health Administration, ISSN: 0864-3466 CUBA
2003, Alfonso Martín Freedom
Journal of Public Health, July-September, the year / vol. 29, number 003,
Cuban Society of Health Administration, La Habana, Cuba, pp.
275 275-281 10. International Journal Public Health 2003, 29 (3) :275-81, National School of Public Health,
Authorized for publication on the blog.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Can You Get Waxed Even If You Have Hemmeroid
NEWS: The professional qualification is listed on the rise in HR
A survey by the HR Certification Institute found that both managers and human resource professionals will place a high value to the professional qualifications of those working in managing staff consider this type of credentials demonstrate significant knowledge of the subject and a commitment to continuing education by those who get them. The figures prove it: more than 60% of U.S. managers and 82% in the rest of the world believe that professionally qualified staff have a strong impact on the profitability of the company. Continue ...
A survey by the HR Certification Institute found that both managers and human resource professionals will place a high value to the professional qualifications of those working in managing staff consider this type of credentials demonstrate significant knowledge of the subject and a commitment to continuing education by those who get them. The figures prove it: more than 60% of U.S. managers and 82% in the rest of the world believe that professionally qualified staff have a strong impact on the profitability of the company. Continue ...
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With the module "Negotiation and Conflict Resolution", dictated by the teacher Bussenius C. Horst, keep up the MA in Human Recrusos at the School Audit Universidad Arturo Prat. There are twenty students, including various professions such as engineers for Implementation in Business Management, Prevention, Accountants Auditors, psychologists and others.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Lesbian And A Triscuit
-music room
As I said on the previous post, I show a video of the children's choir concert last 27th November. You do not have very good audio quality but I hope you like souvenirs. Later we will have a higher quality video at your disposal at school. Greetings to everyone.
As I said on the previous post, I show a video of the children's choir concert last 27th November. You do not have very good audio quality but I hope you like souvenirs. Later we will have a higher quality video at your disposal at school. Greetings to everyone.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Pot Bellied Pig Breeders Tn
This Saturday, November 27, 2010, the children's choir school, as you know, led by Angela, has returned to acting after the celebrated concert National Auditorium. We performed with the Coral Maestro Barbieri directed by Fernando Rubio Rodriguez after a proposed collaboration on their part. The choir sang in the last movement of the Requiem by John Rutter , Lux Aeterna. The program consisted of other works by Faure and Kodaly. It was a very well chosen and very pleasant to the public. The Coral Maestro Barbieri is already a great ride that was seen from the good performance of the works and it belongs to our district which opens the possibility of future collaborations.
The children's choir sing very well, with good attitude, and its members had a very positive experience for his musical future. Also participated a chamber group formed by members of the orchestra of the University, including our professor Ignacio Sanchez and the choir, as reinforcement was our professor Nicholas Oviedo. We will edit a video when you're ready I'll upload.
I can only give congratulations and noted the importance of involving all students, parents, teachers and school so that these activities are fundamental to the education of students, can be made.
Greetings to all.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
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curiosity: Farewell to write emails in capitals
Vicki Walker, of Auckland, New Zealand, was fired because his e-mails were all written in letters case. Walker's employer claimed that his colleagues complained about her e-mails "yelling" and controversial. Walker was offset by $ 11,500 because the company had no official style guide such communications, therefore your message did not meet the requirements for a justified dismissal. (Source: UPI.com)
Funny how everything has its form and style, and new employees must adapt to them as soon as possible. In the cyber-language capitalization is just a form of address to others as "loud" or arrogant. what the employee who is on the news was not able to learn in time.
Vicki Walker, of Auckland, New Zealand, was fired because his e-mails were all written in letters case. Walker's employer claimed that his colleagues complained about her e-mails "yelling" and controversial. Walker was offset by $ 11,500 because the company had no official style guide such communications, therefore your message did not meet the requirements for a justified dismissal. (Source: UPI.com)
Funny how everything has its form and style, and new employees must adapt to them as soon as possible. In the cyber-language capitalization is just a form of address to others as "loud" or arrogant. what the employee who is on the news was not able to learn in time.
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AS REASON: The big question is leader does
Name: Paolo Cesar Robles Bordones
Subject: Organizational Behavior
Career: Master of Business Administration
to begin trying to resolve this concern is that I begin to share with you these two tracks (Motivation and Leadership) that as have noticed are not so new, but that leads us to ask ourselves the following questions in an effort to get the perspective of the leader
What motivates us? ... ... ..
"What motivates us do it the same way every day?
are questions that usually come to us can do but what it really costs to get in the place of who we want to motivate and understand without departing from their mouths what they really really motivates them and in many different moods that can reach throughout their working lives.
For this reason, the idea is to try to understand or to first understand what motivates us?
For this we must consider all the facts that can help us answer our first question
As always be taken into account that for many decades and thanks to Don Abraham Maslow in our consciousness we have installed a structure in a pyramidal hierarchy of basic needs of individuals:
From the base of the pyramid and scaling are
The first needs to be replace are the physiological (food, oxygen, water and shelter) then come
security needs (stability, absence of pain, illness or environmental threat) then
The Membership requirements (a group) love, affection, interaction with other people followed these are
needs like self-esteem hit by personal achievement and social esteem that goes hand in hand with the recognition and respect for others and finally found at the top of the pyramid
feel self needs to be developed one's potential that has
Taking into account that each of these levels of the pyramid will escalate to the extent that needs are met. We may be able to identify ... .. What do we need?. And knowing what we need to achieve? or what will motivate us in the near future?
We could more easily know what level you need to meet my colleagues and that I can start working on achieving that goal which will be sought by my colleague also
... ... .. but new research tells us another reality show apparently complicates things we try to identify What motivates us? ...
If we in the case that all individuals are NOT equal to each other and do not necessarily think alike, we can see that we threw the new research (theory of innate impulses) is roughly tell us that individuals have a set of impulses:
impulse buy: which motivates the search for, take possession, control, retain
objects and personal experiences that makes him an insatiable urge
For the purpose of human motivation is always to achieve
A higher position than the others. Promotion
relationships: motivation involves forming social relationships and develop mutual commitments
care with other
(Pulse to help us that motivates people to cooperate with each other
Learning Impulse: This impulse recognizes that we all have a concern or curiosity
Something that surrounds us.
Defend Impulse: the impulse is born with the need to protect either
to me as our relationships, we have gained and what we believe
Considering the drive theory that tells us that not all individuals are structured to satisfy their needs in the same way,
or have no logical order (Maslow) and this is where you identify what motivates us becomes a complex ... ... and do not know how to identify what stage of the pyramid is trying to achieve or which is at present the individual
That brings us to our second question and play the other topic is "Leadership
What motivates us do it the same way every day?
If not every day we wake up and just as or more specifically changing our needs as human beings are altered depending on our mood.
For those who seek to identify and motivate others (the leader) will not be an easy task to be guessing or assuming that is what we
If I can channel that is what motivates me daily, taking into account all the above aspects and also learn to identify and motivate those who owe I lead.
I can be able to be a leader who would capture the real interest or need for those who follow me and so I can use motivation to achieve the goal of ultimately collaborator and partner with well-motivated to achieve team goals
One way to lead and the follower is able to interpret that want to reach
The idea is that we be clear enough to let them know the vision that was originally designed for the ultimate ideal and communicate that vision so that it the main objective and the cause which motivates us, both me and our team.
Thus I encourage people who know what they want to achieve and if they are in the expected level of motivation to take her to the practice of contributing more effectively with their own creativity
be also important to know the place of others and able to work and cooperate with others for a common cause and for this they need the ability to influence others
The idea is to try to combine all types of leadership we can be a motivator and be the leader board, linebacker leader, leader participation, achievement-oriented leader
If it is try to prosecute the driver for a way for the leader this result gives us
motivational leader is the one that ensures that meet the needs of the employee only depend on your own performance and also gives you the tools necessary for this has an effective performance
While it is important to understand the different types of leadership at the end we try to do a mix of all, because as discussed in the beginning, all individuals are different and not all types or forms Leadership motivations were for the total of our employees of this follows what we hear repeatedly in the texts and has much to do with who we
O rather depends on our culture is how we react to different types of stimuli or Leadership. We are different to American culture, European, Asian and so on.
This they have tried to explain what I found is complex at first when I started leading the team of collaborators who currently leads
not understand that the reason was a constant struggle excessive wear, try to go testing rates motivations and ways of leading from books which did not match our reality. Walking
understood that each of those leaders must be treated differently, we can not make a shirt one size for different types of people who need them
Particularly one of my most introverted colleagues did not see me happy not expressed what I felt at the time I realized after trying to see if it was the money he needed to make her more calm, I said it's not money I need, so complicated is that I am studying and sometimes I'm sleepy, I have small children, my wife looks like me and work demands even more time
We meet to talk to my head and then analyze the situation to determine that no recharge time beyond what is strictly necessary and to redirect those who needed further increase their finances with more hours
I could see that the money is not everything in regard to motivation and leader learned to identify and ask again and again in different ways until you have for wanting or fatigue that is really what motivates
Y definitely as personal experience which is what motivated me to take these two issues raised in a not so structured but rather explanatory or rather try to expose as is the appreciation that these days I need this to continue striving to lead the best way to who in short are those who play by the stated objectives as a team was that we took when we took the challenge to achieve this year as is typical of many teams that are in constant turmoil to achieve what is often seen as distant at first and after the gear starts to run with the appropriate lubricant to ease the ride gets to meet and why not track to surpass the
Bibliography of Management Leaders, Keys to Leadership (W. Bennis, GM Spreitzer & TG Cummings, eds), 2006
DEUSTO MBA course, Leadership and Human Resources, analysis of organizational behavior ( Steven L. McShane & Mary Ann Von Glinow), Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc 2005
Stephen P. Organizational Behavior Prentice
Robbins Hall - 8 th Edition 1999 Organizational Behavior
Horst Bussenius
positive Guides (1-123)
Name: Paolo Cesar Robles Bordones
Subject: Organizational Behavior
Career: Master of Business Administration
to begin trying to resolve this concern is that I begin to share with you these two tracks (Motivation and Leadership) that as have noticed are not so new, but that leads us to ask ourselves the following questions in an effort to get the perspective of the leader
What motivates us? ... ... ..
"What motivates us do it the same way every day?
are questions that usually come to us can do but what it really costs to get in the place of who we want to motivate and understand without departing from their mouths what they really really motivates them and in many different moods that can reach throughout their working lives.
For this reason, the idea is to try to understand or to first understand what motivates us?
For this we must consider all the facts that can help us answer our first question
As always be taken into account that for many decades and thanks to Don Abraham Maslow in our consciousness we have installed a structure in a pyramidal hierarchy of basic needs of individuals:
From the base of the pyramid and scaling are
The first needs to be replace are the physiological (food, oxygen, water and shelter) then come
security needs (stability, absence of pain, illness or environmental threat) then
The Membership requirements (a group) love, affection, interaction with other people followed these are
needs like self-esteem hit by personal achievement and social esteem that goes hand in hand with the recognition and respect for others and finally found at the top of the pyramid
feel self needs to be developed one's potential that has
Taking into account that each of these levels of the pyramid will escalate to the extent that needs are met. We may be able to identify ... .. What do we need?. And knowing what we need to achieve? or what will motivate us in the near future?
We could more easily know what level you need to meet my colleagues and that I can start working on achieving that goal which will be sought by my colleague also
... ... .. but new research tells us another reality show apparently complicates things we try to identify What motivates us? ...
If we in the case that all individuals are NOT equal to each other and do not necessarily think alike, we can see that we threw the new research (theory of innate impulses) is roughly tell us that individuals have a set of impulses:
impulse buy: which motivates the search for, take possession, control, retain
objects and personal experiences that makes him an insatiable urge
For the purpose of human motivation is always to achieve
A higher position than the others. Promotion
relationships: motivation involves forming social relationships and develop mutual commitments
care with other
(Pulse to help us that motivates people to cooperate with each other
Learning Impulse: This impulse recognizes that we all have a concern or curiosity
Something that surrounds us.
Defend Impulse: the impulse is born with the need to protect either
to me as our relationships, we have gained and what we believe
Considering the drive theory that tells us that not all individuals are structured to satisfy their needs in the same way,
or have no logical order (Maslow) and this is where you identify what motivates us becomes a complex ... ... and do not know how to identify what stage of the pyramid is trying to achieve or which is at present the individual
That brings us to our second question and play the other topic is "Leadership
What motivates us do it the same way every day?
If not every day we wake up and just as or more specifically changing our needs as human beings are altered depending on our mood.
For those who seek to identify and motivate others (the leader) will not be an easy task to be guessing or assuming that is what we
If I can channel that is what motivates me daily, taking into account all the above aspects and also learn to identify and motivate those who owe I lead.
I can be able to be a leader who would capture the real interest or need for those who follow me and so I can use motivation to achieve the goal of ultimately collaborator and partner with well-motivated to achieve team goals
One way to lead and the follower is able to interpret that want to reach
The idea is that we be clear enough to let them know the vision that was originally designed for the ultimate ideal and communicate that vision so that it the main objective and the cause which motivates us, both me and our team.
Thus I encourage people who know what they want to achieve and if they are in the expected level of motivation to take her to the practice of contributing more effectively with their own creativity
be also important to know the place of others and able to work and cooperate with others for a common cause and for this they need the ability to influence others
The idea is to try to combine all types of leadership we can be a motivator and be the leader board, linebacker leader, leader participation, achievement-oriented leader
If it is try to prosecute the driver for a way for the leader this result gives us
motivational leader is the one that ensures that meet the needs of the employee only depend on your own performance and also gives you the tools necessary for this has an effective performance
While it is important to understand the different types of leadership at the end we try to do a mix of all, because as discussed in the beginning, all individuals are different and not all types or forms Leadership motivations were for the total of our employees of this follows what we hear repeatedly in the texts and has much to do with who we
O rather depends on our culture is how we react to different types of stimuli or Leadership. We are different to American culture, European, Asian and so on.
This they have tried to explain what I found is complex at first when I started leading the team of collaborators who currently leads
not understand that the reason was a constant struggle excessive wear, try to go testing rates motivations and ways of leading from books which did not match our reality. Walking
understood that each of those leaders must be treated differently, we can not make a shirt one size for different types of people who need them
Particularly one of my most introverted colleagues did not see me happy not expressed what I felt at the time I realized after trying to see if it was the money he needed to make her more calm, I said it's not money I need, so complicated is that I am studying and sometimes I'm sleepy, I have small children, my wife looks like me and work demands even more time
We meet to talk to my head and then analyze the situation to determine that no recharge time beyond what is strictly necessary and to redirect those who needed further increase their finances with more hours
I could see that the money is not everything in regard to motivation and leader learned to identify and ask again and again in different ways until you have for wanting or fatigue that is really what motivates
Y definitely as personal experience which is what motivated me to take these two issues raised in a not so structured but rather explanatory or rather try to expose as is the appreciation that these days I need this to continue striving to lead the best way to who in short are those who play by the stated objectives as a team was that we took when we took the challenge to achieve this year as is typical of many teams that are in constant turmoil to achieve what is often seen as distant at first and after the gear starts to run with the appropriate lubricant to ease the ride gets to meet and why not track to surpass the
Bibliography of Management Leaders, Keys to Leadership (W. Bennis, GM Spreitzer & TG Cummings, eds), 2006
DEUSTO MBA course, Leadership and Human Resources, analysis of organizational behavior ( Steven L. McShane & Mary Ann Von Glinow), Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc 2005
Stephen P. Organizational Behavior Prentice
Robbins Hall - 8 th Edition 1999 Organizational Behavior
Horst Bussenius
positive Guides (1-123)
Infant Congestion Medicine
NEWS: Doctors and engineers, the most difficult to fill positions currently in Spain
missing in Spain mainly doctors, but also engineers of all kinds, speech therapists, vocational teachers, therapists and animators, as recorded by the Catalogue of Hard Cover (CODC) for the fourth quarter of 2010, compiled by the Public Employment Service (INEM old) with the information they send to the regions.
10/28/2010 - The CODC is a list of provinces which allows employers to hire foreign workers in origin, provided that the occupations that are difficult to provide coverage and there is no national jobseekers.
businessman originally interested in hiring a foreign worker need only consult this catalog to see if the position needs to be covered does not have enough candidates.
If the occupation requires the listing appears in CODC, the employer may apply for residence and work authorization for foreign employee seeking to recruit and without having to make a job offer to the public employment services.
Under an agreement with the Secretary of State for Sports, professional sports and sports coach appear in all the English provinces as difficult to fill occupations. Also by agreement with social partners in the merchant marine sector, appear as complicated job of covering various professions related to maritime labor, such as engineer or pilot merchant ship.
Aside from all the professions mentioned above, the CODC the fourth quarter of 2010, shows that in many regions have difficulty finding family physicians and some other medical specialist.
In particular, up to five communities need specialists in general medicine they can not find domestic workers to fill those positions. This is the case of Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Castilla y León and Catalonia. In Murcia require specialists in occupational medicine and family medicine, and pediatricians ask Ceuta.
In the islands, the need for doctors is abundant, to the point where there is demand for some of these professionals in Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera, La Palma, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote.
It is also in Catalonia, where family physicians are needed in the provinces of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTarragona, Lleida and Girona, and Castile and Leon, where you need this kind of doctors in the provinces of Ávila and Leon.
In Asturias, in addition to missing family doctors, teachers needed technical vocational training in many specialties, as well as community leaders, coordinators of free time, and cooked and cooked preparer. The Canaries are needed
engineers of all kinds. Thus, in La Palma is required technical engineers in informatics, in Tenerife are asked agronomists and foresters, in Gran Canaria need aeronautical engineers and forestry technicians, engineers and computer technicians need Lanzarote and electricity.
Source: Europapress
10/28/2010 - The CODC is a list of provinces which allows employers to hire foreign workers in origin, provided that the occupations that are difficult to provide coverage and there is no national jobseekers.
businessman originally interested in hiring a foreign worker need only consult this catalog to see if the position needs to be covered does not have enough candidates.
If the occupation requires the listing appears in CODC, the employer may apply for residence and work authorization for foreign employee seeking to recruit and without having to make a job offer to the public employment services.
Under an agreement with the Secretary of State for Sports, professional sports and sports coach appear in all the English provinces as difficult to fill occupations. Also by agreement with social partners in the merchant marine sector, appear as complicated job of covering various professions related to maritime labor, such as engineer or pilot merchant ship.
Aside from all the professions mentioned above, the CODC the fourth quarter of 2010, shows that in many regions have difficulty finding family physicians and some other medical specialist.
In particular, up to five communities need specialists in general medicine they can not find domestic workers to fill those positions. This is the case of Asturias, Baleares, Canarias, Castilla y León and Catalonia. In Murcia require specialists in occupational medicine and family medicine, and pediatricians ask Ceuta.
In the islands, the need for doctors is abundant, to the point where there is demand for some of these professionals in Menorca, Ibiza, Formentera, La Palma, Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote.
It is also in Catalonia, where family physicians are needed in the provinces of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bTarragona, Lleida and Girona, and Castile and Leon, where you need this kind of doctors in the provinces of Ávila and Leon.
In Asturias, in addition to missing family doctors, teachers needed technical vocational training in many specialties, as well as community leaders, coordinators of free time, and cooked and cooked preparer. The Canaries are needed
engineers of all kinds. Thus, in La Palma is required technical engineers in informatics, in Tenerife are asked agronomists and foresters, in Gran Canaria need aeronautical engineers and forestry technicians, engineers and computer technicians need Lanzarote and electricity.
Source: Europapress
Arizona Statute Of Limitations Rent
Pamela Alejandra Acuña Velásquez
MAGEDAM Organizational Behavior, 2010
By setting out what will summarize the main aspects of an important issue that every organization should consider as their most valuable capital is human resources. To come before this problem we are obligate to attitudes, which is one of the issues that has greatly developed in psychology, which allows us to study and perceive the adaptation is an individual facing a change as we are constantly faced to changes either internal or external to the organization and society. It leads us to prepare to take a positive attitude, ie be willing to change. CHANGE LAYOUT
Today we can see that the world moves forward constantly, whether in new technologies, new cultures, new ways of thinking. The times are not like before, and we see it everyday, for example - when our grandfathers tell us how they treated their parents when they were young, - technological changes, once the only means of communication was by letters, there are now from your phone to the internet, and many examples that I can continue to give.
is difficult to know how we will react to a change, so we've learned that you should prepare people, is how we teach in all subjects when they say they are a system and when a change affects each of the parties .
technical studies is said to face a change must "Adapt to it," so you talk about 2 types of reactions in humans, which are:
- Tendency to steady state: when nothing is expected to vary in time.
- Tendency to Transformation: when we are prepared to make a change.
to face a change must "Adapt to it," we must have an "attitude" and this attitude must be positive, it is here where the relationship begins Disposal organization and attitude change.
For a change we have the willingness to adapt to it, we must clear that we sometimes have to put aside such things as behavior, habits, thoughts. ATTITUDE
Among the definitions used, in my opinion, I drew more attention was:
Allport (1935): "A mental or neurological predisposition to respond, organized through experience, which puts directional action or dynamic influence on behavior. "
This is because in almost all definitions of other authors, certainly with some differences, variations of shapes and shades, almost all of them are involved the concept of "willingness" and more or which are less clearly related to behavior.
There are several types of attitude which can range into 3 groups, since any object, phenomenon or event can be part of the attitude. So for example the attitude we take toward politics, work, cigarette, alcohol intake, and attitudes are not necessarily all that exists, or what is going appearing on the road, if not that it is the subject of attitude are those who have a psychological reality. An example in the workplace is advertising a particular company in a product, a publicist in particular seeks to influence people regardless of the degree of truth, in order believe him, so from our point of view there is no right attitude from him, but another person who does not know who is not interested in the degree of accuracy, you may very well perceive it as going to believe in get the product before and believe that the public's attitude is positive.
groups that stand in attitudes:
a) the cognitive component of an attitude that is the individual's perceptions, ideas, beliefs and stereotypes. Example: our attitude toward the Catholic religion implies the knowledge of their doctrine, their history, their priests.
b) The affective component refers to the feelings of the person with the object. This is the most resistant to change in a person. Example: two people have positive attitudes with regard to smoking, may have different personal feelings, because it can be for fear of a disease or the other person just by discomfort.
c) The behavioral component that is the way we act or react to the object of the attitude.
We take a positive approach to change within the organization is willing to say he
Applying the above definitions in the organization can say that:
By belonging to an organization, we are all connected, we are a system, so that to make a change, even in details that are not very relevant, it affects the entire environment can be an internal or external change, for example, when the person is dismissed for failing to meet hygiene good job getting her a new one that performs much better job, it affects the entire environment, because the staff will come to a clean work place so you will feel much better and more motivated, which may extend to encourage him in his work, thus achieving a positive attitude, this is an inner case, now an outer case is when a tax increase, it affects the finances of the company, so that we can reduce some costs that might bother some people and they take a negative attitude and motivation.
The organization is always in constant change, so you must prepare people to take a positive attitude and adapt to them. It was my turn to when I practice in a company that sells tech gadgets, it happened in the case of television, the personnel officer stepped forward and sent to training vendors, so that when the new development will already know that it is to sell the new product, this happened with the plasma, which happened to fall behind now get the new LED screen technology, which the seller was ready to sell it feeling happy, one for the opportunity that was given to learn new things before the change in technology, taking a positive attitude to serve customers, in case you might not have happened until he is frustrated and has taken a completely different attitude to this change occur.
In conclusion, we have that is important to note that the attitudes of individuals are dynamic and subject to constant changes that can absorb either positively or negatively.
If we look at the attitude and behavior, we see that the attitudes would be inherent motivating force of behavior, force would cooperate in high-grade orientation behavior. It seems that between the attitude and conduct some kind of highly complex relationship, because it would mediate many aspects of the individual themselves, so look for ways to influence people to be prepared for any change and this change will not negatively affect the company. Bibliography
http://www.maestropsicologo.com/ adaptation-to-change /
http://gestiocriticos.wordpress.com/2010/03/29/el-virus-de-la-actitud-en-una -organizacion /
MAGEDAM Organizational Behavior, 2010
By setting out what will summarize the main aspects of an important issue that every organization should consider as their most valuable capital is human resources. To come before this problem we are obligate to attitudes, which is one of the issues that has greatly developed in psychology, which allows us to study and perceive the adaptation is an individual facing a change as we are constantly faced to changes either internal or external to the organization and society. It leads us to prepare to take a positive attitude, ie be willing to change. CHANGE LAYOUT
Today we can see that the world moves forward constantly, whether in new technologies, new cultures, new ways of thinking. The times are not like before, and we see it everyday, for example - when our grandfathers tell us how they treated their parents when they were young, - technological changes, once the only means of communication was by letters, there are now from your phone to the internet, and many examples that I can continue to give.
is difficult to know how we will react to a change, so we've learned that you should prepare people, is how we teach in all subjects when they say they are a system and when a change affects each of the parties .
technical studies is said to face a change must "Adapt to it," so you talk about 2 types of reactions in humans, which are:
- Tendency to steady state: when nothing is expected to vary in time.
- Tendency to Transformation: when we are prepared to make a change.
to face a change must "Adapt to it," we must have an "attitude" and this attitude must be positive, it is here where the relationship begins Disposal organization and attitude change.
For a change we have the willingness to adapt to it, we must clear that we sometimes have to put aside such things as behavior, habits, thoughts. ATTITUDE
Among the definitions used, in my opinion, I drew more attention was:
Allport (1935): "A mental or neurological predisposition to respond, organized through experience, which puts directional action or dynamic influence on behavior. "
This is because in almost all definitions of other authors, certainly with some differences, variations of shapes and shades, almost all of them are involved the concept of "willingness" and more or which are less clearly related to behavior.
There are several types of attitude which can range into 3 groups, since any object, phenomenon or event can be part of the attitude. So for example the attitude we take toward politics, work, cigarette, alcohol intake, and attitudes are not necessarily all that exists, or what is going appearing on the road, if not that it is the subject of attitude are those who have a psychological reality. An example in the workplace is advertising a particular company in a product, a publicist in particular seeks to influence people regardless of the degree of truth, in order believe him, so from our point of view there is no right attitude from him, but another person who does not know who is not interested in the degree of accuracy, you may very well perceive it as going to believe in get the product before and believe that the public's attitude is positive.
groups that stand in attitudes:
a) the cognitive component of an attitude that is the individual's perceptions, ideas, beliefs and stereotypes. Example: our attitude toward the Catholic religion implies the knowledge of their doctrine, their history, their priests.
b) The affective component refers to the feelings of the person with the object. This is the most resistant to change in a person. Example: two people have positive attitudes with regard to smoking, may have different personal feelings, because it can be for fear of a disease or the other person just by discomfort.
c) The behavioral component that is the way we act or react to the object of the attitude.
We take a positive approach to change within the organization is willing to say he
Applying the above definitions in the organization can say that:
By belonging to an organization, we are all connected, we are a system, so that to make a change, even in details that are not very relevant, it affects the entire environment can be an internal or external change, for example, when the person is dismissed for failing to meet hygiene good job getting her a new one that performs much better job, it affects the entire environment, because the staff will come to a clean work place so you will feel much better and more motivated, which may extend to encourage him in his work, thus achieving a positive attitude, this is an inner case, now an outer case is when a tax increase, it affects the finances of the company, so that we can reduce some costs that might bother some people and they take a negative attitude and motivation.
The organization is always in constant change, so you must prepare people to take a positive attitude and adapt to them. It was my turn to when I practice in a company that sells tech gadgets, it happened in the case of television, the personnel officer stepped forward and sent to training vendors, so that when the new development will already know that it is to sell the new product, this happened with the plasma, which happened to fall behind now get the new LED screen technology, which the seller was ready to sell it feeling happy, one for the opportunity that was given to learn new things before the change in technology, taking a positive attitude to serve customers, in case you might not have happened until he is frustrated and has taken a completely different attitude to this change occur.
In conclusion, we have that is important to note that the attitudes of individuals are dynamic and subject to constant changes that can absorb either positively or negatively.
If we look at the attitude and behavior, we see that the attitudes would be inherent motivating force of behavior, force would cooperate in high-grade orientation behavior. It seems that between the attitude and conduct some kind of highly complex relationship, because it would mediate many aspects of the individual themselves, so look for ways to influence people to be prepared for any change and this change will not negatively affect the company. Bibliography
http://www.maestropsicologo.com/ adaptation-to-change /
http://gestiocriticos.wordpress.com/2010/03/29/el-virus-de-la-actitud-en-una -organizacion /
How To Get Air On A Tech Deck
Author: Marta Irene Alata Zubieta
Subject: Organizational Behavior
time ago for me to refer to personality and leadership in terms of determining which of these concepts to the other, was like coming to the conclusion that it first: the chicken or the egg. "
This question is not for an analysis or comparison of ideas of psychologists or a particular author, this is a personal question that I lived and that led me to create change in my personality in terms of employment as predisposition to learning, interaction, proactive and purposeful, ... .. when I had imagined public speaking, debating and publicizing my views?, I tell them what happened to me:
In the city of Copiapo, new hires, we were forming a group of professionals from different areas to carry out a large project which considered the entire region of Atacama (its 9 districts). As a new project in which basically only existed to achieve goals but it was not clear methodology to use, it required a project manager to lead a team of professionals and to determine the shape and structure of work, work innovative to date. The Lord of the Foundation and initiator of the idea of project we had hired but clearly he had not even clear how to deal with the project let alone a group of professionals working on daily tasks and functions designed to develop biased objectives, because there was no defined working structure. 9
So we were professionals willing to receive guidance on how to tackle the big project, against the owner of the foundation had no idea how. In the first 3 months we worked hard but in a disorderly manner and thus not moved anything. In practical terms the project was failing, destined to collapse if not appointed a Project Manager. One day, one of the many meetings, a sociologist very quiet and extremely friendly, until then, dared to propose how to guide the work to a project stage. This idea was well received by all of us. Then the same sociologist began to change their attitude toward work, proposing ideas, offered for the same run these ideas and proposed a restructuring of the project approach. As a result, three weeks later he was appointed Project Manager, a position he held was successful and led to the fulfillment of all goals. That is, this sociologist realized the need for a leader to lead the group and structured how to tackle the project. Can be found, dared and willfully changed his passive attitude towards work to become the leader of the group successfully performed.
this example is precisely what I have been thinking about the relationship between leadership and personality. According to my thinking, it can generate two types of relationships between these concepts: a person is born and develops a personality naturally acquired either by genes or the environment so that then throughout his life in the form and consequent natural it will become a leader, that is, as a logical consequence of his personality. On the other hand, can occur a person whose personal goal to be a leader at work or in the surrounding environment is intentionally pigeonhole Personality preconceived format significantly changing their behavior in the workplace to fulfill its ultimate goal is to be leader. Which way is appropriate considering that one of them flow naturally and the other is accomplished in a deliberate and conscious, what is right? Can both forms coexist in a company whereas only important achievement of objectives?
Now, over time, I was reminded of my experience at Copiapo and try to give some explanation will begin analyzing the concept by concept:
Leadership can be defined as "interpersonal influence exercised in a situation, leading to the attainment of one or several specific objectives through the process of human communication." A particular element of this definition is related to interpersonal influence that leads people to meet voluntary goals to feel highly motivated by the Leader. Undoubtedly the sociologist's example was a good leader, motivated by example, worked very hard and devote enough time to talk with us and not lead to friction of egos in the team of 9 professionals who lived together in the same office.
On the other hand, the personality is only the pattern thoughts, feelings and behavior that presents a person and that persists throughout life, through different situations, ie, the personality is the way we think, feel, behave and interpret reality.
Now if we consider that the personality is part of us and does not change over time, ie, there is a tendency to behave over time in a certain way, this does not mean that a person behave in this way in all cases. For example, if we say that a person is introverted, it means that it is most of the time, but not on all occasions. Moods also influence behavior, so that a person may vary depending on his mood swings.
most likely that each of us are born with our own personality that is not constant in time, be exposed to extreme situations in our lives who manage to develop some features that are called traits of our personality that we make some changes but does not necessarily mean that our personality changes. This is how is it that our personality is one where you can see different shades but in general terms is maintained over time.
Now if we consider that the personality is made up of an interlocking set of features, combined and interacting with them is what ultimately determines the Personality of an individual, then we say that the leadership is defined as the ability of interpersonal influence would become a feature of many that make up the personality of an individual. Therefore the concept of leadership is not a concept that is parallel to the personality, but part of it, because leadership is a trait or characteristic component of personality.
Clearly this feature called Leadership when mixed with other traits such as empathy, objectivity, assertiveness, respect for others, self and ability to learn from mistakes, produce a type of lead healthy, constructive and aimed at achieving.
In the same way that be associated with other traits that go in the opposite direction to those described above will increase the risk of approaching a type of authoritarian leadership, inclusive, tax, aggressive and arbitrary. Interestingly
personality is seen when we are exposed to extreme situations and then when shown or enhance certain features until then unknown to us, which necessarily implies that our personality does not change but given particular situations allows be displayed other aspects of our personality. This is best illustrated by considering the approach of the Johari Window, which shows 4 windows or types of personalities present in an individual: Free Area, Area Blind, Hidden Area and Area Unknown. In particular, in the Unknown area where given or responding to external stimuli the person has personality traits hitherto unknown is how a person can transform from a passive to an individual character or an explosive a tremendously outgoing person quiet.
According to my experience in Copiapo and based on the Model of the Big Five, the sociologist had a personality that corresponds to the group of Agreeableness. But his personality in real terms had not been shown in its true dimension. Thus probably had in his leadership personality trait but was not developed or perhaps was hidden. This feature was shown at the extreme situation that we were facing as a professional, a situation which led him to react and show leadership traits together with other features that allowed them to present as a motivating leader who took the reins of the team and effectively led to the fulfillment of the objectives
My perception about leadership and personality has changed completely to understand the true dimension of concepts, it is ascertained that leadership is part of the personality traits, the latter being determined by genes and for the environment and life experiences. Therefore, although we can change our way of being, we do so based personality characteristics to those with whom we come into the world. But there are different areas (Johari window) where you can categorize the personality and this is how it is within the area that shows aspects Unknown or uncommon or unknown traits of personality that can stay afloat only in situations unusual extreme. It is precisely there where they can flourish positive features or negative traits.
-Material Master of Business Administration-Organizational Behavior
Horst Bussenius
-Leadership - Urwick, Gulick and Mooney
"Personality differences between individuals, Dr. Corominas
-Personality www.Cepvi.com
-Personality, leadership and power - www.lacasa azulada.com
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People "www.ricoverimarketing.es.tripod.com
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Weird Sore Under Nose
By Claudio Cortes Rocha Maintenance Leader
Unv. Arturo Prat. Magister
adm. Companies.
Organizational Behavior.
Professor: Horst Bussesnius Cortada
where borders have been open to globalization, organizations and businesses are constantly struggling to become ever more competitive, the result of this is due to people is made up of maximizing their capabilities and making them more efficient. In the organization is essential to speak of leadership, leaders and how they achieve their followers achieve their goals.
One of the essential tools for leaders is the motivation, fundamental for the followers of the leader to achieve their objectives more efficiently and with better results. Leaders like every person has strengths and weaknesses to be the same to know before meeting each other and with their fans and success. This analysis is very important for the performance and benefit the organization or staff. Here
arem distinction between management and leadership, synonyms that we must distinguish and talk as motivation has a positive influence in people to achieve greater performance. Organizations have realized that without this continued investment in its people will become less competitive and will be destined to die rapidly in time. LEADERSHIP
According to the dictionary of the English language (1996), is the "direction or leadership of a political party, social group or community." The Dictionary of Science and Behavior (1956), defines it as "personality traits and skills that offer guidance and control of other individuals."
leader in organizations, is chosen voluntarily by a group or team that has a positive impact on people with the art of communication to achieve their desires and goals.
The difference between a manager and leader is simply that the administrator is elected by the organization appropriate to a profile necessary to pre-evaluated and usually do not get a following and that has to be doomed to run tasks.
A leader also manages the tasks, but this is still one of the team with his gift of communication does have followers and this is fundamentally different from a manager within an organization.
Chiavenatto Idalberto (1993) "Leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation, directed through the process of human communication to achieve one or several goals. "
• Proof: Leaders must be prepared for surprises on the part of a team or working group, but the leaders for any reason you can give it to them, should always maintain a standard .
• Consistency: The leaders practice what we preach. Must always be the example.
• Reliability: Leaders are always in their booths when they need their teammates to always critical.
• Integrity: Leaders always fulfill their commitments and promises.
• Charismatic Leader: It is the one character who emerges from the political, religious and in the case of the organization for the needs of a working group because it has a positive vision of how to achieve objectives.
Weber defined charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual, and the standards or regulatory order revealed or ordained by him."
• Autocratic leader, that leader is that you assume full responsibility and decision-making, has a solid position of strength and control. The answer to his subordinates is obedience and adherence to its decisions.
• Participatory Leader: This leader does not delegate all the responsibilities, before decisions are consulted and devised views subordinates, always listening and analyzing, making them part of the process.
• Liberal Leader: Delegates virtually all responsibility and decision-making. Are passive and expect subordinates own responsibilities and take decisions on their own motivation.
Through all time both religious philosophy, political, etc. Have been led by leaders. These have been so awesome to create a vision for his followers that becomes a belief that they can not escape.
An example of this is Adolf Hitler, who from 1930 to 1944 was a great leader. According to studies by German sociology of Max Weber, it pigeonholed as a charismatic leader and he conquered and manipulated the masses to achieve their accession, clinging to nationalist sentiments to create a link that would lead to national unification in order to lead. For this in his speeches and theatrical events body was always talking about racial purity, feelings of community belonging and national pride.
"The German people called him the new Messiah or El Salvador, born of social and political demands of a crisis resolution, removing layers below making Germany Europe's domination of the second world war."
Pope John Paul II, whose given name is Karol Wojtyla from Poland, died in Rome on April 2, 2005 at the Vatican at age 84 after 26 years as pontiff of the Catholic church.
is also considered a great charismatic leader, was based on forgiveness and justice, being a Catholic leader very different from the others. Attacked capitalism, said the evangelical leader, always up for people and was a tireless worker.
His charisma allowed him to have a good relationship with various political and religious leaders. Becoming a person of dialogue of tolerance.
His physical presence caused a spiritual motivation inexplicable closeness with God that shine in the limelight.
Nicaraguan journalist Walter Perez, in a communication from Rome, said that John Paul II was a pope who lived his ordeal and is ready to see God, which is its rightful place in heaven. I do not believe in any religion, but the Pope is my role model from now on, "said Perez, who was part of the international press in the Vatican.
The comparison I can determine they were great charismatic leaders, perhaps in the history of mankind. Of their outstanding abilities to lead masses of the gift we had to motivate people to own weapons as theatrical oratory Faith and the only difference in terms of leadership I could find were his goals for his followers. MOTIVATION
is said to be the quintessential leader because the leader must be an entity motivating the team to get excited results.
Motivation is defined as: The act of encouraging the team to perform better to meet their objectives.
A motivated worker does have a better result in the achievement of the objectives, tie ne greater creativity, offer their own initiative and motivation conveys the customer, with greater satisfaction.
American psychologist Abraham Maslow
1908-1970, design a motivational hierarchy of six levels explaining human behavior.
This is the theory of motivation, satisfying different needs with some hierarchical order.
• physiological needs.
• Need for health.
• need to belong.
• Need for esteem.
• Self-realization.
Abraham Maslow. "The self-realized man." Pp. 236-266. Ed Kairos, 2007. Barcelona.
The inference I can say about Maslow and his theory is that the needs are actually this hierarchy, the distances between these steps depend on the possibilities of life and I can also say all options having the capacity for satisfaction also depends on individual, some more and others less.
McGregor, born in 1906 in Ditrit, USA. Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard, postulated the theory X, Y. Which classifies two types of individuals within an organization.
Theory X: These individuals prefer to avoid work if possible preferring to be addressed and to avoid responsibilities, leaving their work in the background.
Theory Y: These individuals are more optimistic and believes that people want to work for themselves, derive their satisfaction from their work, have the ability to receive responsibilities, applied imagination, creativity and problems facing the organization.
Today we also speak of the Theory Z, this postulates that individuals can not separate their personal life of his work, his condition is not unrelated of man and the humanization of work. It
proposed by McGregor and the relationship that I do in my work. I am leading a small team, consisting of no more than four people, where I can clearly identify what was said by the psychologist. I try not to make a distinction in the team who is the leader, but not neglect my responsibility, which I hit every day is the motivation of my colleagues by introducing them to the new challenge of the day and as we embrace a positive, giving to meet each, where X or Y the importance of their contribution to achieving the goal. I am a people neighbors to change according to your environment, but I am also a more confident, if convinced that the environment of an individual can change from the and the benefits and rewards that you receive in return, used primarily as a motivational focus its own "loved ones."
Atkinson and David McClelland, proposed in his theory that motivated people have three drives: the need for achievement, power and affiliation. The balance of this depends on the people.
David Nadler and E. Lawler: given four on organizational behavior, expectations,
• Individual and environmental factors.
• decisions about their behavior in the organization.
• Needs of desires and goals.
• Behaviors that may lead to the desired results.
Vroom, was another exponent recognizes the importance of various individual needs and motivations. It is more realistic than Maslow and Herzberg, consistent with the management system goals. BIBLIOGRAPHY
• ricardo Solana F adm. Organizations. Eds. SABAires Interoceanica 1993.
• Stoner, James, Freeman, R. Edward and Gilbert Jr. Adm.6a. Ed Pearson, Mexico 96
• Koontz, Harold, Weinhrich, Heinz Adm.Una Global Prospects, Mexico 1999.
• Sallenave, Jean-Paul. Integral Management Nole competition issues.
• Wy B. Bennis Nanus 1995, Lederer, the "4 keys to effective leadership."
• English Language Dictionaries 1984. Madrid: polyurethane foam-Calpe.
• Adair, J 1990 leaders, not bosses. Bogota: Legis.
• Hitler, Adolf. My Struggle. Chile: Ed Trasandina, 2001
WEBSITES • E: \\ Master \\ lideres.htm types
• davidjuda.blogspot.com / ... / douglas-mcgregor.html
• E: \\ magister \\ Theories the Motivación.htm
• E: \\ Master \\ The most intimate secret of the Fuehrer • ELPAÍS_com.htm
• https: www.biografiasyvidas.com / biography / e / Eisenhower.htm
By Claudio Cortes Rocha Maintenance Leader
Unv. Arturo Prat. Magister
adm. Companies.
Organizational Behavior.
Professor: Horst Bussesnius Cortada
where borders have been open to globalization, organizations and businesses are constantly struggling to become ever more competitive, the result of this is due to people is made up of maximizing their capabilities and making them more efficient. In the organization is essential to speak of leadership, leaders and how they achieve their followers achieve their goals.
One of the essential tools for leaders is the motivation, fundamental for the followers of the leader to achieve their objectives more efficiently and with better results. Leaders like every person has strengths and weaknesses to be the same to know before meeting each other and with their fans and success. This analysis is very important for the performance and benefit the organization or staff. Here
arem distinction between management and leadership, synonyms that we must distinguish and talk as motivation has a positive influence in people to achieve greater performance. Organizations have realized that without this continued investment in its people will become less competitive and will be destined to die rapidly in time. LEADERSHIP
According to the dictionary of the English language (1996), is the "direction or leadership of a political party, social group or community." The Dictionary of Science and Behavior (1956), defines it as "personality traits and skills that offer guidance and control of other individuals."
leader in organizations, is chosen voluntarily by a group or team that has a positive impact on people with the art of communication to achieve their desires and goals.
The difference between a manager and leader is simply that the administrator is elected by the organization appropriate to a profile necessary to pre-evaluated and usually do not get a following and that has to be doomed to run tasks.
A leader also manages the tasks, but this is still one of the team with his gift of communication does have followers and this is fundamentally different from a manager within an organization.
Chiavenatto Idalberto (1993) "Leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation, directed through the process of human communication to achieve one or several goals. "
• Proof: Leaders must be prepared for surprises on the part of a team or working group, but the leaders for any reason you can give it to them, should always maintain a standard .
• Consistency: The leaders practice what we preach. Must always be the example.
• Reliability: Leaders are always in their booths when they need their teammates to always critical.
• Integrity: Leaders always fulfill their commitments and promises.
• Charismatic Leader: It is the one character who emerges from the political, religious and in the case of the organization for the needs of a working group because it has a positive vision of how to achieve objectives.
Weber defined charismatic authority as "resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual, and the standards or regulatory order revealed or ordained by him."
• Autocratic leader, that leader is that you assume full responsibility and decision-making, has a solid position of strength and control. The answer to his subordinates is obedience and adherence to its decisions.
• Participatory Leader: This leader does not delegate all the responsibilities, before decisions are consulted and devised views subordinates, always listening and analyzing, making them part of the process.
• Liberal Leader: Delegates virtually all responsibility and decision-making. Are passive and expect subordinates own responsibilities and take decisions on their own motivation.
Through all time both religious philosophy, political, etc. Have been led by leaders. These have been so awesome to create a vision for his followers that becomes a belief that they can not escape.
An example of this is Adolf Hitler, who from 1930 to 1944 was a great leader. According to studies by German sociology of Max Weber, it pigeonholed as a charismatic leader and he conquered and manipulated the masses to achieve their accession, clinging to nationalist sentiments to create a link that would lead to national unification in order to lead. For this in his speeches and theatrical events body was always talking about racial purity, feelings of community belonging and national pride.
"The German people called him the new Messiah or El Salvador, born of social and political demands of a crisis resolution, removing layers below making Germany Europe's domination of the second world war."
Pope John Paul II, whose given name is Karol Wojtyla from Poland, died in Rome on April 2, 2005 at the Vatican at age 84 after 26 years as pontiff of the Catholic church.
is also considered a great charismatic leader, was based on forgiveness and justice, being a Catholic leader very different from the others. Attacked capitalism, said the evangelical leader, always up for people and was a tireless worker.
His charisma allowed him to have a good relationship with various political and religious leaders. Becoming a person of dialogue of tolerance.
His physical presence caused a spiritual motivation inexplicable closeness with God that shine in the limelight.
Nicaraguan journalist Walter Perez, in a communication from Rome, said that John Paul II was a pope who lived his ordeal and is ready to see God, which is its rightful place in heaven. I do not believe in any religion, but the Pope is my role model from now on, "said Perez, who was part of the international press in the Vatican.
The comparison I can determine they were great charismatic leaders, perhaps in the history of mankind. Of their outstanding abilities to lead masses of the gift we had to motivate people to own weapons as theatrical oratory Faith and the only difference in terms of leadership I could find were his goals for his followers. MOTIVATION
is said to be the quintessential leader because the leader must be an entity motivating the team to get excited results.
Motivation is defined as: The act of encouraging the team to perform better to meet their objectives.
A motivated worker does have a better result in the achievement of the objectives, tie ne greater creativity, offer their own initiative and motivation conveys the customer, with greater satisfaction.
American psychologist Abraham Maslow
1908-1970, design a motivational hierarchy of six levels explaining human behavior.
This is the theory of motivation, satisfying different needs with some hierarchical order.
• physiological needs.
• Need for health.
• need to belong.
• Need for esteem.
• Self-realization.
Abraham Maslow. "The self-realized man." Pp. 236-266. Ed Kairos, 2007. Barcelona.
The inference I can say about Maslow and his theory is that the needs are actually this hierarchy, the distances between these steps depend on the possibilities of life and I can also say all options having the capacity for satisfaction also depends on individual, some more and others less.
McGregor, born in 1906 in Ditrit, USA. Ph.D. in psychology from Harvard, postulated the theory X, Y. Which classifies two types of individuals within an organization.
Theory X: These individuals prefer to avoid work if possible preferring to be addressed and to avoid responsibilities, leaving their work in the background.
Theory Y: These individuals are more optimistic and believes that people want to work for themselves, derive their satisfaction from their work, have the ability to receive responsibilities, applied imagination, creativity and problems facing the organization.
Today we also speak of the Theory Z, this postulates that individuals can not separate their personal life of his work, his condition is not unrelated of man and the humanization of work. It
proposed by McGregor and the relationship that I do in my work. I am leading a small team, consisting of no more than four people, where I can clearly identify what was said by the psychologist. I try not to make a distinction in the team who is the leader, but not neglect my responsibility, which I hit every day is the motivation of my colleagues by introducing them to the new challenge of the day and as we embrace a positive, giving to meet each, where X or Y the importance of their contribution to achieving the goal. I am a people neighbors to change according to your environment, but I am also a more confident, if convinced that the environment of an individual can change from the and the benefits and rewards that you receive in return, used primarily as a motivational focus its own "loved ones."
Atkinson and David McClelland, proposed in his theory that motivated people have three drives: the need for achievement, power and affiliation. The balance of this depends on the people.
David Nadler and E. Lawler: given four on organizational behavior, expectations,
• Individual and environmental factors.
• decisions about their behavior in the organization.
• Needs of desires and goals.
• Behaviors that may lead to the desired results.
Vroom, was another exponent recognizes the importance of various individual needs and motivations. It is more realistic than Maslow and Herzberg, consistent with the management system goals. BIBLIOGRAPHY
• ricardo Solana F adm. Organizations. Eds. SABAires Interoceanica 1993.
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