Individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the work of a psychologist in a team of psychologists
Individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the work of a PSYCHOLOGIST IN A TEAM OF PSYCHOLOGISTS
By José Vergara Osorio
In western culture it is common to develop and improve tools that enable always in the pursuit of our own identity, something that we "distinguish and differentiate" the other people who interact daily con nosotros y también de aquellas que recién conocemos; lo que conlleva al individualismo y competencia por algo, independiente de la motivación que direccione nuestro accionar.
Sin embargo, en este proceso de búsqueda de identidad, perdemos el sentido de vida del ser humano; quien es un ser gregario y que necesita del otro para crecer, aprender y evolucionar, lamentablemente nos desorientamos y nos encerramos en sí mismo como una forma de evitar contaminarnos y perdernos en el grupo.
En esta línea, el profesional Psicólogo, se encuentra en el límite de seguir avanzando en su desarrollo o corre el riesgo de asumir una actitud y visión de que el disponer de ciertos conocimientos teórico-práctico, le to acquire a superior position to other people and feel the need to express it, especially with patients, clients and especially with their peers.
must not lose sight of the importance of sharing and working with others, through a process of continuous exchange of experiences and learning, avoiding disqualification and questioning of 'knowing' experiential colleague and own insecurity which results in a look biased, subjective and poorly sighted.
This work is based on the stories of professional psychologists and psychiatrists, who have a common universe, but differ significantly in perception, role and status. THEORETICAL
key is conceptually defining the terms individualism, suspicion and insecurity, in order to understand and manage the same language base, yielding an objective view of these concepts, because they are highly colored by subjectivity and worldview of each individual and group of people, depending on cultural, social, demographic, economic, political and anthropological, etc.
According to the Dictionary of the English Language Twenty-second edition of the Royal English Academy (RAE), these concepts are defined as:
a) Individualism:
- Tendency to think and act independently of others, or not subject to general rules.
- Trend philosophical defends the autonomy and supremacy of individual rights against those of society and state.
b) Suspicion:
- Quality of suspicious.
- Species or idea suggested by suspicion and mistrust.
-Suspicious: Prone to conceive or have suspicions distrust.
c) Insecurity:
- Lack of security.
also as defined these concepts, it is necessary to define Psychologist and Psychology.
d) Psychologist (a):
- Specialist in psychology.
- A person has special insight to the character and knowledge of personal privacy.
e) Psychology:
- Study of human behavior and mental processes.
- Part of the philosophy is the soul, its faculties and operations.
- Anything that relates to the spirit.
- The science of mental processes in humans and animals.
- way of feeling of a person or a people.
- Summary of the spiritual and moral character of a people or a nation.
- Anything that relates to the behavior of animals.
This combination of elements and factors involved in human interaction, there are a number of aspects to consider, among these, the perception of self and other, which certainly is subjective and depends heavily on beliefs and previous experiences of the subject, the time of life, the ability of self-exploration, self-fulfillment and the ability to realize the emotions that are experienced, with the fundamental principle of respect for the other through a process of empathic listening, growth, participatory and collaborative.
can not work alone, it is essential to share and be accompanied by others, without forgetting their identity, but building and promoting a common vision. In the field of health, there is the concept of "health team", however, is in a construction phase, with several developments throughout the country and in each locality because still believe that working in the same space and with different participants is teamwork, however, as acceptance and respect for diversity and a shared vision articulated in the line will be correct.
An example of this is to think that because they attend a clinical meeting, attended by many professionals is a team effort: it simply means the power to communicate to another specific, but not shared, or views, specifically when a psychiatrist a diagnosis and the remainder will be assumed. Implicitly there is an allocation with respect to knowledge and status of this professional, this law also is a medical procedure outlined in the Health Code.
Another important aspect to consider in the work of a psychologist with peers, is the ability to discard the belief of continuous assessment, although it is very common and challenging, it is essential for effective communication with other open-minded and insecurities, it is necessary to pace themselves with a legitimate one in the multiverse mean human behavior, as a string of coordinated action between multiple points, nodes, or systems (networks), a term that comes from the concept of rapport, which describes the synchronously process approach to model the world of another person.
therefore A series of interviews with professionals Psychologists and extended to Doctors Psychiatrist, were asked their views on individualism, suspicion and insecurity in professional practice with peers. Was considered to other professionals in order to identify similarities and differences in practice, perception and field of action, based on that act on a population.
then transcribed verbatim the comments of interviewed professionals, it is important to note that all are servants of the public health system, most with more than ten years of clinical work experience. Psychologist
No. 1
"It's a significant risk of the profession, the individuality of psychotherapy becomes the individualism of psychologist, begins to distrust of others because there is a tendency to be assessed, which is locked most in itself, inseguriza and clearly does not help in the work of team work. "
" This transformation is from basic training and later in the process of training, who are not trained, not subject to clinical supervision and exchange with other psychologists would more likely to feel threatened and insecure about their job. "
" individualism, suspicion and insecurity of the psychologist would be prevented through continuous training, external supervision and psychotherapy, the process of opening and discuss the work one does. "
Psychologist No. 2
" The personality profile of the psychologist is special and particular, implies as a condition sine qua non certain personal rolls prior to the study of the race, which could be addressed through training. It is experienced through the pain of others and creating defenses as intellectualization. This is manifested in a negative way in working with other psychologists, because of the tendency to question, to feel inferior to another and, of course, feel superior in academics, knowledge and experience, making explicit these differences, the purpose of this action is the affirmation and excessive individualism chaqueteo and shit. "
" It's a mix of topics and influences rather the existence of different theoretical lines, is seen greater individualism in teams with psychologists from different streams, it creates a distance and an atmosphere of jokes about the validity and reliability of the theory and on the other hand, the power of omnipotence. Therefore, it would be easier to work in a team with colleagues from the same theoretical tendency. "
Psychologist No. 3
" expected, at first caution (suspicion) against an unknown context, another with perhaps a different view of reality, with more experience, a desire to cling to our individualism, our particular way of perceiving reality, the intersubjectivity certainly legitimate therefore provides security and go beyond a first step can be experienced as a threat .... up ... in the mutual interaction ... this event could be experienced as nurturing .... such as a space on the table or between the two .... and not necessarily free of discrepancies, disagreements or tensions, in addition, could involve expanding mutually fields contemplation of reality or one of them or, conversely, assert in their particularities. "
Psychologist No. 4
" That has to do with feeling that one is enough to accept topísimo teaching a peer or colleague. Little self-criticism and excessive omnipotence, lack of humility, based on experience, with difficulty in learning and listening to the other that teaches.
That there are still opportunities to learn and grow, when you're not humble, you lose this opportunity because they are so sure of himself. There is always a learning
other; unfortunate attitude is a mistake to look where my colleague and try to take, but it is important to change position, listening instead of talking.
This talks about features of immaturity, lack of humility, evolving, weak capacity to look, is easier to look the other with a biased view. To prevent important to lower the defenses would listen and say "I do not know."
No. 5 "is due to a lack of confidence in the equipment itself and oneself, has to do with the knowledge of team members.
also affects self-esteem of the subject and for each, see mine and the other, be responsible for some elements that go to the other, this may be due to certain personality characteristics of others, therefore, the team have to take responsibility and address the problem. "Psychiatrist
No. 1" High share of individualism and suspicion, from the academic, should include courses that foster teamwork, which is a reflection of how society works in other areas.
When working with others there is no uncertainty, but on the contrary, there pride, feeling too secure, ensuring the status of doctors. "
Psychiatrist No. 2
" The relationship between doctors is given from roles, curiously different, but each professional care their status and category, it is very difficult for a doctor to accept the opinion of another or recognize some deficiencies in their knowledge, there a lot of overvaluation, we are "Sabiondo."
But in general, recognize that a doctor can not handle a case, it is very difficult, much professional pride. The worst enemy of a physician is another physician, under any view other compete with a medical professional. There is a significant percentage of patients to medical claims that are induced and implicitly advised by another doctor, are discredited.
They think saviors, arrogant, feel superior to other professionals, we need humility. There is a strong economic competition is categorized into classes so that you (the best house, car, clothes, etc.) Promoted especially by the wives.
On the other hand, the doctor means by public grants and then not want to work in the public sector.
social status influence on medical practice, class, all this affects relationships with patients is very difficult to refer patients to another doctor, do so only with patients' horns. "
CONCLUSIONS - A common factor against the requirement of the interview, both for psychologists to psychiatrists was initially adopted a defensive posture, waiting, which was varied as they explained their views.
- Individualism affects professional practice and determines the position with which assumes the individual and especially the group, especially when pushing the boundaries of seting.
- There is a significant difference in self-assessment between psychologist and psychiatrist, also in the way they relate to peers and with other people. Clearly being a physician, is given a role and status than other professionals and necessarily interferes with teamwork.
- As the psychologist share their experiences, with an attitude of constant learning and humility, facilitate communication and integrated professional development, reducing the negative factors involved in working with peers and other professionals.
- is critical respect to the other, the diversity and inconsistency in constructive attitude towards promoting a collaborative and participatory meeting between peers.
- Finally, this work allowed to explore the thoughts and feelings on how we see and interact in day to day and pretentiously sow unrest to stop and look and propose a new constructive working style. BIBLIOGRAPHY
- English Language Dictionary Second Edition Twenty of the Royal English Academy (RAE).
- "The public hospital as a human community of learning."
Artaza Osvaldo Barrios.
- Leadership and Management Skills. Horst Bussenius C.
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