Brenda Pastén Salfate
INTRODUCTION In this paper, we analyze the characteristics of the patient interaction with health professional about this interaction with the healthcare professional stand variables such as patient satisfaction and characteristics of establishing communication with professionals.
Patient satisfaction is a set of assessment dimensions
health care professional and is an affective response to it, which distinguishes the
specific satisfaction and overall, the first determined by the perception of the characteristics specific
health professional and the second is a more general appreciation of the process of interaction
In the health-disease process, from healthy lifestyles, adopting preventive behaviors
, optimizing the diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation of sick
up aspects of care for terminal patients.
Currently, health professionals, we are interested in all aspects
involved in determining health status in the risk of disease, the disease
condition and recovery, as well as interpersonal circumstances that occur
in providing health services to the population.
Anxiety emotion is perhaps more weight as scientific evidence, to relate
with the onset and development of the recovery. When anxiety
aid preparation to face any major situation, it is positive, but in modern life is frequently
that anxiety is disproportionate and is related to high levels of stress
in the health workforce, the anxiety may become panic, so that
interferes with daily activity of limiting individual performance, social and personal freedom
affecting the quality of patient care.
Patients may manifest anxiety, when the disease has no visible symptoms
and programs implemented for them. Eg HIV, breast cancer or uterine
very early stages. In these programs is important to intervene in
psychological costs of the participation of the population, the stress
awaiting the results and physical and emotional distress before the procedure. Also the risk of false positives with its attendant fears and anxieties for years and mistrust in the health services.
The onset of symptoms stimulates the search for medical help and
have investigated the factors that can trigger: an interpersonal crisis that serves to attract attention, the symptoms are seen as signs of serious diseases earlier are threatening in nature ( eg pain) or threaten these important social activity.
However, the interval of time between the onset of symptoms and the patient's decision to seek
medical care is variable.
In this process, socio-psychological factors affect different forms: individual values \u200b\u200band beliefs
and family socio-economic differences, specific social situation in which symptoms appear
, sex and age difference, but very important are the psychological problems related
with the perception of the disease, as the powers and
In short, all diseases have a set of attributes formed from
of social interactions that contain judgments about the relevance of the symptoms,
frequency, visibility, threatening character, and reversibility.
Algunos de ellos llamados estigmas, que fomentan determinadas actitudes hacia los
pacientes que las padecen e imprimen particularidades a las relaciones interpersonales y roles
sociales de éstos. Como ejemplo se puede citar las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el SIDA, el
cáncer, entre otras.
El tiempo de decisión con su carácter individual y el proceso de evaluación clínica de los
síntomas, determinan que la enfermedad pueda permanecer sintomática y sin un diagnóstico
preciso durante un tiempo; sin embargo, el desarrollo normal de su evolución lleva al diagnóstico y el paso a otra etapa.
En esta pequeña investigación, me encuentro con muchos factors that influence the
relationship between health professionals and patients, of which I can include: empathy,
vocation of public service, sense of belonging, professionalism, kindness, sentiment toward
the patient and their needs, engage with the situation affecting the patient, shared emotions
without barriers, teachings of a Supreme Being, be it God, Buddha, Mohammed or another,
as personal beliefs, spontaneity, openness, spontaneity, in short
love and respect for others.
And I meet a new term for me, resilience, a concept which teaches that we
- subject a series of both macro and micro social conditions - there is a possibility of transforming
painful situations in life opportunities. Authors such as
Rutter (2000) argue that pain, adversity, crises, frustrations, constitute instances through which learning is accomplished. Are instances that deliver
socioemotional and cognitive tools so that situations of adversity can be compensated
, neutralized or overcome.
Throughout history, psychology focused on the pathology of individuals
that generally impacted on areas that impeded that the subject be fully healthy (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). This has changed with the rise of positive psychology and the approach that Rogers (1997) shows on the person's vision, which highlights their resources, strengths and gives unconditional positive regard.
Some recent research (Kern & Moreno, 2007; Martorelli & Mustac,
2004; Suárez Ojeda & Melillo, 2001; Szarazgat & Glaz, 2006; VeranPoseck, Carbelo & Vecina, 2006) were interested in knowing how successfully individuals face adversity and different
ongoing crisis in its development, how and what they learn from such experiences.
is based on personal experience and direct observation of the health team, through
entire care cycle, starting at the primary health care, with the promotion and prevention
, continuing care specialties in the initial assessment, therapy and rehabilitation
, which sometimes require tertiary care or hospitalization.
from healthy people with risk factors, outpatients, hospitalized in rooms with beds
basic to seriously ill patients with life-threatening, unconscious and patients with terminal diseases
. All with greater or lesser degree of anxiety,
stress and expectations of meeting their health needs.
At all times, communication problems arise in the context of the relationship
health professional and patient. We have investigated aspects to take into account the characteristics and
biography of the patient, their needs (how much and what you want to know about your disease
), if you have no social support or if you prefer to be alone or accompanied and
recommendations have been made practical, ethical and legal issues that you print a
eminently human character of this act, especially when you have to manage the communication of a diagnosis with prognosis
In this communication, it appears that health professional's obligation to inform the
patient is conscious and oriented, health problem or illness, its signs and symptoms
, changes that can occur, the procedures to receive,
any complications, and most important of his consent for them to be made.
participation procedure is not always done, making a serious lack of respect that should prove
, mainly because it is a person who has the right to
the process that is living, and often do not practice, and is because we are tired, in a bad mood or just do not value. With this attitude provoke a backlash in the patient, rejection and increased anxiety to know the health problem that affects it.
Once reported diagnosed disease, there is a
subjective difference between it and the way it is perceived that the suffering and the meaning assigned to it.
personal meaning of illness influences the emotional responses and coping behaviors
it. Thus, this phenomenon may be perceived as highly stressful, as a challenge, a threat
a loss, a punishment or a benefit or relief from liability, personal
coping behavior, concerns a response or set of responses to the stressful situation
, implemented to manage and / or neutralize, ie the process involving the individual attempts to adapt to the new situation.
generally are not prepared, either as professionals or as individuals, to
face death, but health professionals should never stop delivering assistance to the terminally ill, nor is it the family.
should investigate and make recommendations based measures will achieve
appropriate coping strategies to death in 3 directions:
_ The way the health team facing death for terminal patients.
_ The confrontations of the family.
_ The way the patient facing his own death.
The health team must develop attitudes characterized by interpersonal
certain proximity, but keeping a respectful distance, focus on the patient and respect the privacy
it. Should help to refocus its existential context and enrich
as far as possible.
On this basis the patient adopts the role of the patient. Accepting the fact of being
sick, the consequences of the role and duties of it are very
psychological aspects relevant to adaptation and adjustment to illness, as well as adherence to treatment
Has been sustained interest in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth sciences investigate the motives that lead patients
compliance or no requirements directed by physicians. There
behaviors that describe problems in adherence to treatment:
difficulties in initiation, suspension premature, incomplete or poor compliance of the instructions, which express
errors of omission, dose, time, purpose (mistake
using one or another medication), absence to consultation and consultations, the absence of
change habits and lifestyles required for the improvement of the disease and a marked
connotation highlights the practice of self-medication.
The difficulties in meeting the medical indications were described from
early times in the history of medicine. Hippocrates warned about the unreliability of
the patient reports on the implementation of prescribed therapeutic regimens, in order to avoid recriminations
At this stage, it is very important to win the confidence of the patient,
learning to listen, look at it as we speak, the person who heads
notice if we are paying attention, if we are attentive to what we own, or if we care their approaches, and based on our
attitude, we develop the empathy, to know how you feel and how it affects your
disease, according to the printing is really interested in the information which was delivered
could be used interchangeably 2 terms to refer to compliance with the indications
, whether medical, nursing and general care:
compliance and adherence.
compliance is defined as the process through which the patient carries out the instructions properly
. It is considered as where the conduct of a
person, in terms of taking medications, monitoring diet, or in carrying out
lifestyle changes coincide with medical or health advice.
The term adherence is defined as an active and voluntary patient in a developing
accepted behavior by mutual agreement in order to produce a desired therapeutic result
latter emphasizes the psychological components, especially
aware of the patient, which induces a pattern of performance structure, making it
increasingly frequent use in the field of research on the subject.
Another aspect to consider is the communication that allows the patient
can understand the information being given on the prescription or recommendation and
is a first step for acceptance, the recall and compliance.
There is a group of determinants which consists of psychosocial aspects of patient
. First recognized in the patient's beliefs associated with
perceived threat to the health consequences caused by disease, the risk estimate
sick, on the other side to the belief of the person to be able to run the
response required and ultimately to the belief that the answer will be effective.
Another aspect to consider is the patient's motivation for health,
features of their cognitive processes, especially memory and support networks Social
that account for increased enforcement of the requirements.
Social support can contribute to enhancing the enforcement of the requirements
treatment by encouraging the patient to maintain the medical regimen
and implement actions necessary to return to normal life. This may come from family, friends or support groups.
The Psychoneuroimmunology has shown over the course of its evolution,
possibility that the immune system is mediated by psychological factors.
offers study and explain the common belief that personality and emotions
exercise some influence on health, it also has the potential to develop
psychological interventions can improve immunity and thereby modify the predisposition to
onset and progression of diseases both infectious and chronic degenerative type.
Investigations to date support the conclusion that psychological variables are
able to influence the strengthening or weakening the immune system and affecting through this pathway to health. There is abundant evidence showing how stressful situations affect the nervous system and can lead to a suppression of immune function.
A key example is the powerful impact of hormones released by stress. While these hormones
increase throughout the body, the immune cell function is hampered
and stress overrides the immune resistance, at least in a temporary
, but if stress is constant and intense that annulment may become permanent.
work in the hospital institution is characterized by interdisciplinary intervention
medical professionals and nonmedical health in the health-disease process.
Throughout my career, I noticed that the feelings and emotions
positive benefits are optimistic and hopeful perception of patients, binds the value of personal relationships as a source for share these feelings, keeping close contacts
affective and patients to find emotional support
those times when there is an imbalance in your health. And I mean
imbalance because it has been an organic imbalance in health maintenance.
remember the case of a fairly young, about 45 years, which despite being
serious and under sedation, intubation and mechanical ventilation,
remained connected to their environment, atingentes and fighting for his life. With this patient happened to us all,
complications that had never been presented, he presented them, and all at one time, those moments
were a combination of efforts, knowledge, science, experience,
desire to live and succeed is contagious with the professional team that struggled to deal with each sign, each symptom of the disease, but attention combined with a feeling of winning together the patient and the professionals who treated him. That patient survived, and was on the team a sense of responding to their expectations and needs. I corresponded moving to Santiago, I realized that at no time to falter, and that feeling is pierced, so much so that we were sure he would survive, a team of healthcare professionals united by faith and hope, motivated and articulate both technical and emotionally. That was an example of delivery of positive forces, one day, perhaps months, the patient returned with a heart transplant, grateful and excited, I remembered every moment spent in the hospital, and told us from their perspective, by what is felt support of an entire group of professionals who felt and wanted to continue in this world.
From these results it can be inferred, the medical benefits
feelings and positive emotions, the advantages of optimistic and hopeful perception of existence, to which binds the value of personal relationships as sources for sharing feelings
close, stay in close contact afectivos y encontrar apoyo emocional y técnico.
Relación profesional de la salud-paciente, todos fuimos, somos o seremos pacientes, en
algún momento de nuestras vidas, y todos esperamos que la asistencia sea ética, respetuosa y que permita la comunicación.
La relación humanizada exige un diálogo en el cual exista comunicación, información y
fluidez, y no solamente en una trato directo con el paciente, en mi quehacer diario recibo
familiares de los enfermos que no pueden acercarse al Hospital, en estas ocasiones acude un
pariente que ya viene con un estrés, con una serie de condiciones que contribuyen a que
presenten sentimientos adversos.
¿Qué happens when the health professional can not express their questions, concerns and doubts
The patient, in this case who represents you feel hostile and unfavorable, that
not to express the circumstances affecting them, much less resolve, therefore
becomes aggressive and unpleasant, sometimes even threatening.
however, has happened to me that if the communication is bidirectional and the patient is appropriate and stars
the situation, the dialogue easier to understand, and while
listen carefully, I have come to feel part of the history of disease and begin to
know the feeling, the goodness that some people give to their peers, both well, that emotion and sometimes infects me cry and I thank God to have the capacity and capability to deliver a minimum of time and listen, perhaps not always solve the problem or health status, but to establish that contact, the that person deserves consideration.
In search of bibliographic support for this presentation, I found a concept that
I can not fail to mention: Resilience.
I observed in different revisions, those considered resilient,
have certain characteristics that allow them to not only meet but also adversity
emerge strengthened from these calling them as pillars of resilience:
• Humor: finding the comic in his own tragedy.
• A high degree of creativity, namely the ability to create order, beauty and order out of chaos to
• Introspection: a look inside and self-described as honestly as possible
• Ability to relate: the ability to establish relationships and intimacy with other people,
to balance one's need for affection with the attitude afforded to others.
• Initiative: taste required and tested in
progressively more demanding tasks.
• Independence: know how to set boundaries between self and environment problems;
ability to maintain distance physical and emotional without being in isolation.
• Morality: Implications for the personal desire to extend welfare to all mankind
and ability to engage in securities, this element is as important
since childhood, but especially after 10 years. • Self-esteem
consistent: it is the basis of other features and affective
result consistent care of the child, adolescent or adult by the significant adult
According to Edith Grotberg (1997) argues that people make on resiliency factors
four sources: "I have" (support), "I am" and "I am" (
development of intra-psychic strength, and "I I can "(the acquisition of interpersonal skills and conflict resolution
Communication is crucial in any process of emotional adjustment to demand
be carrying a disease:
" Even before the need arises operation, knowledge of different types of psychological reactions
of patients provides useful elements in the history of each patient
for a better interpretation of data obtained "
Through communication, the health team can understand:
_ A patient who violates indications usually deny the reality of their disease because
this it is very difficult to deal
_ A patient with manic features may be an underestimate of pain and symptoms
mask important to be treated in time
_ A patient seems very quiet denier may delay accepting the fear
Around case, the professional must invest time and kindness in touch
inquire fears and concerns, which usually are not easy story, only fail
know when offered an appropriate space for it. Just as the consent of
patient for the procedure to be performed. It is essential to approach with a smile and show
real interest in the history of disease the patient, listening and calm their concerns, which is not always achieved, either for lack of time, not customization and because it establishes a bond of trust.
The value given to information and consent by the patient tends to
emphasize their autonomy and their ability to meet and decide on their future and the
treatments you receive. Prevents medical paternalism is sometimes authoritarian and omnipotent
With regard to information, frequently as the patient is depressed by bad news
and a threatening reality, psychological defense mechanisms will prevent
hear or understand the information.
When a patient comes to medical treatment which further requests that you resolve your situation
physical discomfort, is that they provide human care, to prevent
imbalance and to sustain their dignity.
With "humane care" the patient wants the professional to show interest to him as a person
total, integrated not only by a broken body physically, but also
as someone who feels and thinks. Sometimes together with their physical symptoms and complaints
confusing is saying "show me interested," "worry about me, what I feel, and
I think. "
Through communication, support, showing patience, accompanying him, including the immediate family
, professional prevents relapse can be worse than the disease itself
Sometimes the patient wants the doctor or their carers are put in place, "to
who feel the same sensations confusing and depressing."
emotional factors, the structure of personality and family dynamics
disease itself, have an important role in the relationship of health with his
patient. Then, to understand how the patient is disturbed by
symptoms of disease can be prevented onset of other symptoms that interfere with
recovery process.
On the other hand, and the staff side, it is also exposed to the consequences of their performance
. His preparation allows him to "cure", and sometimes not
not willing to do, is committed part of her professional and personal.
he also produce feelings that are interesting face. Among them, the frustration,
example, when there is the death of his patient. It usually decides the professional
objectify the situation, including his patients and their surroundings. Are also ways
protect themselves from the anxiety of the situation can not be remedied. And there you have the position almost of omnipotence
showing that sometimes becomes distant with the patient.
It has gone from a traditional medicine, focusing on the body and disease, a
person-centered medicine. From here contributes to understanding the complex interactions between human
and the dynamic environment and that this interaction has on the health-illness continuum
. Ie the model proposes a unified approach.
Health Psychology, "studies, among others, interpersonal circumstances
get reflected in the provision of services health, including actions for adapting useful
health services to the needs of those who receive them, "Morales Calatayud (1999). Today
health professionals found that chronic diseases are considered terminal
generating sources of stress
involve a process of continuous deterioration. However, most people with terminal illness not only face
the situation but sometimes exceeding it out
enriched by the experience.
A health care professional promotes the positive aspects that show people in
situation of adversity and danger, strengthens and prepares to face the challenges of disease and stimulates
to submit resilient behavior.
The trend is to integrate the approach of resilience in social action, educational and health
covering individual subjects of all ages, from infancy to old age
, but also families, and even the community.
Health personnel should also promote a philosophy of positive living,
analyzing the goodness of life and the importance of life projects. Enhance
internal forces such as: the belief in himself, self-determination,
positive comparison with others, self, personal power to succeed in life and overcome fears, to keep faith in life and find purpose and meaning to it. This results in equanimity, perseverance and self confidence.
reaffirm the spiritual dimension, understood as a "means of reducing stress
through connection with a power greater than himself."
In the case of family members, is composed of features related to cohesion,
tenderness, feeling a strong emotional attachment from parents, concern for the welfare, the presence of unconditional support, encouragement of religious beliefs, security and stability
provided emotional by a proper parental model.
At the community level features are considered as the presence of peer support networks appropriate
(friends and work), participation in a religious group
connection with organizations seeking society, and environmental quality and services
social and health.
of a risk model based on the needs and the disease has been passed to a
prevention and promotion model based on the strengths and resources that man has in himself and around (Cyrulnik, 2002).
The man takes elements to maintain their balance in life and when one of
these elements do not have the quantity and quality appropriate, receive a state of need or imbalance which seeks to recover the initial equilibrium. If this action to recover
not performed or not enough, this imbalance may remain.
Thus, the disease is loss of balance between body, mind and environment, caused by the dissatisfaction of some need.
The disease has a characteristic that is unique, ie the patient's attitude to the disease is a characterological factor of the patient himself. The objective
healthy little to do with the feeling of wellbeing. Optimism, a sense of personal control and the ability to find meaning to life experiences
associated with better mental health.
matters more subjective perception of health status to get ahead and address this situation better
(Mustac & Martorelli, 2004), in such a way that the psychology of health
has as one of its objectives the promotion and maintenance health, prevention and treatment of disease.
is why the health care team should make them aware of their resources, those who
allow them to feel like a human being with the best opportunities to continue their lives and gain
the new lifestyle that will be implemented (Kern & Moreno, 2007).
Aley (2002) mentions the role of health professionals is to help the sick person
have optimal development within the limitations provided by their condition,
ie not only address the physical, but seeing the whole person, not only their
strengths should be strengthened as: high level of spirituality, hope and a positive attitude
front of his diagnosis, which makes them look differently
situation or forecast, they realize the situation more objective and well
act responsibly in the treatment and care given by health care team to achieve the greatest possible independence as
to him., namely to be autovalentes.
The care given to patients by hospital service (ratio
health team and patient) is a major factor influencing the patient's mood and their expectations for the disease.
Patients say it is essential that the health team will provide a friendly
, respect and trust by providing accurate information regarding their
The current focus on health try to change the way human beings perceive:
of a risk model based on the needs and disease, is now considering a model
prevention and promotion based on potential and resources that human beings have
itself and around it.
As health care team should promote the strengths and positive aspects of individual
to reduce risk factors and sources of stress, without ignoring the ups and downs
of the disease that are present as a limiting factor for both the patient and
the same health care professional.
staff should work in the field of health, scientific and technical level,
must also demonstrate the love of his work, a high degree of vocation.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Journal of Nursing Resilience in promoting women's health. Doris E.
Ospina Diva Estela Jaramillo Muñozb Vélezc Vélezd Tulia María Uribe.
2. Demonstration of resilience as protective factors in chronically ill hospitalized
terminals, Irma Cristina Acosta Idalia López de Llergo1 Yamna
Araiza Sánchez, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico
3. International Journal Nursing 1999, 15 (1) :17-21 Provincial Improvement Center.
, Jorge Luis Maceira Brito, 1 Eloína Mr. Martin and Mr. Ibis
Valladares1 TerryHerrera1 Basilia.
PASTOR LÓPEZ-ROIG and Sofia, Department of Health Psychology, Faculty of Medicine
University of Alicante.
5. Emotional aspects in the patient Quirúrgico.Psc. Teresa Baquerizo.
6. INFORMED CONSENT IN DENTISTRY. ANALYSIS A theoretical and practical, Leonor
Palomer R.1
7. ANXIETY, Dr. Ana García Díez. Specialist in Internal Medicine, Central Hospital of Asturias
. Oviedo. Spain.
8. Journal of Public Health, Cuban Society of Health Administration, ISSN: 0864-3466 CUBA
2003, Alfonso Martín Freedom
Journal of Public Health, July-September, the year / vol. 29, number 003,
Cuban Society of Health Administration, La Habana, Cuba, pp.
275 275-281 10. International Journal Public Health 2003, 29 (3) :275-81, National School of Public Health,
Authorized for publication on the blog.
Patient satisfaction is a set of assessment dimensions
health care professional and is an affective response to it, which distinguishes the
specific satisfaction and overall, the first determined by the perception of the characteristics specific
health professional and the second is a more general appreciation of the process of interaction
In the health-disease process, from healthy lifestyles, adopting preventive behaviors
, optimizing the diagnosis and treatment, rehabilitation of sick
up aspects of care for terminal patients.
Currently, health professionals, we are interested in all aspects
involved in determining health status in the risk of disease, the disease
condition and recovery, as well as interpersonal circumstances that occur
in providing health services to the population.
Anxiety emotion is perhaps more weight as scientific evidence, to relate
with the onset and development of the recovery. When anxiety
aid preparation to face any major situation, it is positive, but in modern life is frequently
that anxiety is disproportionate and is related to high levels of stress
in the health workforce, the anxiety may become panic, so that
interferes with daily activity of limiting individual performance, social and personal freedom
affecting the quality of patient care.
Patients may manifest anxiety, when the disease has no visible symptoms
and programs implemented for them. Eg HIV, breast cancer or uterine
very early stages. In these programs is important to intervene in
psychological costs of the participation of the population, the stress
awaiting the results and physical and emotional distress before the procedure. Also the risk of false positives with its attendant fears and anxieties for years and mistrust in the health services.
The onset of symptoms stimulates the search for medical help and
have investigated the factors that can trigger: an interpersonal crisis that serves to attract attention, the symptoms are seen as signs of serious diseases earlier are threatening in nature ( eg pain) or threaten these important social activity.
However, the interval of time between the onset of symptoms and the patient's decision to seek
medical care is variable.
In this process, socio-psychological factors affect different forms: individual values \u200b\u200band beliefs
and family socio-economic differences, specific social situation in which symptoms appear
, sex and age difference, but very important are the psychological problems related
with the perception of the disease, as the powers and
In short, all diseases have a set of attributes formed from
of social interactions that contain judgments about the relevance of the symptoms,
frequency, visibility, threatening character, and reversibility.
Algunos de ellos llamados estigmas, que fomentan determinadas actitudes hacia los
pacientes que las padecen e imprimen particularidades a las relaciones interpersonales y roles
sociales de éstos. Como ejemplo se puede citar las infecciones de transmisión sexual, el SIDA, el
cáncer, entre otras.
El tiempo de decisión con su carácter individual y el proceso de evaluación clínica de los
síntomas, determinan que la enfermedad pueda permanecer sintomática y sin un diagnóstico
preciso durante un tiempo; sin embargo, el desarrollo normal de su evolución lleva al diagnóstico y el paso a otra etapa.
En esta pequeña investigación, me encuentro con muchos factors that influence the
relationship between health professionals and patients, of which I can include: empathy,
vocation of public service, sense of belonging, professionalism, kindness, sentiment toward
the patient and their needs, engage with the situation affecting the patient, shared emotions
without barriers, teachings of a Supreme Being, be it God, Buddha, Mohammed or another,
as personal beliefs, spontaneity, openness, spontaneity, in short
love and respect for others.
And I meet a new term for me, resilience, a concept which teaches that we
- subject a series of both macro and micro social conditions - there is a possibility of transforming
painful situations in life opportunities. Authors such as
Rutter (2000) argue that pain, adversity, crises, frustrations, constitute instances through which learning is accomplished. Are instances that deliver
socioemotional and cognitive tools so that situations of adversity can be compensated
, neutralized or overcome.
Throughout history, psychology focused on the pathology of individuals
that generally impacted on areas that impeded that the subject be fully healthy (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). This has changed with the rise of positive psychology and the approach that Rogers (1997) shows on the person's vision, which highlights their resources, strengths and gives unconditional positive regard.
Some recent research (Kern & Moreno, 2007; Martorelli & Mustac,
2004; Suárez Ojeda & Melillo, 2001; Szarazgat & Glaz, 2006; VeranPoseck, Carbelo & Vecina, 2006) were interested in knowing how successfully individuals face adversity and different
ongoing crisis in its development, how and what they learn from such experiences.
is based on personal experience and direct observation of the health team, through
entire care cycle, starting at the primary health care, with the promotion and prevention
, continuing care specialties in the initial assessment, therapy and rehabilitation
, which sometimes require tertiary care or hospitalization.
from healthy people with risk factors, outpatients, hospitalized in rooms with beds
basic to seriously ill patients with life-threatening, unconscious and patients with terminal diseases
. All with greater or lesser degree of anxiety,
stress and expectations of meeting their health needs.
At all times, communication problems arise in the context of the relationship
health professional and patient. We have investigated aspects to take into account the characteristics and
biography of the patient, their needs (how much and what you want to know about your disease
), if you have no social support or if you prefer to be alone or accompanied and
recommendations have been made practical, ethical and legal issues that you print a
eminently human character of this act, especially when you have to manage the communication of a diagnosis with prognosis
In this communication, it appears that health professional's obligation to inform the
patient is conscious and oriented, health problem or illness, its signs and symptoms
, changes that can occur, the procedures to receive,
any complications, and most important of his consent for them to be made.
participation procedure is not always done, making a serious lack of respect that should prove
, mainly because it is a person who has the right to
the process that is living, and often do not practice, and is because we are tired, in a bad mood or just do not value. With this attitude provoke a backlash in the patient, rejection and increased anxiety to know the health problem that affects it.
Once reported diagnosed disease, there is a
subjective difference between it and the way it is perceived that the suffering and the meaning assigned to it.
personal meaning of illness influences the emotional responses and coping behaviors
it. Thus, this phenomenon may be perceived as highly stressful, as a challenge, a threat
a loss, a punishment or a benefit or relief from liability, personal
coping behavior, concerns a response or set of responses to the stressful situation
, implemented to manage and / or neutralize, ie the process involving the individual attempts to adapt to the new situation.
generally are not prepared, either as professionals or as individuals, to
face death, but health professionals should never stop delivering assistance to the terminally ill, nor is it the family.
should investigate and make recommendations based measures will achieve
appropriate coping strategies to death in 3 directions:
_ The way the health team facing death for terminal patients.
_ The confrontations of the family.
_ The way the patient facing his own death.
The health team must develop attitudes characterized by interpersonal
certain proximity, but keeping a respectful distance, focus on the patient and respect the privacy
it. Should help to refocus its existential context and enrich
as far as possible.
On this basis the patient adopts the role of the patient. Accepting the fact of being
sick, the consequences of the role and duties of it are very
psychological aspects relevant to adaptation and adjustment to illness, as well as adherence to treatment
Has been sustained interest in the area of \u200b\u200bhealth sciences investigate the motives that lead patients
compliance or no requirements directed by physicians. There
behaviors that describe problems in adherence to treatment:
difficulties in initiation, suspension premature, incomplete or poor compliance of the instructions, which express
errors of omission, dose, time, purpose (mistake
using one or another medication), absence to consultation and consultations, the absence of
change habits and lifestyles required for the improvement of the disease and a marked
connotation highlights the practice of self-medication.
The difficulties in meeting the medical indications were described from
early times in the history of medicine. Hippocrates warned about the unreliability of
the patient reports on the implementation of prescribed therapeutic regimens, in order to avoid recriminations
At this stage, it is very important to win the confidence of the patient,
learning to listen, look at it as we speak, the person who heads
notice if we are paying attention, if we are attentive to what we own, or if we care their approaches, and based on our
attitude, we develop the empathy, to know how you feel and how it affects your
disease, according to the printing is really interested in the information which was delivered
could be used interchangeably 2 terms to refer to compliance with the indications
, whether medical, nursing and general care:
compliance and adherence.
compliance is defined as the process through which the patient carries out the instructions properly
. It is considered as where the conduct of a
person, in terms of taking medications, monitoring diet, or in carrying out
lifestyle changes coincide with medical or health advice.
The term adherence is defined as an active and voluntary patient in a developing
accepted behavior by mutual agreement in order to produce a desired therapeutic result
latter emphasizes the psychological components, especially
aware of the patient, which induces a pattern of performance structure, making it
increasingly frequent use in the field of research on the subject.
Another aspect to consider is the communication that allows the patient
can understand the information being given on the prescription or recommendation and
is a first step for acceptance, the recall and compliance.
There is a group of determinants which consists of psychosocial aspects of patient
. First recognized in the patient's beliefs associated with
perceived threat to the health consequences caused by disease, the risk estimate
sick, on the other side to the belief of the person to be able to run the
response required and ultimately to the belief that the answer will be effective.
Another aspect to consider is the patient's motivation for health,
features of their cognitive processes, especially memory and support networks Social
that account for increased enforcement of the requirements.
Social support can contribute to enhancing the enforcement of the requirements
treatment by encouraging the patient to maintain the medical regimen
and implement actions necessary to return to normal life. This may come from family, friends or support groups.
The Psychoneuroimmunology has shown over the course of its evolution,
possibility that the immune system is mediated by psychological factors.
offers study and explain the common belief that personality and emotions
exercise some influence on health, it also has the potential to develop
psychological interventions can improve immunity and thereby modify the predisposition to
onset and progression of diseases both infectious and chronic degenerative type.
Investigations to date support the conclusion that psychological variables are
able to influence the strengthening or weakening the immune system and affecting through this pathway to health. There is abundant evidence showing how stressful situations affect the nervous system and can lead to a suppression of immune function.
A key example is the powerful impact of hormones released by stress. While these hormones
increase throughout the body, the immune cell function is hampered
and stress overrides the immune resistance, at least in a temporary
, but if stress is constant and intense that annulment may become permanent.
work in the hospital institution is characterized by interdisciplinary intervention
medical professionals and nonmedical health in the health-disease process.
Throughout my career, I noticed that the feelings and emotions
positive benefits are optimistic and hopeful perception of patients, binds the value of personal relationships as a source for share these feelings, keeping close contacts
affective and patients to find emotional support
those times when there is an imbalance in your health. And I mean
imbalance because it has been an organic imbalance in health maintenance.
remember the case of a fairly young, about 45 years, which despite being
serious and under sedation, intubation and mechanical ventilation,
remained connected to their environment, atingentes and fighting for his life. With this patient happened to us all,
complications that had never been presented, he presented them, and all at one time, those moments
were a combination of efforts, knowledge, science, experience,
desire to live and succeed is contagious with the professional team that struggled to deal with each sign, each symptom of the disease, but attention combined with a feeling of winning together the patient and the professionals who treated him. That patient survived, and was on the team a sense of responding to their expectations and needs. I corresponded moving to Santiago, I realized that at no time to falter, and that feeling is pierced, so much so that we were sure he would survive, a team of healthcare professionals united by faith and hope, motivated and articulate both technical and emotionally. That was an example of delivery of positive forces, one day, perhaps months, the patient returned with a heart transplant, grateful and excited, I remembered every moment spent in the hospital, and told us from their perspective, by what is felt support of an entire group of professionals who felt and wanted to continue in this world.
From these results it can be inferred, the medical benefits
feelings and positive emotions, the advantages of optimistic and hopeful perception of existence, to which binds the value of personal relationships as sources for sharing feelings
close, stay in close contact afectivos y encontrar apoyo emocional y técnico.
Relación profesional de la salud-paciente, todos fuimos, somos o seremos pacientes, en
algún momento de nuestras vidas, y todos esperamos que la asistencia sea ética, respetuosa y que permita la comunicación.
La relación humanizada exige un diálogo en el cual exista comunicación, información y
fluidez, y no solamente en una trato directo con el paciente, en mi quehacer diario recibo
familiares de los enfermos que no pueden acercarse al Hospital, en estas ocasiones acude un
pariente que ya viene con un estrés, con una serie de condiciones que contribuyen a que
presenten sentimientos adversos.
¿Qué happens when the health professional can not express their questions, concerns and doubts
The patient, in this case who represents you feel hostile and unfavorable, that
not to express the circumstances affecting them, much less resolve, therefore
becomes aggressive and unpleasant, sometimes even threatening.
however, has happened to me that if the communication is bidirectional and the patient is appropriate and stars
the situation, the dialogue easier to understand, and while
listen carefully, I have come to feel part of the history of disease and begin to
know the feeling, the goodness that some people give to their peers, both well, that emotion and sometimes infects me cry and I thank God to have the capacity and capability to deliver a minimum of time and listen, perhaps not always solve the problem or health status, but to establish that contact, the that person deserves consideration.
In search of bibliographic support for this presentation, I found a concept that
I can not fail to mention: Resilience.
I observed in different revisions, those considered resilient,
have certain characteristics that allow them to not only meet but also adversity
emerge strengthened from these calling them as pillars of resilience:
• Humor: finding the comic in his own tragedy.
• A high degree of creativity, namely the ability to create order, beauty and order out of chaos to
• Introspection: a look inside and self-described as honestly as possible
• Ability to relate: the ability to establish relationships and intimacy with other people,
to balance one's need for affection with the attitude afforded to others.
• Initiative: taste required and tested in
progressively more demanding tasks.
• Independence: know how to set boundaries between self and environment problems;
ability to maintain distance physical and emotional without being in isolation.
• Morality: Implications for the personal desire to extend welfare to all mankind
and ability to engage in securities, this element is as important
since childhood, but especially after 10 years. • Self-esteem
consistent: it is the basis of other features and affective
result consistent care of the child, adolescent or adult by the significant adult
According to Edith Grotberg (1997) argues that people make on resiliency factors
four sources: "I have" (support), "I am" and "I am" (
development of intra-psychic strength, and "I I can "(the acquisition of interpersonal skills and conflict resolution
Communication is crucial in any process of emotional adjustment to demand
be carrying a disease:
" Even before the need arises operation, knowledge of different types of psychological reactions
of patients provides useful elements in the history of each patient
for a better interpretation of data obtained "
Through communication, the health team can understand:
_ A patient who violates indications usually deny the reality of their disease because
this it is very difficult to deal
_ A patient with manic features may be an underestimate of pain and symptoms
mask important to be treated in time
_ A patient seems very quiet denier may delay accepting the fear
Around case, the professional must invest time and kindness in touch
inquire fears and concerns, which usually are not easy story, only fail
know when offered an appropriate space for it. Just as the consent of
patient for the procedure to be performed. It is essential to approach with a smile and show
real interest in the history of disease the patient, listening and calm their concerns, which is not always achieved, either for lack of time, not customization and because it establishes a bond of trust.
The value given to information and consent by the patient tends to
emphasize their autonomy and their ability to meet and decide on their future and the
treatments you receive. Prevents medical paternalism is sometimes authoritarian and omnipotent
With regard to information, frequently as the patient is depressed by bad news
and a threatening reality, psychological defense mechanisms will prevent
hear or understand the information.
When a patient comes to medical treatment which further requests that you resolve your situation
physical discomfort, is that they provide human care, to prevent
imbalance and to sustain their dignity.
With "humane care" the patient wants the professional to show interest to him as a person
total, integrated not only by a broken body physically, but also
as someone who feels and thinks. Sometimes together with their physical symptoms and complaints
confusing is saying "show me interested," "worry about me, what I feel, and
I think. "
Through communication, support, showing patience, accompanying him, including the immediate family
, professional prevents relapse can be worse than the disease itself
Sometimes the patient wants the doctor or their carers are put in place, "to
who feel the same sensations confusing and depressing."
emotional factors, the structure of personality and family dynamics
disease itself, have an important role in the relationship of health with his
patient. Then, to understand how the patient is disturbed by
symptoms of disease can be prevented onset of other symptoms that interfere with
recovery process.
On the other hand, and the staff side, it is also exposed to the consequences of their performance
. His preparation allows him to "cure", and sometimes not
not willing to do, is committed part of her professional and personal.
he also produce feelings that are interesting face. Among them, the frustration,
example, when there is the death of his patient. It usually decides the professional
objectify the situation, including his patients and their surroundings. Are also ways
protect themselves from the anxiety of the situation can not be remedied. And there you have the position almost of omnipotence
showing that sometimes becomes distant with the patient.
It has gone from a traditional medicine, focusing on the body and disease, a
person-centered medicine. From here contributes to understanding the complex interactions between human
and the dynamic environment and that this interaction has on the health-illness continuum
. Ie the model proposes a unified approach.
Health Psychology, "studies, among others, interpersonal circumstances
get reflected in the provision of services health, including actions for adapting useful
health services to the needs of those who receive them, "Morales Calatayud (1999). Today
health professionals found that chronic diseases are considered terminal
generating sources of stress
involve a process of continuous deterioration. However, most people with terminal illness not only face
the situation but sometimes exceeding it out
enriched by the experience.
A health care professional promotes the positive aspects that show people in
situation of adversity and danger, strengthens and prepares to face the challenges of disease and stimulates
to submit resilient behavior.
The trend is to integrate the approach of resilience in social action, educational and health
covering individual subjects of all ages, from infancy to old age
, but also families, and even the community.
Health personnel should also promote a philosophy of positive living,
analyzing the goodness of life and the importance of life projects. Enhance
internal forces such as: the belief in himself, self-determination,
positive comparison with others, self, personal power to succeed in life and overcome fears, to keep faith in life and find purpose and meaning to it. This results in equanimity, perseverance and self confidence.
reaffirm the spiritual dimension, understood as a "means of reducing stress
through connection with a power greater than himself."
In the case of family members, is composed of features related to cohesion,
tenderness, feeling a strong emotional attachment from parents, concern for the welfare, the presence of unconditional support, encouragement of religious beliefs, security and stability
provided emotional by a proper parental model.
At the community level features are considered as the presence of peer support networks appropriate
(friends and work), participation in a religious group
connection with organizations seeking society, and environmental quality and services
social and health.
of a risk model based on the needs and the disease has been passed to a
prevention and promotion model based on the strengths and resources that man has in himself and around (Cyrulnik, 2002).
The man takes elements to maintain their balance in life and when one of
these elements do not have the quantity and quality appropriate, receive a state of need or imbalance which seeks to recover the initial equilibrium. If this action to recover
not performed or not enough, this imbalance may remain.
Thus, the disease is loss of balance between body, mind and environment, caused by the dissatisfaction of some need.
The disease has a characteristic that is unique, ie the patient's attitude to the disease is a characterological factor of the patient himself. The objective
healthy little to do with the feeling of wellbeing. Optimism, a sense of personal control and the ability to find meaning to life experiences
associated with better mental health.
matters more subjective perception of health status to get ahead and address this situation better
(Mustac & Martorelli, 2004), in such a way that the psychology of health
has as one of its objectives the promotion and maintenance health, prevention and treatment of disease.
is why the health care team should make them aware of their resources, those who
allow them to feel like a human being with the best opportunities to continue their lives and gain
the new lifestyle that will be implemented (Kern & Moreno, 2007).
Aley (2002) mentions the role of health professionals is to help the sick person
have optimal development within the limitations provided by their condition,
ie not only address the physical, but seeing the whole person, not only their
strengths should be strengthened as: high level of spirituality, hope and a positive attitude
front of his diagnosis, which makes them look differently
situation or forecast, they realize the situation more objective and well
act responsibly in the treatment and care given by health care team to achieve the greatest possible independence as
to him., namely to be autovalentes.
The care given to patients by hospital service (ratio
health team and patient) is a major factor influencing the patient's mood and their expectations for the disease.
Patients say it is essential that the health team will provide a friendly
, respect and trust by providing accurate information regarding their
The current focus on health try to change the way human beings perceive:
of a risk model based on the needs and disease, is now considering a model
prevention and promotion based on potential and resources that human beings have
itself and around it.
As health care team should promote the strengths and positive aspects of individual
to reduce risk factors and sources of stress, without ignoring the ups and downs
of the disease that are present as a limiting factor for both the patient and
the same health care professional.
staff should work in the field of health, scientific and technical level,
must also demonstrate the love of his work, a high degree of vocation.
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Authorized for publication on the blog.
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