Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ending Tenancy Template Letter


Arturo Prat University Master in Management and Human Resources Management Human Resources Module

Bussenius Professor Horst C.

For Angelina Vilca Colque

INTRODUCTION The fact that an organization get more suitable workers for the vacancies offered, depends heavily on a process of recruitment in this vital stage of the interview with each applicant, which is why, the interviewer plays a pivotal role in contributing to the satisfaction needs of an organization. The interviewer must be able to interpret the body language of respondents, and channel optimally the questions during the course of the interview. The good interviewer should use your emotional intelligence to empathize with the human being who has the front, so as to eliminate self-defense armor typically worn by the interviewee. Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize feelings in self and others, and the ability to manage, according to Daniel Goleman.

Job Interview

A key element in defining who is hired or rejected in a company is the interview for the job. We can say that not many people hired without first passing through an interview. However, the evidence established that interviewers form opinions about a perception that is often inaccurate. In addition, the ratings of some interviewers tend to agree, that is, different interviewers see different things in the same candidate and therefore reach different conclusions as to the applicant.

Generally, interviewers form an impression, which is rooted at high speed. If at the beginning of the interview is exposed negative information, it tends to be weighted more if there is later. Studies indicate that the decisions of the majority of interviewers change very little after the first four or five minutes of the interview. Accordingly, the information obtained at the beginning of the interview is more weight to information obtained later, and it is likely that the "good candidate" to be qualified by the absence of unfavorable characteristics rather than by the presence of favorable characteristics. Development

interview is a crucial step in the recruitment process, in this you get the information that both the interviewer and the interviewee want, the fact that the interview dynamics is made to flow in an entertaining way the stimuli (questions) that the interviewer asks the interviewee, allowing the first to study the responses and reactions in the (feedback).

At first, the interviewer provides information about the opportunity that exists and the organization, intended to convey a positive and favorable. It is therefore important that the interviewer knows the organization, define the need for it and focuses their personal tools to optimize the time in which to develop the interview. Among the characteristics of a good interviewer include: a.
Familiar with the vacancy. B.
Know the organization, its mission, vision, strengths and weaknesses. C.
Do not try to enlarge the organization against the respondent. D.
Read before the interview, the interviewee's curriculum, not doing so during the interview. E.
Inform the interviewee about the position and organization. F.
Should show sincere, polite and punctual with the interviewee. G.
You must use a clear verbal and suitable for the respondent, in accordance to the vacancy.
h. Must be empathetic and channel optimum formulation of the questions. I.
You should take note of the verbal and nonverbal responses of the interviewee. J.
Select an appropriate physical space for conducting the interview (private, moderately comfortable seats, good lighting, avoid transferring phone calls, inter alia, to optimize the chosen space.)

The productivity watch the interview should be vital, but not binding (there should be objectivity), as this is essential to take into account the time, the interview should last a certain amount of time for each candidate, it is necessary therefore varies with each interviewee.

After the interview, the interviewer should make a clear signal that the interview ended, especially the respondent should provide information future action and how they will be contacted to know the outcome.

Emotional intelligence

A good interviewer should read emotions emitted by the speaker as the smile, sadness, anger, fear, among others. Emotions are important for the exercise of reason. Between feeling and thinking, emotion guide our decisions, working with the rational mind and enabling - or disabling - the thought itself. Similarly, the thinking brain plays a fundamental role in our emotions, except for those moments when the emotions are overflowing and the emotional brain takes complete control of the situation. In a So we have two brains and two different kinds of intelligence: rational intelligence and emotional intelligence and our vital work is determined by both, as Daniel Goleman, American psychologist.
What language are based on emotions, understanding how emotion affects the human being is the primary task that should make the interviewer, therefore, a good interviewer you must know yourself, then others can understand.

The interviewer should adapt their spoken language as the respondent's personal characteristics, that is, if the vacancy is Assistant toilet, we can not express with unusual terms or ask questions unrelated to the level of experience of the interviewee. However, if the vacancy is Operations Manager must be able to adapt and internalize previously expertise of professionals.
Whenever the interviewer should ensure that the respondent is shown as it is, making the environment is pleasant and friendly interview, and give confidence that the respondent be honest with your answers.

should bear in mind that during communication, all opinions are legitimate and so the interviewer can not prejudge an answer is more or less valid. We should not deprive us of hearing the views of respondents feel superior to us (interviewers) or organization needs to fill his vacancy.

"Simplicity is the largest of sophistication" Leonardo Da Vinci, this statement can be deduced that more sophisticated communication and, therefore, more persuasive and effective is almost always the simplest, according to Ramon Ferran - Cortés , an expert in communication.

Body Language

Verbal language is used primarily to provide information, while the nonverbal is used to express personal attitudes and in some cases substitute for verbal messages, for example: A woman can take "a look that kills", it conveys a clear message without opening his mouth. Much of our basic nonverbal behavior is learned, and the meaning of the movements and gestures is determined by the type of civilization.

The most basic communication gestures are the same worldwide. When people feel happy smile, when you are sad or angry frown. Tilt the head forward is almost universally a nod, yes. It is a way of tilting his head and appears to be an inborn gesture as also made the blind and the deaf. Move head from side to side means denial, failure, it is also universal and may have learned in childhood, according to Allan Pease, author of Body Language.

We left with the following question, "Can we pretend the body language, the answer is no, because the lack of consistency would be evident among the main gestures, the microseñales the body and verbal language. For example, palms to the eye are associated with honesty but when the simulator opens the palms out and smiles as he tells a lie the microgestos give him away. The interviewer should be able to interpret non-verbal gestures that usually accompany the verbal responses of the interviewee, another factor to consider is the face, this is the most often used to cover up lies, we use smiles, nods, winks, trying to cover up, but unfortunately for us, our body signals tell the truth and there is no congruence between the gestures of the body and face.

be a gamble because it involves interviewed the person who the organization seeks to be essential as we are shown against a stranger who plays the role of interviewer. My first job interview was for a vacant executive at a leading bank, was unaware of the home and it was my second visit to this city, the first visit was to the stage psychological tests and techniques, however, was a little nervous, it would be my first job interview.

Upon entering the office, the psychologist was standing in the doorway, I make a polite greeting and inviting me to sit in a place already defined, then she showed up and began with a brief overview of the vacancy offered and Company, was a very pleasant introduction which achieve my attention, however, when it came time for questions, I felt obligated to respond honestly, my experience was nil, a few months he had completed university, other cities did not yet know, therefore, when asked if he was willing to work in Santiago and Rancagua, made my face answer before my words, at that time could only modulate a simple and downcast "yes", but inwardly questioned their validity, would be able to settle in a city rather bigger and far, in my mind was calculating how long it would go over 2,000 miles away, now I gather that my interviewer had to play both my verbal language as the expression on my face and my body language.

Another question that made my interviewer was: "Mention your strengths and weaknesses? Quickly I thought, as I say that my weakness is the lateness, it was something I had to change, so I preferred to answer my weakness is quite self-criticism, which is true, I acknowledge that I need to improve certain aspects of my behavior, therefore, that answer left me very happy personally .

I can mention that the interviewer was a pattern to follow after each question and answer, I preferred to wait every time she wrote in her notes, giving him time to finish writing what is sure I had responded, we were about an hour in the office, and finally came the question that always do in this kind of stage What would you add at the end of your interview?, I feel you get the perfect pass for you to say any ambiguity, you can come out on top, as defeated by not being able to convey your ideas glibly. The teaching out of this experience is that you must go prepared for the interview, apart from worrying about the dress, we know we analyzed internally and recognize our potential and weaknesses.
As I participate in other job interviews, detect differences between the interview conducted by a person with little experience, and another with more proficient in implementing it, usually the most inexperienced interviewers blindly follow the pattern questions, which are very rigid and not allow internalize beyond previously defined, this form of interview is known as a structured interview, however, those most experienced interviewers using a semi-structured interview where the interviewer conducts the interview and guide the conversation on priority issues, this is a meeting personal face to face with respondents, the interviewer leads the discussion with questions and performs reformulations your questions and interpretations of the responses, the interview schedule is a flexible instrument, with it, it makes the interviewee feel understood and at the same time, analyzed by the interviewer. CONCLUSIONS

The advantage to follow a pattern of questions during the course of the interview can not forget anything, so many interviewers follow the same structure in all the interviews, however, and when there has been a real communication between the parties and has complied with the assertion is easy get open emotions and in this way discover other aspects of the personality of the interviewee that may be crucial to propose his candidature.

features called emotional intelligence: the ability to motivate ourselves, to persevere in the effort despite the possible frustrations, to control impulses, to defer gratification, to regulate our own moods, to prevent anxiety interfere with our rational faculties and the ability to empathize with and trust others.

hidden messages are certain skills that we adopt to communicate with others, such as whether or not to be punctual and hidden messages that may contradict our intentions, we must remember that during the course of the interview, the interviewee's body speaks behavior higher and clearer than his words, messages that are hidden in the events can not pass unnoticed by the interviewer, for example, "look toward a distant point" indicates that I do not care what the interviewer says, I have more head important.

Being a good interviewer is a difficult task, experience, emotional intelligence, communication and body language are permanent partners in the development of a personal interview and selection of our candidate. BIBLIOGRAPHY

• Pease, Allan, "Body Language", Editorial Planeta, Eighteenth Edition, May 2002.
• Goleman, Daniel, "Emotional Intelligence", Editorial Kairos, October 1996.
• Ramón - Cortes, Ferran, article "The Hidden Messages," Healthy Mind Magazine, No. 15, page 35, 2006.

The undersigned warrant that this Article be published on the blog of Professor Horst Bussenius Cortada.


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