Sunday, August 15, 2010

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Arturo Prat University Master in Management and Human Resources Management Human Resources Module

Bussenius Professor Horst C.

By German A. Gudenschwager C. Introduction

Carls Rogers: A historical review

Carls Rogers was born in Illinois, in Oak Park neighborhood of Chicago, in a very close family. In 1914 she went to all the land into agriculture and animal husbandry. In 1919 he enrolled in the Faculty of Agriculture, who left to undertake studies in theology.

In 1922 he moved to China for a few months with a group of American students to participate in an international conference organized by the World Student Christian Federation. This room allowed to confront the West with Eastern culture and thus rethink many issues in his life. Nothing but returned to the United States abandoned theological studies and undertook other psycho character. After a year of study at the Institute for Child Guidance in New York, went to the Child Study Department in Rochester.

In 1924 he married Helen Elliot, then, will give two sons, David and Natalie. Fascinated and stimulated by the theories of Otto Rank and the European trend of Existentialism, Rogers published in 1939 his first book, The Clinical Treatment of the Problem Child. Thanks to that obtained a chair of clinical psychology at Ohio.

From 1942 in Counseling and Psychotherapy, cover the bases of its client-centered therapy and client-centered therapy, the cornerstone of humanistic psychology movement.

In 1944 he moved to Chicago, his hometown, where he established the first counseling center, which makes his therapy and conducts research. Fruit of them is her new book, Client-centered-Therapy, a fundamental text and manifest the thought of Rogers. In this book are more extended and developed the issues discussed in Counseling and Psychotherapy.

In 1957 the chair of Psychology and Pisquiatría of the University of Wisconsin. In the department of psychiatry experiences Rogers his "client-centered therapy" with psychotic patients obtained excellent results published in 1967 in his book The Therapeutic Relationship and Its Impact: A Study of Schizophrenia.

In 1964 he left teaching and moved to California, the Western Behavioral Science Institute in La Jolla. In 1969 he founded the Center for the Study of the Person and, later, the Institute of Peace for the study and resolution of conflicts.

died in 1987 of a heart attack at age 85. On January 28, 1987, shortly after his death, is nominated for the Nobel Prize for his contribution to peace.

importance in the educational enterprise

can say that Rogers Carls main contributions of the company are focused on educational systems, mainly focusing on development programs.

Rogers theoretical approaches relate to psychotherapy, then makes his ideas about personality and its development, and in his book Freedom to Learn Rogers presents his thoughts regarding the concept of education and teaching. His writings on education revolve around the person and the teacher, rather than on instructional methods or techniques.

followers of humanism conceive social people as basically rational, progressive and realistic. Describe people as basically cooperative, constructive and dignified trust and believe that if they are given the opportunity to meet their basic needs, self-discipline is gradually transformed, balancing their needs with the requirements of its external environment. Rogers

defined as experiential learning, and its experience of freedom and achievement growth process in which the potentials are updated. Clarifies that the ultimate goal of learning is self-realization. Ie to help the person to fully grow as a human being and reach the highest achievement and maintenance of their potential to reach their full development.
It could be said that learning from this view is the process that allows the person to achieve the best of what he is capable of becoming, thus producing profound changes, significant and permanent the individual.

Features of this type of learning.

• has a personal commitment to quality. The whole person, both in their feelings as cognitive aspects, is learning.
• It is initiated by oneself, that is, self-initiated. Even when the stimulation can come from outside, the sense of discovering, getting, to grasp and understand from the interior of the individual.
• It is permanent and change the behavior, attitude and even the personality of the learner.
• It is assessed by the learner.
• Its essence is meaning. When learning takes place, the element of meaning to the learner, it is in all.

theory postulates Carls Rogers.

1) Human beings have an innate potential for learning.
2) Meaningful learning occurs when learners perceive the importance of the material for his purposes.
3) The type of learning that involves a change in the organization of the self, perception of self, is threatening and there is a tendency to reject it.
4) When the external threat is minimal, assimilate learning faster and more easily perceived.
5) The learner progresses smoothly when the threat itself is minimal.
6) The most significant achievement of learning through experience is achieved
7) Learning is facilitated when the student participates responsibly in the process.
8) self-initiated learning which covers the whole person is the most enduring and profound.
9) Self-criticism and self-assessment are superior to others.
10) Learn the process of learning, incorporating itself to the processes of change and continually be open to experience, learning is more useful than exists today. Conclusions

• Watching this humanistic model, one can conclude that is directly related to training systems and enterprise development.
• Self-knowledge and self-observation are coming, says Rogers, through our early experiences, through which dominate the environment through the high regard others show us, with expressions of affection, admiration and acceptance, and through contingency, or the agreement between the experiences we have along life and how we see ourselves. (Quoted in Psychology. Diane E. Papalia and Sally Wendkos Olds. Page10)
• Another aspect of congruence is the agreement between what we want to be and the impression we have of ourselves themselves. The closer are these concepts, but we satisfied ourselves. • A consistent
person worked at the highest level. Open to experience, and not defensive, that person looks at people and things precisely, gets along well with others and maintains a high level of self-esteem.
• The objetivote a healthy person is the growth in self-actualization.
• A person with an incongruous vision of itself becomes tense and anxious, and may rely on the defense mechanisms or you can even get to recreate a psychotic fantasy to keep the concept itself. • A person incongruous
identified by separation between what we think and what they believe others think they should do or think.
• Carls Rogers's approach focuses mainly on getting the internal consistency through an educational method, not directly.
• There is a natural tendency towards a more complex and complete development. The term has been used more often to put it is "a tendency to update" and is present in all living organisms. If we are talking about a worm or a beautiful bird, a monkey or a person, we do well, I think, recognize that life is an active, not passive. Whether the stimulus comes from within or outside, whether the environment is favorable or not, you can accept that the behavior of an organism will go in the direction of maintenance, improvement and reproduction. The trend may be changed or updated twist, but can not be destroyed without destroying also the body. (Rogers 1980. Pg 118) Bibliography

• Psychology. Diane E. Papalia and Sally Wendkos Olds.
• Organizational Behavior. Stephen P. Robbins San Diego State University. 10th Edition.
• Educational Psychology: Connections to the classroom. Manterota Marta Pacheco. Universidad Católica Blas Cañas. Material support to teaching. •

German Gudenschwager Authorizes to Mr. Horst Bussenius publish the article on your website.


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