Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pain Behind Knee With Red Line

Guájar Fondón-La Guindalera-Molvizar, and the apotheosis of chance

Yes .... what was expected to be a familiar route without any complications except "subidilla" the hill of Guindalera has finally become a sort of Every Man for Himself both the upstream and down, for different reasons .....

Guájar Fondón, the beginning of the route.

of a group of about 26 walkers (... have you noticed how it was going to be fine!) And a dog, has proved to be the latter that has had more common sense along the route . And could have stopped ... group guide! Not for nothing is a labrador (black, as good as the bread and called Blight). Same with their survival instincts we rights would have taken half our destination!

started walking on a sidewalk perfect ...

I would say that our club is the best walker de Granada, at least for me and it is ... no shortage among our people the "veterans" who have spent decades touring the mountains and are known by heart to the name of every village and every ravine, the "modern" well known routes , take over (and is not to say) all kinds of next-generation devices such as GPS and walkie talkies .... and the "understood" that with a map update are able to find any route for loss that is ....

Well, despite all this deployment of personnel, the route today and it has had to grace while there was a way we have not had a problem, and the whole group close together and good conversation. As the path has been steep and narrow ... .... we have started to separate farther and farther away from each other ....

Very nice everything ... go not so fast!

When the village has begun to be impassable, almost closed by vegetation, our friend Luis has been removed from that bag infinite leads (hence could get anything ...!) a small pruning shears with has been cleared up a little bush path. But still, despite several stops of "reunification", the group has become a chorreíllo subgroups of 5 or 6 members or less, looking everyone the way to the way ...!!

hard at work trimmer.

Luckily for some stretches of chaotic rise, we saw each other through such unspeakable rage and orange shirts bearing phosphorite some fellow club members and protruding from the white almond blossom in a way almost obscene.

No more words ...

the end we all come to the whole Guindalera summit, and there we rested and fed, and just thinking that we had the fall ... which, incidentally, has exceeded expectations more daring than we could have had compared to a fall "fun "...!

course ... for a variety of colors camisetiles not be ...!

few years ago, the slope down which we had suffered a fire, and what was a pine with a clear path that crosses it is now ....... a treeless hill occupied entirely by gorse, scrub and skewers of all kinds, that have made our descent to a pure peeling Molvizar hands, arms, legs and even back.

And of course, with such chaos vegetable ... there was no sign on the sidewalk!

Falling promised ... and of course we were not disappointed.

So were our companions looked and looked again and GPS maps, each proposing a different way ... Even some of us said, "That you let the gps and maps, to orient you have to do is look to the horizon ...!" Finally, and after clearing a little off with our bodies, we found the lost path and come to town without further setbacks.

Indeed ... the first that has come to the village was blight!

Blight, our unsung hero, receiving congratulations from a couple of fellow canines.

Molvizar At the entrance, a rested village women sitting on wooden benches along the river .... dressed in black, with serene faces, and probably younger than they seem, we have looked slightly surprised and told us, knowing where we came from:
"Damn, if there is not nobody ....!"

If that city .... these people have some occurrences ...!

But best of all, you had a great time with these "adventures" of which the oldest are many .... and we are to everyone else ...!

photos that are watching are Pepe Montenegro and Carlos Luengo. You know what to do if you want to see the full reports.


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