Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Is The Tuition At Yale?

Things that make no sense to Roger

From this week onwards, and forever, I have become older than you.

The objective, empirical way I can think to compare the lives of two people is counting the days that fill. It's absurd, I know, but I can only think to do so.

remember that small to be a few days more symbolized power, experience and importance. To the extent that your close friend of ten days was put up just to say that was older than you. But no, you were the oldest of the three. For the truly major, did not play to that, he sat apart and boats while we read about three paveƔbamos :)

I was always the youngest, not three, but all down to the last day 21, I turned twenty-nine, five months and sixteen days. What are the days you counted before that, two months, two weeks and two days have you stopped.

do not know if you enter here will be wrong (do not know if he does not know and will know what I mean just reading). I would tell it like you counting days, as you plant things, break it down to understand it, but like I could not tell up with numbers and keep a minimal sense, I've tried enough times to know that words can not. You could not even explain it so that he understood.

But not bother me. Because friends are supportive and I am your friend, even now that you've allowed to be older than you.


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